Post and discuss comfy anime films, series and music. I'll start with the comfiest Ghibli film. There's something about 90s realistic anime aesthetic that's super comfy and relaxing.
ITT: Late Night Comfy Anime
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And here's 1 of the 2 comfiest EDs in all anime
Nigga that shit's sad as fuck
I feel like this is really one of the underrated Ghibli movies. This one hit really close to home too.
>late night comfy
not today satan, i'm not getting depressed.
How's I Can Hear the Sea sad?
Due to its length, it's my most watch Ghibli film. It has that quality of being super scenic, that you can turn it on while doing other things or if you just want to sit back and relax, kind of like the first half of Wall-E
Escaflowne has the comfiest soundtrack of all time... of all time
Forgot to post the link
>that's super comfy and relaxing
I hate that film, one of the worst, with one of the worst girls of all time.
what? Too real for you?
>Too real
It honestly was just boring as shit, it seemed like the plot was super half assed, and the directing was subpar.
Really goes to show how awful Ghibli's B-team was. The OST was nice though.
Only Yesterday is the superior coming of age Ghibli story, by a longshot.
>How's I Can Hear the Sea sad?
Missed oportunities just break my heart.
But they didn't have missed opportunities.
I like Only Yesterday a lot
Takahata is miles better than Miyazaki
Though Miyazaki is suited more to manga imo
I schleep to K-On
poroporo still isn't even that good, though
How has Amanchu! Not been posted yet. That Maaya Sakamoto OP
>what the fuck is wrong with their legs
>open image
Someone want to recommend me a good entry point for 80s/90s comfy SOL/romance shows? I've only seen karekano and yatsura
This was way comfier than I was expecting.
It's literally Takahata's magnum opus.
more like why are their butts so fucking pointy
Nothing is as comfy as this one.
>100+ episodes
why the fuck not
It's worth it, honestly.
tfw a girl comes between you and your bro
Nah, link related is the comfiest ED of all time. Shame the anime was anything but comfy though. I used to fall asleep to this ED all the time in college.
Ocean waves... on my Sup Forums?
Sup Forums confirmed for bros
Just watched Bakemono no Ko. Not really my preferred genres, but was comfy enough.
that movie was retarded
>oy I met som girl
>she was stupid and did stupid things
>20 years later I realized I was crazy about her
In a sense, yes? I don't really get the point. I see similar storeis in the tv melodramas my country produces. So another "subtle romance story", which I can just watch in better form through films, tv or have just experienced isn't anything impressive. I watch anime for stuff only it can do really well. So there's nothing bad about it, it's just that there are loads of more creative and unique ghibli works and anime in general.
>super comfy
If only the bubble didn't burst.
I know, right? Shit sucks. We could have had the golden age of Japanese culture, instead we got moe shit