Trumpists are ODing

It turns out that heroin use is heaviest in Trump-supporting areas, like West Virginia.

Because of the Trump administration's level of corporate corruption, they refuse to do anything in response to the opioid crisis. Their biggest donors are the drug companies, and the overprescription of painkillers is what is directly driving the crisis.

Kellyanne Conway, who heads the team working on the opioid crisis, will only respond with a "just say no" campaign, as well as building the border wall, blaming the crisis on immigrants despite it being completely unrelated to Mexican drug trafficking of substances like cocaine.

The opioid crisis is extremely depressing, but if the failure to respond is the fault of the Trump administration, who most addicts support, should we just let them kill themselves with this drug? How can we get more Trump supporters hooked on heroin, to decimate their numbers?

shut up and get me a burger


sure thing buddy
sage is a good thing

>they refuse to do anything in response to the opioid crisis.
Seems like a self solving problem.

I have a master's from a top university. Get it yourself

No, statistical fact. Learn what a strawman is.


You can only get addicted to heroin if you use it to begin with. Also, you aren't doing much to preserve your voting base if trannies castrate themselves.
>I have a master's from a top university. Get it yourself
A humanities toliet paper doesn't count.

You just went full faggot, never go full faggot.

Why do you care?

So, what you're saying is "just say no" to the drugs doctors prescribe, which lead to addiction in the first place?

There aren't very many trannies in the world, despite how obsessed with them you are.

>I have a master's from a top university.
lying faggot

It's depressing to see these people destroy themselves.

No lie.

Keep fucking ridiculing and putting down the Trump supporters, the very reason they support Trump with such passion is because their lives are hopeless. That's because they've been attacked by arrogant leftists who are obviously trying to kill them. Just keep it up because these people won't all kill themselves, they are armed and there are many that will kill someone other than themselves.

>I have a master's from a top university.
Let a kike cum up your ass is not the same thing as getting a degree. Someone should have told you this.

So says the crackhead nigger.
Fake and gay.

It might just work its way into your home someday, which is probably a better start than any I could've come up with. No offense, it's just a good way for you to understand the gravity of the situation.

Work in an ER in NYC, spics are OD'ing left and right here but no one cares so you don't hear about it.

Yes. Just say no, I say no all the time. If I'm jacked up on drugs then I can't work

Nope...this has been going on for years you dumb fuck...your mother is more to blame you stupid cunt.

Why is this a crisis? It's natural selection at work; opioid use is completely voluntary. But maybe you WANT society to be filled with more degenerate drug addicts - your low IQ LARP flag suggests as much

this is such bullshit
there has been a strong response to the overuse of painkillers but the users have now turned to illicit drugs like fentanyl and heroin because they've become easier to get than the prescriptions

Man shut the fuck up, seriously. I have to take opiates daily because of a back injury and a prescription for opiates are the hardest fucking thing to get a hold. Took me a year to find a doctor that could finally prescribe some to me and even then it took me another year and a half to find a pharmacy that actually carried the amount I was prescribed or would even GIVE them to me and not flat out lie and say they were out. Seriously, who gives a fuck about some dumbass that can't handle or properly dose themselves on their own fucking drugs. Don't make things harder on the people that actually need them to function because some nigger or coalburner accidentally took a bit too much in the bathroom stall of a gas station, if anything it just means less strain on the public.

> all this inarticulate, undirected asspain

have fun whining, junkie faggots.

>wahhh my back hurts give me drugs
pop a tylenol you whining faggot

>the overprescription of painkillers is what is directly driving the crisis.

a decade ago sure but they don't prescribe them like they used to. the problem now is massive amounts of cheap heroin and fentanyl is way more common than it used to be.
pills are starting to disappear off the streets

so basically the spics are the issue

It was hard-pushed by doctors in the 90s. An ACTUAL conspiracy, unlike trans care, and most of you completely overlook it.

Opioids were pushed on everyone with pain and they flowed like water. They shut down over the last 10 years something like nine different practices in my county alone just from them continuing to honor prescriptions they'd made years ago to people with no alternatives for care now that they're hooked.
This was pure depopulation, and Just Say No is fucking treasonous.

The only way heroine even enters the country is through permission. The White heroine phenomena is comparable to the black crack phenomena of the early/mid 90's. Likely the CIA is injecting specific demographics with degenerative habit forming substances.

You will never see these trends occur with psychedelics, only those non-cognitive drugs with high addiction rates

>You will never see these trends occur with psychedelics,

What is the 1960's counter-culture, flower power, CIA/MK Ultra sponsored hippie movement?

>No sources

Soon commie faggot...

>should we just let them kill themselves with this drug?

>How can we get more Trump supporters hooked on heroin, to decimate their numbers?
You don't, because drug abuse is not caused by political affiliation. But go ahead and try it, because if you have even an ounce of success with it, this plot will be brought to the light and the threats to string you up will cease to be mere shitposting.