Which servant would you summon in a holy grail war?

Which servant would you summon in a holy grail war?

Anyone of the women who are famous for being "the most beautiful." With command seals, at least my last night would be something remember.


If I wanna win?

Jesus / Hercules / Thor / "Death"

If I wanna sex?

Helen / Ann frank (nazi role play) / queen dido / some random succubus or siren with the full body of a women / Ronald McDonald

If I wanna win and sex?

Athena / Hera / Archangel Gabriel (male) / mother fucking earth

Mana transfer 24/7

He'd be a good navigator.

Tamamo, fantastic survival rate.

how does a female master mana transfer

Famel master on female servant are the only ones whon can't do it through sex, so I guess blood is as good as anything.

wouldnt pussy eating work?

Left or right

Karna. I could probably sustain one of his abilities for about a second or so which should be enough to fuck whatever random person is the second to last left.

Thats assuming servant isnt able to make master grow a dick or grow dick herself.

Give me the Evil Cat.

>Those nails

I want this hunk of man meat to carry me in his big, powerful arms.

Her original form is literal perfection but she also has Shapeshift if I get bored of having sex with her original form 24/7.


They can I think. Happened in Extra.

>Neutral Evil

I summon Nasu as a girl

Because she kills people. Everyone that kills people in Nasuverse gets the Evil alignment.

Gil kills people but he's Good.

Who does Gil kill?


Archer me from the future

the church orphans? letting his master get killed on purpose because he thought he was boring?

Those aren't a part of his legend, and he doesn't kill any of those people. To Gilgamesh everything exists to serve him, it is only natural that people die for him.

The most recent Saber

that is like the very opposite of good

He sees himself as good. Thats very Chaotic Good type of thinking.

Where as Tamamo is to be fair quite malicious to those she considers enemies, not to mention those who would harm her hubby. She could maybe fit Chaotic good or Chaotic Neutral, but is in the end very very selfish person. I think She fits Neutral Evil pretty well.
It doesnt make her any less of a cutie.

Saber: Mordred
Lancer: Scathach
Archer: Atalanta
Rider: Medusa
Caster: Helena
Berserker: Minamoto
Assassin: Shuten Doji
Avenger: Joan Alter

Scathach would be ideal, of course.

>Implying I'm rich enough to get the relics I need to summon anyone.

Tamamo and I would probably ditch the war and head to the beach.

Smug spear dude if I had to get one from the series. Cain if I could choose an OP one from history.

>Only way to summon Cain is to kill your brother.

well mines a little-shit and then i dont have to split the inheritance.....

Simo Häyhä (Archer)

She murdered 80.000 people and her cursed stone kept on killing wild animals for many years.
Sure, it was self defense, but does it really justify killing all those people?

White Berserker

Is this image from Fox tail?


Is this arcueid as a fate/extra character?


The slutiest and hot bitch servant possible so that i can fuck her every day and give her much mana.The fate franchise is nowadays just shitty edgy fapping material anyway


The only King Arthur that matters, not the genderbent Chinese knockoff.

Is pic related canonically in the fate series?

Simo Hayha. Get him some city camo and vodka, then win.


Probably Frankensteins monster

>The slutiest and hot bitch servant possible

Shuten Doji, then.

I like Simo as a Servant as much as the next guy, but he wouldn't be all that powerful.

Anyway, I summon Odysseus as an Archer/Rider. His superior knowledge of strategy and his creative thinking will be a huge asset for winning the war.

What would Ody's stats be?

this fucker

I have absolutely no goddamn idea.

Failing that Charles-Henri Sanson

if I were to summon a waifu I think I would go with Lancer Arturia (Alter)

High NP most likely, also very high luck.
Str and Mana probably below avarage or avarage.
End probably above avarage and no idea about Agi.

George Washington as Ruler class for the HGW being held in Washington DC.

>Shuten Doji
She is actually the best one but I don't like her body at all but still why not

Solomon. I would want to win.

Give me Raikou, one lap pillow later i dont even care about the rest.

Actually want to win: Merlin
Have fun while winning: Merlin (female)

>2d nails

Pretty much this. Except switch Mode Red for C I V I L I Z A T I O N

Times like these, I wish that Nasu would include a strictly hand-to-hand, fighter-class servant.

Fran so I can be the other half she's been looking for.

Gil wanted to kill billions for fun and he is Good.
I'm not complaining though, actually that makes Tamamo a bit more interesting.

I get the distinct impression that if Sup Forums was embroiled in a Holy Grail War all participants would just agree to part ways, forget the Grail and fug their newly acquired waifus forever.

You have the right idea

That was after getting hit by the sludge and being influenced by the shitty humanity of the present day.
Also it was definately not "for fun".

What if you don't have a catalyst and the grail being an ass gave you some gay macho servant instead?

Gotta go with this motherfucker.

Vaginal secretions and saliva work too.

If you don't have a catalyst, you get matched with a high compatibility Servant. If it ends up being a dude, then enjoy your new bro, DUDE.

Best boy

He wanted to cleanse the filth that humanity has become and he wanted to do that for greater good. Hence chaotic good

How would he work in the nasuverse?

I think Medb has her beat. Who else has a rape dungeon inside her chariot?

Was he wven mentioned in fat media? Is he gonna appear in GO or something?
I think he could be a rider .

Ody was strong as fuck in the Odyssey, he would probably have A+ luck and at least A strength. Probably B agility and A/B End.


Three tailed version to actually steamroll the whole HGW and have a good time in the meantime.

Summon GIlgamesh, command seal him to use his sword and Gate of Babylon at full power against all opponents,regardless if he considers them worthy.

>still 3 servants left

Why does she grow tails in FGO?

Gilgamesh is like, the one heroic spirit who could fucking deny your command seal and kill you, he's that powerful.

Lantern of Diogenes (Rank B NP): This holy light of this lantern strips away all falsehoods and reveals the truth. Its greatest power can only be activated during the day, however, during which it focuses the light of the sun into a powerful blast. As it is antithetical to duplicity, the light of this beam has EX level power against an opponent who is concealing their identity or hiding important facts regarding themselves.

Concept of Emptiness (Rank EX NP): It is said that Diogenes attended one of Plato's lectures. When Plato explained the concept of quintessential form, using a cup as an example, Diogenes protested that he could see the cup, but no 'cupness'. Plato answered that he had not the eyes to see cupness. When Diogenes then asked where the quintessential emptiness of the empty space within the cup was, Plato paused to collect his thoughts, whereupon Diogenes tapped one side of his head, and proclaimed "I think you will find that here is your emptiness." This ability to confound the thoughts of others is so strong that has crystallized into an NP; Concept of Emptiness manifests as Bounded Field within which only Diogenes' logic functions. If a person is caused to doubt something within the Field, that something begins to fade away until it no longer exists. The effect is particularly quick if this doubt is in response to a question by Diogenes.

Also, he'd be a cute girl.

Because you level her up.
It actually makes sense, because each tail makes her stronger.

and yet he followed Tokiomi's command.

I level her up in Extra but doesn't grow tails.

He was also pissed off at him to the extreme and later manipulated Kirei into stabbing him to death.

You can't summon Gilgamesh and lose.

*summon him and win, fuck.



Finally, I'll have someone to shitpost with

One I could fugg

Great taste.

Saber: Me
Lancer: Me
Archer: Me
Rider: Me
Caster: Me
Assassin: Me
Berserker: The cooler me