Racists BTFO

Race doesn't real because we are all mutts.
Discuss. sciencemag.org/news/2017/05/theres-no-such-thing-pure-european-or-anyone-else

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>there is no such thing as husky or pitbull

they are all dogs

And when left to their own devices, those breeds of Dogs all mix together and lose their distinctiveness without losing their inclusive fitness. Their genetic distinctiveness is real, yet pointless from an evolutionary perspective. theconversation.com/why-dog-breeds-arent-considered-separate-species-56113

over 10,000 years of evolution ignored to make your "point". steels isn't pure because it has iron and carbon in it.

>In fact, the German people have no unique genetic heritage to protect. They—and all other Europeans—are already a mishmash, the children of repeated ancient migrations, according to scientists who study ancient human origins. New studies show that almost all indigenous Europeans descend from at least three major migrations in the past 15,000 years, including two from the Middle East. Those migrants swept across Europe, mingled with previous immigrants, and then remixed to create the peoples of today.

This is like saying if you combine butter, eggs, sugar, flour and milk you'll get a cake but because it's a mix of ingredients, it's ok to add salt and pepper too. A cake with the latter ingredients added is still edible but it certainly isn’t tasty. Lock a certain species of animal in a dark cave for thousands of years and they’ll evolve to have no eyes or their sight will at least become more limited. We are the panicle of human civilisation. If we add Syrians or other ethnicities to the mix, we’ll lose not gain something. We’ll still be capable of surviving, but we won’t be as capable of achieving.

We have been separated for thousands of years. No one has argued we're some "pure" new species and nothing came before us. We are genetically distinct from Syrians though. We share more in common with our fellow Europeans than we do other ethnicities. If the all world interbreeds then yes you do end up with a “grey mishmash”.

You're a joke.

then why do we need to have diversity ?


May be true but your average white isn't an animal like the darker ones.

>In the following months, almost all the refugees dispersed to larger towns throughout Germany. In time, some of the young immigrants will contribute their DNA to the next generation of Germans, re-enacting on a small scale the process of migration and assimilation that once played out repeatedly on this same land—and far beyond.

This fails to take into account self-segregation. They don't interbreed, they outbreed the native population. It's like adding Tigers to an area where foxes are the top dog. Those foxes aren't going to live for long.

They're not equally dispersed; they're all in the same area or will move to the same area.

B negative. Doggerland = Celt. Look at genetic make up of pure Irish, Icelandic.

Doggerland itself was neander hominid combined - from about 50kya. This is why the Irish look different - its the O neg (original N/H). Also why basque is highest percentage of it in the world (over 50% and lots of long earlobes and bulbous noses) - they were southern doggerlanders that escaped south after the floods and hid from the violent Paleolithic and their rhesus monkey blood (positive rh factor).

all these articles like this and cheddar man coming out at once makes me think they're panicking
ethnic nationalism is on the rise and they know it

Nobody argues that we don't have genetic diversity within the White race. This doesn't disprove distinct groups of people. Whites are Whites. Asians are yellow. Blacks are niggers. Race is real.

Thats because whites came from North America ( Atlantis)= home

race =! species

This just furthers proves no "race"owns a certain parcel of land. There is no law anywhere promising europe to white people

you're right they have to fight for it, that's how it's always been
but we're not allowed to fight for it anymore are we?


White Irish are Nordics mate.
They were chased overseas by their kinsmen.

You are free to defend so now. Start the revolution at your leisure, Cletus

I'm not nigger. I've been tested.

100% honkey!

Might makes right in terms of ownership. That's reality. We progressed and gave the duty to uphold property rights (including our countries) to the state. They're now betraying us and giving our property (countries) away.

Everyone knows this you fucking retard

by law I am not retard

Pew! Pew! Pew!
Homeland defended, multiple Antifa KIA.

Nordics are also doggers. Basically cousins.

>Ireland was cut off after the floods - from 7,500 until at least 500 bc. Same with iceland.


I love this non-argument. It's like saying "You already pay taxes, and that's theft, so let someone steal all your shit!"

t. pseudoscientists good boy equality points.

anngibbons.com/bio/bio.shtml, shes a fucking moron.

>heres something you didn't believe in the first place, that we will pretend that you believe in a cartoonish way, in order to prove how wrong you are about the correct idea that people aren't all the same

I don't care about race, I care about culture and iq
>except jews, they need to fuckin go

You may recall the election of one Dr Donald J Trump to the office of presidency of the united states, against all odds and (public) predictions.

> You may think there is only one race, the human race, but billions of years ago we only consisted of one cell so really we aren't even complex organisms.

Dear kek you are fucking special aren't you ? How many feminist professor clits did you have to lick to get where you are ?

Who has ever claimed that European is a race?

If you have the 'Morality and Abstract Thinking.png' please update it to this one. I made that image over a year ago and there is a part two that is always left out. This is the full story, images could not be included due to Sup Forums file requirements.

Elaborate please

Which part?

What makes Rh negative different from the rest, whats 'special'

I'll start here

So races are real...just no one's pure.
Except that's a faulty way to look at it cause they're conflating ethnicity with race. Plenty of people get DNA tests that show pure racial heritage.

Special is what your mom always called you.

Well don't keep me in suspense. What do you actually believe?

>races dont exist
is pic an Islander or someone from Northern Europe?

She actually called me downy because i have downs but thanks for the sarcasm bitch

Every White Nationalist/Separatist/Supremacist ever.

>because we are all mutts
I can trace my bloodline of pure dutch back 15 generations
At what point does the make me pure bred?

Don't know. People with blond-skin and fair hair live all over the world thanks to colonization.

Not until you get back to the world's first fair-skinned person.

Race is a synthesis of culture, heritage, art, and spirituality you dumb cunt.

See chart above and pay attention to Iceland and Ireland- both isolated.

Before neanders, there was Heidelberg. This big ape guy spanned the planet, had basic tool and fire skills. Due to a climate situation brought on by a multitude of things (volcanoes, co2) the Heidelberg community was separated - or more succinctly, African Heidelbergs were isolated - until about 100kya. What walked out of africa, the most recent "hominid" is an idaltu who was about 190kya. (Continuing..)

Spirituality doesn't real.

"Clean water" and "dirty water" aren't real, because every water will have some minerals dissolved in it and every water has water in it. Flint should just shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up, retard, cladistics exists and we can tell who is developing along a positive trend line.

To continue...

Those trapped in Africa had resources and developed strong squaring jaws for eating grain. Their super power was fertility, there was plenty of food for however many kids you dropped.

Conversely, those trapped outside of africa became smarter because they had to - they hunted in groups of over a hundred and developed pointy chins as carnivores. (Continued)

This is all bullshit

Read pic related faggots

Well the first whites were fresian and that's what my family is
>Tfw my parents moved to 56% land when I was 2
This place fucking sucks

Thank you user. You should read 'Neanderthal rediscovered' Its a good book which incorporates a lot of what you just talked about.

Why is anyone ignoring the fact that some village in Germany with a population 102 had to take 750 rapefugees, that's flat out invasion

Part 3

Conversely, in the east, neanders became denisovians around 300 7kya (either through selection or inbreeding with a yet unknown hominid). This gave Asians their look - although H/N repopulated them around 80 kya out of the caucuses. This is also why more denisovs are found in the island of Asia (again, isolation like Ireland and iceland)

They stayed separate for a long ass time.

EU was not so lucky.

I'll continue if anyone is listening.

Yeah let's just breed out Australian Shepherds with Chihuahuas because eventually they won't be stupid mutts.

Go back. I assume you speak Dutch?

>Everyone's a mutt because of their distant ancestors
>Therefore racemixing is fine if white people do it

>There is no such thing as a pure European
>That’s why pure Europeans need to be marginalized and wiped out.

Oh, ok then. Proceed with the immigrants.

>thats right goy now let the jews flood your lands with dark skin low IQ so we can build super advance tech then wipe you all out with little resistance

I agree, it’s ok if my genes die out. As long as the niggers that replace us are good at pattern detection and shape rotation problems. :D

Your people are a mix of A, B and C, this is why you must accept a bunch of people from other parts of the world, sacrifice your living space for them to cram into and spend a shit ton of money on their unruly children, instead of enjoying your wealth and spending it on your own children, like any sane person would.

Sad attempt at Lokis wager.

Or American to "indengious peoples"?

Kike propaganda.

> science is clear: genetic distance is real
> the measurement of genetic distance is relative
> but no genomes are closer together than any other ones
> IMAGINE bunch of dots with equal distance from the center


>village of 102 has to take in 750 non-citizens
>somehow this is fair and good