So is this anime just universally hated? Subs soon if anyone is still watching it
Why would it be?
>Mc is a casual gamer.
>The "gamers" are a bunch of normies.
Yeah fuck this shit.
I liked it, but if what LN readers said is true, then it's all downhill from a few episodes onwards.
Hello fellow Gamers.
>the game setting gone to the shitter the next volume
>drama galore
Its retarded just like that mmo meeting in real life anime/manga.
Does it go full romcom?
gonna watch first episode right now
Jesus Christ subs can't come soon enough.
Autists from Sup Forums keep screeching about mobage shit, CSGO with controllers, muh no girls allowed in gaming clubs etc... might have scared a few people off.
At this point, if I started eating toast for breakfast and half way through switched to eating a bagel that would be NTR
What do they say?
I'm might not be remembering right from last week thread which I just gave a quick glance on spoilers related post but its more of misunderstandings bullshit.You can try checking out the archive for last week thread(s).
Has nothing to do with games
What a piece of shit
Why would you change the toast ?
I wish.
Enlighten me, please. Why does Tendou love the MC?
That seems about right, I can see this show going into that territory. I am still trying to find out if this anime is trying to be a SoL comedy, a romcom, a teen melodrama or some ungodly mix of all the above.
>This got an adaptation
>High score girl doesn't
>The "gamers" are a bunch of normies.
What the fuck is this bullshit
Did we watch the same anime. Go watch first episode again user
He's probably exaggerating the fact that the game setting goes to shit in the next volume and we're left with unnecessary drama.
Or he could be like this.
MC defended her tryhard club when chad-kun shittalking it. She happened to hear him going white knight for her.
>Mc is a casual gamer.
I hardly call mobage addiction "Casual gaming", I mean he has shit taste, but there isn't anything casual about him
>The "gamers" are a bunch of normies.
Did you miss the part where they are all socially awkward and have maximum autism? The only "normie" is Tendou and by the end of the episode it's clear she was just putting up a front and is a fucking mess
I hope so, that dude's gf was hot and the only thing that would make her hotter is if she was an unfaithful slut.
Us gamers amirite?
She doesn't; she loves me.
I prefer her VN design
Wait a second, I can read this.
neat OP
I like it.
He's cute like a girl. What's not to like?
Tales of Phantasia
MC's female voice is really distracting.
What poster is that?
is this from the series? they use persona characters in it?
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2, the best looking fighting game in existence.
Are you seriously saying that while DoA is a thing?
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2.
Yeah, arcsys is one of the sponsors
Are you seriously saying that while T7 is a thing?
I dont think you realiye just how insane Rev2 looks in 4K on PC
cowadoody and basedcombat
nerd rage
Tekken is for faggots. DoA has tits for days.
the joke is she is the one being friendzoned hard
>all these games
Man I really do miss the first volume. Maybe the staff will realize this and go anime original so that they can drop the garbage romcom shit in favor of more vidya.
Pink girl before slut mode
Just to clarify - is the mc the one being NTR'd?
No, blonde girl is, plus misunderstandings makes it look like MC is NTRing his friend with pink girl.
>mobage """games"""
>no video games references
> be blind
> be retarded
> not see video game references
I don't mind if it drops the vidya references, but does it at least stay fun? I like the characters and light heartedness of it, or does it go full melodrama?
Its a stereotypical misunderstanding based romance anime with some video game references thrown in. Of course there's going to be melodrama towards the end of the season.
The vidya is just a front. As expected of normalfags, the club shenanigans will eventually devolve into who wants to fuck who.
Blonde thinks MC going out with seaweed girl
seaweed girl and chad thinks MC is having affair with pink girl
pink girl think chad is having affair with seaweed girl
MC is dense and don't think at all
Picked up in that case.
>MC just wants to play games
>Esport faggots in the gaming club
MC is the true gamer of them all, he just wants to play games for pure fun rather than being a toxic competitive faggot
>show some video games on screen and in the box
>"hey we have video games references!!"
Fuck off. If the series goes comedy or sketch mode it'll be miles better than the current melodramatic garbage
Doesn't matter who's being NTR'd. NTR is NTR
Misunderstandings are not NTR. I swear to god you fucking people.
Shitty concept, but great execution. The direction of a few scenes made me laugh.
Hex Maniac a cute.
It was a little cute, but I don't know if that's enough to get me to watch the entire series...
The one who is NTR'd is the one who is stolen. Learn to grammar objects.
You might not like it, but that's a way of making references.
>literally Ako
I felt like the quality was inconsistent, a few scenes were great, especially the little annotations on future events, but then some parts felt unbearable like the whole CSGO scene
P much this. But unfortunately, High Score Grill is probably a licensing nightmare if it turned into an anime since the manga uses all of the proper titles for the games they play. Situation would be made even worse when it's localized for North America.
Jesus it's like a video game version of Genshiken but completely insufferable.
I'm enjoying it so far.
It's a shit way. A lot of other anime makes references on video games and other anime scenes and not just simply showing them on tv or people playing it.