/twg/ Traditional Women General

This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
>Morale-boosting pics of traditional women and families
>pro - right wing female memes
>anti-shill memes
>figures and stats that debunk shill / MGTOW lies and blackpills
>SIG-related content on how to better yourself to earn the favor of a traditional woman
>redpills about how women are harmed by leftism and open borders


Other urls found in this thread:


Go to this one first



I mean this one

what are the realistic odds of a successful long term relationship? exactly, shit odds. just keep trying! lol

You have to fight for a successful marriage, it isn't just handed to you.


>leftists have finally invaded Sup Forums
>MGTOW lies

it's over guys. time to abandon ship.

also your pic isn't attractive. give it 2-3 years and she'll hit the wall so hard. do you want a product that only lasts 2-3 years or 15 years?

I have met a traditional girl in 10 yrs no joke. I was just at a catholic missionary meeting and the women there were giant feminist bitches.
Traditional women do not exist anymore. The girl in the pic is prob a giant whore.

what about these sluts is "traditional" to you?

They're white. And make white babies.

idealizing and putting cunts on a pedistal is dangerous and I feel like Sup Forums is doing that with their coveted "trad" women. In reality they're the same as any other woman, they won't magically change because they say they have traditiona values, in fact any woman who does call her self trad should set off alarms because they're most likely hiding something and comepnsating for something.

I love you guys, and I fear that those among us with low social skills here on Sup Forums are gonna get played by these thots.



>You have to fight for a successful marriage, it isn't just handed to you.

I'm fine with white men just knocking white women up at this point. Marriage is fucked beyond repair.

>I'm fine with white men just knocking white women up at this point. Marriage is fucked beyond repair.

looks russian. Bots are doing this.

She's norwegian.

Again, what do you people mean by traditional?
What tradition?
Define and and prove that is objectively superior to the traditions that came before and after

women of virtue who value monogamy and take raising offspring and managing a family seriously.

Why is that “traditional”
There are many traditions where those priorities do not take precedence over others.

Define how the values you espouse are “traditional” and superior

None of this shit means fucking anything.
Pretty girls doing cute faces in cute pictures = traditional?
How fucking dumb and inexperienced are you guys?

Stop wasting your time with this dumb fucking shit.

Every girl is traditional, it's biologic. Give her a kid and see what happens.


No pretty girl can be traditionalist in normal societal conditions. (Homeschooled, anabaptist/amish, rural communities might have some outliers.)

Good on you mate. You've got the right idea.
Healthy, and a good laugh. If you've got that shit down you're pretty much fine with women.
If you notice, a lot of these feminists are basically humourless bitches. People with no humour are fucking subhumans.

Let the feminists price themselves out the market.

Fucking hell sweden, why is it you guys seem like a nation of 12 year old little girls?
Marriage is fucking destroyed mate, it was always a joke. There is no fairy tale castle happy ending to this shit.
Even in the event of complete victory for the White race, women will still be causing trouble and being fuck heads.
That's just the way the game is played.

If you want romance in your life, take up swordsmanship or something.

>Healthy Living // Nourishing our Spiritual Lives & Relationship with God


>Stay at home Daughters West Coast- Who We Are Intro


You are retarded if you think marriages aren't beneficial.

Obvious shill is obvious.

Almost 100% if you are not a screw up


Women are natural chads. I've been saying this for a while now. They are apolitical, tradition means nothing to them. Their natural instincts are more aristocratic and right wing than any ideology a man could convert to. They are caste climbing opportunists who do whatever is convenient at the time. Why are so many pretty girls poised to jump on to the alt right band wagon? because they sense the change in the wind. They know that the future ruling class are going to come from our faction so they are very quickly making themselves available to us, and as per usual, men being the embarassingly naive goofs they are, will fall for it.
There's basically no fucking resistance to this I've realised. We all fall for it. The female face switches our fucking brain off.

Traditional maybe in terms of being radically traditional, but they are like that now too...

They are beneficial in the same way you need to do a shit to get poop out of your body, but just because that's beneficial doesn't mean that it isn't still just a pile of shit.

t. retard

>Traditional Women General
>posts whore


Women adopt the things that are attractive to them. They recognize trends in groups and adapt, that's why they are the best tools to use politically; once the girls are on your side the rest will fall in line.

*An asian pornstar = would not be considered a whore.* Logic 10/10

Regardless they would be considered asian and not the topic of this thread, A pornstar is obviously not traditionalist.

You haven't been paying attention.

Dunno if they are the best, but they can be good, but, when you bring women into the fold and even "strategically" put them to the top of the line, you are imposing a new aristocracy upon yourselves.
For male group cohesion, women bring in a metagame that can break up strong formations.

Traditional women deserve gifts from Santa.

