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(its just a different camera with a wider lense, he didn't actually lose weight)

For what? My taxes paid for that weight loss surgery. He should be thanking me.

Now he looks like Michael Moore.


Sorry for the extra flappy tits boogie.

He's still a fat fuck, but good for him.

What the hell are those pants?

He's going to look even worse with all that loose skin

Achieving a result isn't the hard part; it's maintaining it afterwards and he still need to lose more weight before he gets to that stage. I wish him luck though.

virgin / still virgin I'm sorry you suck

motherfucker deflated. Skinny bone Jones is gonna be smashing Asian pussy pretty soon.

His fat white ex-wife cucked him with a gay-bi black dude. He's definitely going gookess.

And then you‘ll have to pay for his loose skin removal surgery as well.

He still has tits

>What the hell are those pants?
Pretty sure they are skinny jeans

>get surgery to lose weight
>still a fat fuck

You see before and after pictures of girls and come away with the impression most of them can be attractive if they eat right and take care of themselves. But while the outside appearance is nice, it's the mountain of skin underneath that will instantly kill attraction.

from jolly fat man to creepy pedo

is his wife really taking his house? after he thought it was settled and gave her more than she wanted


Good work

He'd still be a bariatric transport

Stand and clap for this guy doing something he's supposed to do.

Maybe give him a trophy when he brushes his teeth before bed.

I bet he's gonna go on an eating rampage to celebrate and get the weight back

He might just live to see 40 after all. Way to go, you fucking piece of shit. Not gonna lie, I was rooting for death to take you. But it looks like you're gonna make it.

he looks like a deflated blimp


wow 500lbs to 300lbs meanwhile I'm at 160lbs

It makes me so angry that his wife left him as soon as he begun making progress with his weight. It infuriates me. That's literally when a man needs a woman the most, when a man is the most emotionally sensitive. It really goes to show that you should never rely on a woman for close emotional support, but instead can only rely on close male friends.

It reminds me of these two posts on the cunt-ish female version of Reddit:



In the first post, a woman laments that the love of her life might have suffered a stroke. "I guess I just needed to vent that. I'm at work and barely holding it together. My heart is broken and we still don't know what's wrong with him. I can't do anything but distract myself and try not to cry."

In the second post, she learns that he has a serious xanax drug addiction. Her response?

We finally went to the doctor. He admitted to the doctor it was drugs, Xanax and alcohol specifically. The doctor didn’t think further testing was necessary and gave him a referral for rehab. He begged me to stay and promised to go to rehab if there was hope for us. I said no and he said he wouldn’t bother going then. We broke up and I moved out. I’m picking up the cats tomorrow.

Women are OBJECTS. Their purpose is to make babies and provide physical warmth. One of the greatest catastrophes of modern media is that it teaches men to look toward woman for emotional help. DO NOT DO THIS, EVER. Any and all kinds of emotional discussions should be had between close friends, leave women for cuddling and fucking.

Well done, I respect anyone who faces up to their mistakes and works to improve themselves.

also this :D



best boogie hater out there

I'd fuck either

this is considered fit in USA

He has an operation? It's all going to be back in a year.

He's 43 years old

>Born Steven Jay Williams
> July 24, 1974 (age 43)

He lost all of his weight through surgery. Why is this fat gluttonous sack of shit posing for before and after shots when he didn't even put in a single days work for his results? What a disgusting fat fuck.

I bet the extra skin is uncomfortable, but I suppose he should have enough money for surgery.

This is the slimmest he's been since he was in his 20's

Good stuff fatarse.
Shouldn't have taken you massive fame/attention and money to cause you to get your health back within sane levels though.
Glad you'll have that wealth for fold and stretch mark removal once you (hopefully) continue down to normal weight, however.


this guy puts this picutre perfectly.

Well done op


i see a fatass to fucking lazy to exercise

no wonder that ugly cunt left him she probably feared she might have to have sex with this monster eventually

Holy shit im crying

Honestly? I think he looked better fat. Because you know the tits were more...up there on his chest then.

>niggers always want some credit for some shit they supposed to do

>another boogie downs production

El gordo americano...


No. Fuck you.

He cheated


he paid for it with donations

Good job boogie

My guess is he smells something like a cross between boiling cat piss and burning cheetos

from taxpayers

>neck beard


Look at how these walruses are acting when they loose weight, they become monsters. Food is their drug and they become literal evil shreks.
I'd probably divorce them, they become insane when they can't eat mcdonalds 2477

oy vey that rabbi hasnt killed himself yet?


that's a really ugly rug

He honestly looked better before the weight loss. He's saggier than a 120 year old woman now.

He should put the weight back on. I would if I was in that unfortunate situation.

No, thats just what he says to cover up the truth. He buys vidya and viagra from his patreon


He went from Jabba the Hut to Pizza the fucking Hut, big goddamn deal

I lost weight eaing 1500 - 2000 cal a day and I didn't need surgery to do it, either

Boogie, I need you lose 50 pound in next month

>moms house

Fuck this fat bastard. All he does is feed off sympathy.

Way more people have a hard life than this fat soy fucker.

I am so sorry you aren't dead, Booger.

how can el atrocidad like this survive until the 40s?

So, DIET Mt. Dew?

I didn't hate Boogie until he revealed he was a leftist ass clown. Now I hate the fucker.
I just liked when was francis. And acted retarded. He acts retarded really good. It's a talent.

wtf, that gif, why do you have that trans gif saved?

Holla holla HOLLA UP. His Wife is divorcing him? Since when? Why? Was she just fucking someone else or wat? ((I saw a pic of his wife with a "just a friend" type pic and Boogie saying he was not insecure or whatevs ... and is that the same THOT that is divorcing him now?!????

It really is not

>trans gif

Calm down, you'd be divorcing him too. Watch "my 600 lbs life".

You fags havent seen nuffin. Here is his twitter icon

To all that.

He got divorced and cucked. His wife is gonna take a half of his earnings.
But yeah, he lost weight. At least something good.

delusion intensifies

Still fat because he's a filthy American.

Hes totally going to kill himself when he realizes that he will never look normal due to all that stretched skin.

Damn you cant ever shrink your head once you get that fat huh?

Everybody wants to be a Chad.

He says he getting surgery for his stomach skin I think

>pancake tits hanging to his fucking waist
The shit a human body will put up with amazes me.

Boogie doesn't suffer weight-related impotence anymore. She probably made up her mind to leave the first time that skirt of loose skin slapped her in the chin.
Or maybe she was waiting on the insurance payout and fears that it will now come later rather than sooner.
Who knows?

You're totally going to kill yourself when he swoops down like a flying squirrel, with a sheet of flesh in each fist, and carries off the woman of your dreams.

Imagine how long it takes him to fully shower and clean under all the folds.

Get fucked op.


He's really autistic and talks about all of their personal information on his streams which would piss off anyone.

fuck, I thought I had it

boogie296 to boogie1488 when?

/pol is sorry you're still a fat fuck.