
Why are we so fat?

Not as fat as Mexico

Because you choose it.
>stop eating crap

Well McDonald's new dollar menu did not help me. Every day I have 2 cheeseburgers and 2 McChickens for lunch, for $4 + tax.

Added sugars in everything
Le fat is evil meme
Irresponsible culture where everything is someone else's fault instead of your own
Different relatively cheap fastfood restaurant every 10 feet

Because fatty thinks it's okay to eat and accumulate fat in their bodies. Literal beanbags


I swallow 4 mcchickens daily for lunch and its only like $4.59

Plus you can ask for free extra sauce (buffalo, hot, etc)

If we significantly cut down flour from our diet, American obesity statistics would absolutely plummet.

Fuck off, shareblue kike.

Freedom of choice and monetary success leads to gluttony. You absolutely cannot stop it. Learn about human nature and history. It's inevitable.

THIS. I ask for severl containers of hot sauce and I put a fuckload of ketchup on the McChickens.. I am probably eating 1600 calories just for lunch.

The correct answer

How often do you shits actually eat fast food or frozen pre-made meals?

If I were president I would seriously try to get Americas obesity under control, it's gotten out of hand. I'd say over half of the population is obese at this point.

>Thread is about Americans being fat
>posts picture of a Brit sitting in a balloon.

High carb diet.

t. fattie

Fatter than you Mohammed.

Its all Alabama's fault!

I eat 4 McD burgers (2 are McChicks) every day at lunch with a ton of ketchup on them. So I guess you could say I eat fast food pretty often.

Check out your California fags. Thinking they are hot shit in their beaches and sports convertibles!

Sometimes I worry about getting fat like everyone else, but then I see how other Americans eat: 2-liter bottles of soda, counter filled with a whole cakes and pans of muffins. Cupboard full of potato chips, sugary cereal, chocolate. How do people even have time to eat that much food before it goes stale? Forget this stuff about "hidden sugars", most people don't even try to eat right.


Ill have you know I'm 155 lbs, 6'4"of lean muscle. I never understood this amerifat meme, the only fatass I knew was my freshman year roommate.

No, you fat sack of shit.
You posted "info" but it didn't refute anything.
12 fattest country.
Did you post the percentage of white people who are fucking fat? No. You posted them being slightly below average FOR AMERICA.
Fucking fat sack of shit. Have a stroke.

Go back to your waifu pillows

That's a question I ask myself. I live alone and buy my groceries for the week and end up not eating a fair bit of it. I would have to be constantly eating to go through it all as one person.

That's dan. He is from the UK

Because our diet includes, both overtly and covertly, sugar in each and every food that isn't home made. And since most americans are employed and don't have time to cook, have been taught to be too lazy to cook, don't have stay at home wives who cook for their loving husbands, and have been taught that cooking is somehow a bad thing "evil patriarchy etc", we contract out our cooking to foreigners who hate us and don't care about our health and (((corporations))) who have a vested interest in keeping americans fat and stupid (aka not questioning (((corporate))) policies or their hand in american politics).

Basically, the removal of sugar, processed foods, and 90% of carbohydrates from our collective diets. Also, a vested interest in removing battery farms, all genetically modified foodstuffs, and returning to models of pasture farming to keep our meat from making us sicker.

Thank (((Sylvester Graham))), (((John Harvey Kellogg))), and (((Charles C. Post))) for the current state of american nutrition.

But (((they ))) don't want you to hear this, so if I don't get shadowbanned, I'll be shouted down by bots and shills.

>I'm literally too stupid to read the fucking thread title, and I'm enraged at you because my dick is so fucking tiny that women laugh at me and call my mommy to come take me home.
Your'e right. I fucking destroyed you, you little bitch.