Monthly Census

Where do you stand Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

gas yourself


starve yourself

Better dead than red commie scum

>profits > nation
This is your cucked system.

better NatSoc than $20 trillion in debt to jews and sons dying for jews

I'd rather work for the benefit of my people than have my daughters groomed by mudshits while jews control your politicians to bring Indians to flood your (((capitalist))) economic system

>at least he died for (((capitalism)))






Sound: “ng” as in “long”
Stands for: Fertility
Color: Brown (Black)
Casting meaning: This rune allows us to spread our energy out far and wide. It is a protective rune mainly for the protection of our homes. To use Inguz effectively we must learn to build up our powers over time and then release the power all at once.


Just found out i'm nazi and monarchist.
I always though i'm commie.

This is what true Americans should value, as our founding fathers intended.

Forgot pic

I would have answered some differently if i knew they wouldn't be abused by kikes, i dunno where this puts me exactly

Data gathering thread u ducking idiots


>data gathering
>on mongolian animejerking board
Oh man.

Alright, Mr. Dataminer, here you go.

I would have expected a little more on the Ecology side, but other than that this is basically what I expected.

Fucking gas yourselves already

I have the same amount of capitalism as you and 9 points less of laissez-faire


>oy vey these goyim don't support our outsourcing and economic manipulation
>let's call them communists! heheh

Great, another vague political test.

More revolutionary than I thought I'd be

Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?



oy vey where do you get this


Legit looks African.

Anybody who doesn't have Fatherland must be gassed

My results? nah I'm NAZBOL GANG nigga

What is this


"Fatherland · Family · Work" was my result with the accompanying flag.


No surprise for me here.


Here's all my political test stuff stuff.

These questions are too simplistic. For example
>Conditions of life in jail should be greatly improved.
I think inmates should be forced to work for the society they wronged in every case and that this would be an improvement in the life of inmates who merely sit in a prison unproductively.

Damn nigga

What the fuck that is not what I saved
Correct pic

And then there's crap like this
>Social differences between ethnic groups cannot be explained by biology.
Do you deny biology like a worthless fool or not?

The only real answer...


Ask people that question on r/the_donald (or reddit in general)... I think you'd be surprised by how many people would deny the biology.

I wouldn't be surprised at all. I'm a university student and I'm around detritus that does this every day. I'm questioning the effectiveness of a question like that on a survey like this.

I wonder where I'll be placed when saying that I absolutely agree with
>Differences of treatement and quality of life in our society show that racism is still omnipresent.
because white people are actively discriminated against all the time due to affirmative action for example. That typo is in the quiz btw.

>>Social differences between ethnic groups cannot be explained by biology.
That is a legitimate question, you wouldn't actually believe how wide spread the denial of simple biology is.


Wish there was a page that gave you real world examples of countries with similar ideologies, would be cool.

I wasn't sure what to do with that question, for that exact reason.

I think it is clear that white people are actively discriminated against in most Western liberal democracies... but I know the question was probably asking about racism specifically against blacks and other colored people of color.

This is what I ended up with.


What the hell am I?


Here you go, Paco.

Shit at taking screenshots

He's downloading them memes boy, heh.

I got an unironically decent looking flag

pls no bully


I'm glad you are nationalist

Nice flag.

>117 questions
fuck that

I guess they don't like my views

oy vey

>Germany without order

No wonder your country is falling apart.

How did a nitwit like you become so tastefull op?

you're way too sure of yourself when it comes to the economy. You should really be more open minded and not so bull headed. If you are more than 50% on capitalism you're dangerously overconfident. Some of you are in the 90s which tells me you are just blindly following bullshit you think is right, but you actually have no idea. How can you pretend to know THAT WELL how economies work? fucking morons

I swear, it's like you guys never heard of the gilded age

Mr. Agreeable here.

They are ideologically obsessed user. To them unrestrained capitalism is God. Perhaps it's the fault of notable economists being internet memes that lead to this.


>you're way too sure of yourself when it comes to the economy. You should really be more open minded and not so bull headed. If you are more than 50% on capitalism you're dangerously overconfident. Some of you are in the 90s which tells me you are just blindly following bullshit you think is right, but you actually have no idea. How can you pretend to know THAT WELL how economies work? fucking morons
To be fair, you need a very high IQ to understand how economies work

Rate me faggots

Tired of watching my country die want to do something about it

gas yourself commie

If you think you or your overlords know the right mix of "fixing" the incredibly complicated economy you're the one who is bull headed and arrogant. The economy is optimized by human freedom and the pursuit of profit with little variance from that. It is actually that simple.

>and socialism

der untermensch

>pertending you understand Nietzsche
rise above the slave-master dichotomy

Prove it. Prove to me and everyone that the invisible hand isn't a fucking meme.

Does the order of the text below the flag mean shit?


Eh, didnt expect that much communism for me.

Alright I'll prove it to you:

USA, Switzerland, Signapore, Communsit China, USSR.


Where to from here?

>not being a Corporatist or a National Syndicalist

It's in order of importance to you

That's it your done with the test


Not a single country that has pure capitalism. Just mixed economies. I know marxism sucks btw

I want nazis and lots of dead niggers and jews

>Not a single country that has pure capitalism.
Don't deflect or play dumb commie.
They don't have to be "pure" to prove the strength of economic freedom.

That's bleedingly obvious and it's you're not your.
Nice flag and education system.

>all these workfags
boomers, all of you