Women in the military hate thread

Women in the military hate thread

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Why shouldn't we use them on the front lines as bait in urban areas?

If you think about it's more humiliating to the enemy to get beaten by a woman, which was probably the reasoning behind why they put them in

where to fuck even start
rule of thumb
military plays along with civilian needs, gives some negresses, and spics some token positions with no real authority, endless anti-rape powerpoints, but 99% of the real work is done by white men, and everyone knows this.




Holy fucking shit.


fucking sad, man

Shame, she is such a qt. She just wanted to do well so she could impress her father.

I almost rammed this bitch when I saw pic related. It would have been her fault too because she can't drive a stick shift.

>Let me cry so men will feel pity and try to protect me
Predictable as fuck

males have about 400 million years of evolution dictating them to take risks to make sure females are safe. libshit postmodernists think this can be eliminated without creating schizoids or casualties.

it wouldn't unless she rolled back into you or you were being completely dishonest and weak.
don't abandon your morals for a social victory.

dear god

She's a journalist if I remember correctly

Why does she always look like she's in need of a wash?

>Women in the military
>rape meat


I don't understand the sticker about it being stick shift. What's it supposed to imply against the average yank car being automatic?

The toppest of keks.

You roll back slightly when starting on a hill.

if you're a spaz who can't catch the clutch maybe, but I suppose that's all you can expect from a woman driver.

>this whole thread
Got out just in time.
Protip, National Guards have the prettiest sluts.


What happened I can't see webm on ijunk

If women can't function in the military, why do they have gun rights?

Gotcha, burgers.

basically she shoots the gun once and hurts her ears, dust kicks up and spooks her so she decides to turn her head completely and fire blindly. Then gets shit and starts crying.

Oh good! Was worried a pretty lass got hurt based on replies

like a parallel universe where only ugly women seek citizenship in starship troopers