Look how well these worm infested, North Korean slaves dance, goyim!

Doesn't it just make you hate your freedom!


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Impressive to me.

Isn't this the most beautiful and well nourished comrade you've ever seen. Isn't communism wonderful!

North Korea good
Donald Trump bad


why would they bring 200 lb fatasses as cheerleaders?

Why the emphasis on them stealing things?

Korea isn't in Africa.


Lester Fivehead loves him that Kim

If you put her in a burka the Democrats will run her against Trump in 2020


She's royalty, goyim.

Bow down

She looks like an irradiated dog.

This shit is kind of creepy. Especially the one comparing Ivanka Trump to a communist in a lighthearted manner.

Oy Vey, isn't she just a darling

>Cheerleaders steal show by doing things cheerleaders do

Its literally the job of a cheer squad to be synchronized and in uniform.

And if they don't nail it, their families will be tortured and executed

Yay! She's a rockstar!

>in a lighthearted manner
this, they're not emphasizing the connection enough

Queen yaaaassss

She stole the spotlight from Jong Un, now she has to die.


yaaaaas kween

Fucking kek

Remember these commies hate you and want you to die.


@NBCOlympics deleted this earlier

the MSM are literal traitors


North Korea is an open enemy of Israel you American dog.

She's not that cute though?
Looks like her face is being pulled tightly around her skull

>It so satisfying to watch goyim slaves perform under penalty of death

That's just from her trichinosis fighting with her stomach worms


Which way, human man?
Evil traditionalism
Or beautiful slut-worship?

They don't call it "Best Korea" for nothing. Fuck anybody who thinks we should be anti-NK. The Jews don't need another notch in their imperial belt.

They can't make any mistakes or they entire family will be shot.

This. Stop letting warmongering Jew-financed senators rile you up.

Why is Kim's sister being thrust into the limelight now? Obviously the Olympics, but MSM can't stop reporting on this shit. Alternately, if there is no nefarious overarching plan going on here, could she be the key to opening up North Korea to the world?

not everyone is a bloated obese american

>North Koreans are really putting effort into improving their diplomacy with South. South Korean leader was invited into meeting in Pyongyang
>REEEEE, remember muh Warmbier, they're literal slaves, commies!
Fucking sick attitude.

What's she thinking here?

>I would have you all killed

>they hate israel that means they're good by default
fuck off

Which, in North Korean eyes, still means dictatorship under the Kims. Just unified, so everyone suffers

They're doing that because Trump fucked them hard with sanctions and calling their bullshit.

You enormous faggot

Do you really think the US doesn't want a diplomatic solution? How fucking stupid are you? We are mocking the media glorification of an American enemy.


she has already created a coat entirely from the black spots of dalmations, and is now considering how mike pence's hair would look on her coat.


South Korea has nothing to gain from a war with the North. They would literally be the first casualty and for what? Because the zionists want to antagonize and provoke North Korea, if both koreas come to peaceful terms then there is no reason to keep ((America's)) military in Asia and they can no longer contain China and by extension Russia. ((America)) doesnt care about South Korea they are simply a pawn in the larger Geopolitical war against rising powers (China and Russia) and South Korea is starting to realize this.

I hope Trump makes an appearance at the Olympics and promptly grabs Kim’s little sister by the pussy and then brags about it on Twitter

>could she be the key to opening up North Korea to the world?

That's the idea which is why the media likes her. Because she went to the Olympics (and not Un) then they're thinking she must be more open minded and friendly towards the west.

What I'm really thinking about is if she's comparing NK to SK while she's in Pyeongchang, and if she has taken any trips to Seoul.

why does she always have that villianous look? like shes planning to blow up something

The love for Kim Yo Jong here means pence completely fucked up his diplomatic duty

Silence, faggot. Don't talk about our queen like that.



>go to article.
>watch video
>girls have the most forced smiles every when looking at the camera
>turn stonefaced when coaches usher them away

Man that's really sad and our faggot media is celebrating this shit.

Right, I forgot apparently true beauty is a 30 year old that looks 50, who looks like she's wearing her face like a mask that's two sizes too small.

I believe Korea deserves to be unified. Like Vietnam and Germany were. Korea was never historically partitioned in 2, so why keep it as such? A partitioned Korea of "North" and "South", is an artificial state.

SK cheerleaders
>having fun
>getting paid

NK cheerleaders
>forced to do it
>will probably all go to a labor camp when athlete doesn't win gold.

Kill yourself

She's thinking about running across the table and cutting someones' fucking head off.


God what I would give to have a gigantic fuckfest with these two cheerleading squads. I would love to watch them fight over my 9” Freedom as Fuck cock. I would pop so much viagra and fuck these two squads til I died of dehydration.

>Can't recall the Three Kingdoms.


They're all wearing Elliot Rodgers masks? For God's sake, why?

martin shkreli And micheal Jackson’s Love child

They smell like kimchee


I think they just hate you, for invading them.

It seems really hard to believe considering how average American talks about them. We had same kind of news about their delegation and Kim's sister too. It didn't trigger me in the slightest because for some reason I can live without thinking North gooks are my enemy.

I guess people just aren't used to news about North Korea that aren't all negative.

North Korean babes are wholesome while the southern shits are whores. Really makes you think.

This, if Pence did his job everyone would hate North Korea even more.

>breaking news North Korean cheerleaders steal spotlight for doing what cheerleaders are supposed to do.

martin shkreli ?

>worm infested
what the fuck

keked and checked

Are there Koreans and other people who want Korea split into 3? probably not.

you know if people realised the earth was flat we'd finally be able to beat the masons and the jews...

recently a nork soldier escaped and he had gut parasites or something

Ever noticed how sociopaths look like sociopaths

yes they want it split into north, south and little chinatown

North Korea always has entertainment that is on point though, because people do it from the time they are children and they aren't allowed to fail. It's a brutal system that makes for fantastic entertainment.

christ, that's fucking nasty

>media praising north korea at every turn of the olympics
See guys North Korea is actually a very peaceful and nice country, fucking blumpf has no reason to bully them

We've reached a new low when this is the shit CNN is pushing to make our nation look bad

>You can't unsee it.

How is it bad? If she's "stealing the show" then she's stealing the show. It's not a political opinion. It's just that everyone is focusing on her because she's a Nork outside of her country.

no its only because she has a vagina albeit a freezing cold one

shkreli is not a sociopath, you dumb fucking normie.

he offered to give away his medicine for free to anyone who needed it. he jacked up prices to rip off insurance companies, not regular people. it's a very common practice to recoup r&d costs.

some dumb reporter happened to notice shkreli's company do this. asked for an interview. shkreli gave one and explained how big pharma works

this, combined with his tweets about hillary clinton, put him on some very important peoples' shitlist

For a forum that loves to use the phrase "3D chess", you really have no fucking idea what's going on.

For the past year our media and government have been hypercritical of North Korea. This is good. But right now, North Korea is actually considering peace talks with the South. What do you do when your enemy is considering doing what you want the most? Do you choose that moment to continue being hypercritical? Or do you Pavlov the fuck out of him, and show him how great things would be if they did what they're supposed to?

The media is reporting like this because they want NK to enter peace talks with SK. They are showing NK what American (e.g. worldwide) reporting could look like if they stopped being autistic nork sperglords.

This is a GOOD THING. Let go of your ego for once and realize what's really at play here. We did similar things during before entering WWII because we were allied with the Soviets. Was t because our media was Soviet in the 1940s? No you dumb nigger, it's because 4D chess isn't as simple as it seems.

White trash


I don't know, she looks pretty nice on video.

Those qt’s have the look of trafficked sex slaves that get beatings on a daily basis. Oh how I wish I could swoop in and rescue them and bring them to my ranch in Montana and let them experience freedom... and muh dik


Objectively more peaceful than your country.

lol, call me when you have 1 million synchronized drummers

based on what you've seen of the olympics so far, try to guess which country politicians are going to be trying to import refugees from next, Sup Forums.

they use human feces to fertilize crops
disgusting hippies once told me you couldn't do that right away, but instead had to wait a few years, else, parasites and diseases could ensue
yeah, those hippies kept their dungs in outside boxes for a few years (three, if memory serves me right- and they had one box for each year)
they also crapped in diy dry toilets, basically normal toilets, but not connected to water, instead with a bottom drawer to collect the dung, and sawdust to pour over their business (ie a glorified cat litter)
disgusting people, truly
but norks are even worse, seeing as they don't even wait before self fertilizing their crops
result: huge ass worms found in the bowels of those escaping to the south...

How long until her brother has her killed?