It's great how honest in its lack of shame this show is. I don't care if it's shit, I'm really enjoying it so far.
How long until we can have slow threads where we talk about how cute the girls are instead of endlessly being angry and shitposting about the show? Surely enough most people should have dropped it already.
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni
Other urls found in this thread:
Not-Reimu is cute.
Threads will be fine in a couple of episodes.
It's actually pretty shit for a shameless isekai.
The MC still hasn't invented the wheel 100 times over yet.
is this the mayoiga of our time
I don't see reddit forcing themselves to overreact to everything that happens yet so no
Does Touya have the highest ratio of OP to niceness in all of anime?
A few things to consider:
0. Forgives an incompetent asshole that kills him.
1. When he figures out how to make a delicious cake, he remembers to make some and bring it to the Duke and friends.
2. He's humble and accepts all of his waifus
3. Always thinks of the appropriate gifts to get people he knows.
Such a wholesome protagonist.
Is he the second coming of jesus oniisama
>It's great how honest in its lack of shame this show is
sounds like the eromanga sensei of isekai
>I'm really enjoying it so far
Me too
Kinda reminds me more of Sakura Shinguji than Reimu.
That fucking duke about to hand over 40 mil to some random dude. I mean yeah he did work miracles on your family, but to squander tax paper money like that, no wonder he's hated by people. Also I'm a slowfag and just realized that this is Konosuba if Kazuma chose an actually useful item (even though the smartphone is written out of the story at this point and just makes an effort to show off MC's op buffs)
>Surely enough most people should have dropped it already.
Jokes on you OP, I never watched the show in the first place.
>this is Konosuba if
opinion discarded, literally don't compare this to konosuba. konosuba was parodying this kinda shit, don't use konosuba as a basis to compare isekai shows.
Yeah and if Kazuma was a boring, generic, mary sue faggot
People are too young to know who that is anymore
samurai is best waifu
you can't prove me wrong
This is the world Kazuma wished for
i mean, you're right but you still shouldn't say it
Haven't watched the anime yet, did they put in the beheading scene?
Fairy is best girl.
1. Coolest, most useful null attribute magic
2. Cute wings
3. Flat is justice
It's fun and cute, waiting for the anal scene
People are too young to know who Reimu is anymore.
They'd probably think of Kamikaze or Kongou first.
>learn null majikku
>grow 12 inch dick
>materialize gold and heroin
>get bitches and swag
comfy show
So this show is basically Konosuba but good? Without that slut Aqua?
I know who those 2 are, but not your pic
MC is literally Jesus
"street nigga null majikku" by JJerome 50cent
This is objectively the best magic ever.
This slut pleases old general later on
>God is his best friend
really fires those noggins
For free?
No. For the weight of gold that can be carried by a swallow.
European, African or isekai swallow?
I think he just might be
A true warrior.
So, why this is getting Sup Forums worked up again? watched ep1 and all i saw was a by the numbers isekai LN in anime form
Gary stu
>getting Sup Forums worked up again
This thread is pretty dead though
My apologies, i came from that one that had 400 posts
it gets even better when he gives mecha VR machines to every kingdom's order of knights
Does he actually fuck his harem in the WN?
what do you think?
In the future as per mad professor future sight magic
Does he seem like the type of person who will be having sex anytime soon?
Jesus didn't have a harem
But he sure was followed around by a whole bunch of dudes
Not yet but probably soon, he's preparing for the wedding.
Tell me about the girl with the umbrella. She is by far the cutest. Is she a chuuni? She uses magic right? What kind?
she's a fairy he meets when searching for good null magic, that bear besides became a automaton after 200 years worth of null magic.
Why do you fags call her Reimu when she clearly looks like Sakura Shinguuji? It's like they copied her and changed the face a bit.
Oldfag detected
>Sakura Shinguuji
Implying anyone here watched Sakura Taisen
You do know it's mostly kids born after 2000 these days on 4 chan right?
say it ain't so user
I watched this back when I was in elementary school. I just thought people would at least knew of her since Sakura Taisen isn't even that obscure. It isn't right?
You're lying right? I really don't want to believe you, even though I'm sure you're right.
I'm only watching to bully Steiner
who is that
some e celeb yt fag?
OP sounds like it's stuck in the 90s.
>That sound effect for the ice magic
HAHA was that some stock laser gun sound?
>Cute grills
I prefer fighting harems for that. Mahoka S2 when?
if the movie does well, soon
I did. Dropped it. Pretty boring. I heard the /vr/ sucked too. The doujins were okay I guess.
>eromanga sensei of isekai
That would be the Tenchi Muyo Isekai years ago.
>tax payer money
How do you know it's tax money? Maybe he's a successful businessman in his own right and not just mooching off his serfs.
How did this guy predict MC would be using pocket sand and the Doom music?
I was sick of the shitposting from episode 1. How stupid does someone have to be to go into an anime that's called "With my Smartphone in Another World" and expect that it will be anything more than isekai junkfood? These people probably order the $7 burgers from McDonalds because they think those are as good as a burger you could get from a real burger restaurant.
Because this is the most genre defining anime of this season
cause he read the WN dumb nigga
This isn't you fucking safe space retard, people are free to call something shit when they see it.
MC is Jesus. Is this show the anime retelling of the bible?I've never read it so I wouldn't have a clue if it was
Kazuma Kazuma > Subaru >> Toyota
I feel so fucking bad for the author, like, I look at this, and you just realize he just has no idea how fucking narrow minded he is, his entire life is just fucking tunnel vision, he lives going from one idea to the next the way an infant processes events.
Like the millisecond she said arrow, like, I'm reading the subtitles and just read the first ar- on the subtitles and I already know, like "oh, that's what they're going to do", you read the word blind and you're not even half way reading the word when it hit's you what they're going to do and it hits you like a ton of bricks and it's like "oh fuck no, no way, not even this idiot would go THAT far", and then he fucking does it.
Like what else do you even intend to do at this point, why not just have him waltz in and butt fuck the demon king by episode 3, like this is supposed to be 12 episodes? I just don't get, how can the author live with himself, or rather how can the people around him allow him to continue to perpetuate in all this self harm?
I just feel so bad for him.
this show is great. You don't have to think at all while watching it and the MC is such a nice, composed guy it's actually refreshing. Other isekai show is better but this is still more than watchable. It's definitely not the worst this season.
I actually kind of liked the first episode, I mean by the time he meets the twins you can kind of see where it's going, but it's not awful, you can keep watching, I like Isekai so even just watching a generic one is a nice slow watch that you don't have to think about, but it just fucking nosedives so fucking hard in episode two, like
Impressive. Usually no matter how shitty those wish-fulfillment series are, I'm able to get some guilty pleasure from them.
SAO was pretty meh, but at least it tried and the premise was fun. It suffered a lot from a clusterfuck adaptation and I believe Progressive reboot is genuinely okay.
Mahouka was a great unintended comedy and even without that it had magical politics, a lot of side characters and Onii-sama, who despite being a robot, can be surprisingly amusing.
Bahamut had criminally cute girls.
World Break managed to be a fun ride despite having one of the worst cases of QUALITY in this decade.
Heavy ecchi series at the very least have fapservice.
Even crap like Kenja no Mago has a redeeming quality of an actual romance that gets somewhere.
But this series somehow managed to provide not even a tiniest bit of entertainment. It feels, I don't know, artificial? Soulless? As if it adapted a rough draft of the plot, not an actual story. No worldbuilding at all. Characters have zero personality. Interactions feel hollow. Any problem gets an immediate solution and new abilities are immediately useful. Everything is completely predictable. On top of that it has neither comedy nor lewds. In my wildest dreams I never imagined I'd find a worthy opponent for Death March, but there it is lads, the king of shit has been challenged.
watch episode 2 you dingus, it's like a compleltey different show, or if it was there in episode one they fucking turned it up to 11 in this one
Soo, average modern isekai after all
At least this is comfy in a way
It's pretty cute how much of a self-insert this MC is. I guess that author just wanted to write about himself being all-powerful in a setting full of cute girls without caring about anything else, and it somehow sold well enough to get an anime adaptation.
Dude's living the dream.
Reimu is much cuter then that slut
No, You know what show had an honest lack of shame? And was able to make a good show out of it because it knew it's place? Seisen Cerberus.
If you forgot about it, it's because no one had a reason to watch it, it was generic at shit but if you watch every show anyway there was no reason not to. Honest with it's lack of shame? This show doesn't have a clue of how of track it is, and we're in episode 2 and the track is fucking gone and we just launched off a cliff and we're still trying to find the track and we still have 10 episodes to go even though we're already falling to our deaths.
>add a super cute loli to your cast
>fuse her with a monster and make her grow up in the end
I'm still mad.
Wasnt that by a chink studio or something?
more like a nightmare, you know if the condition for getting an anime was that the team was just brutally honest with how shit you're story is maybe we'd get some quality control, like, yeah you can get your adaption, but only to let you know how absolute garbage your story his, like just bullying the author the whole way through as he tries to tell you his thought process and just bellitling him every step of the way, you fucking waste of space how'd you even think this is a good idea, oh you want cute twins and a jesus mc well here you go just look how perfect they are la di la di da like you wish you fucking life was if you weren't such a god damn fuck up you human cockroach.
are u ok user?
Tell me about this girl's hat. Why is it so poofy?
Nobody cared who she was until she put on the hat.
The Doom music was in the Web Novel?
She's a small girl
the smartphone becomes more useful once the anime starts adapting vol 2 and the author remembers the smartphone is the actual cheat item
Yeah, the twins sound cuter in WN too
This show almost gives me a dog days vibe and I love dog days.
Sup Forums tell me how you can watch this? It's not even "bad" enough to laugh it off as a joke. It's just plain and bland.
What did he see, Sup Forums?
At least Dog Days had great art/animation. And the characters are memorable. I can't even remember the twins nor the mc's name other than it starts with a T.