What the fuck did I just watch?
What the fuck did I just watch?
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The death throes of Gainax.
Gender-bent Beavis and Butthead the anime. That's basically what it is.
Who will make the season 2?
No one, silly.
It's pretty much confirmed right?
That was a bonus track at the end of the OST. Although I think at the beginning of the year they were supposed to make an announcement, for a new series or merchandise or event... can't remember.
It was a metaphor for puberty or something
a good show
Kneesocks > Stocking > Scanty >>> a shit > Panty
It was a "big" announcement user, I can't believe you missed out on The pachinko inspired PSG
Pleb. Only a true gentleman can understand the greatness of Panty. She literally ascended from the notion of pure and became the purest maiden.
>fucks the whole city
It's sorta like how in old arcade games if your score went higher than how many digits there were on the score counter it would roll over back to zero
She's still a slut. The biggest slut in all of anime.
Dont forget the PSG cafe
no she only had briefs key in her
Did anyone actually go there?
Pinnacle Imaishi
Her sluttiness is very charming.
everyone says this ending is pure shit for some reason, can anyone that watched this anime explain to me why?
le wacky twist
Maybe a long wait for the new season from trigger.
The Japanese version of drawn together written up in a drunken flurry.
That's not a joke by the way.
It's also completely wrong.
In the last episode they beat the bad guys, save the day, panty is redeemed and finally has sex with brief and the two sisters are re-united. Then in the last two minutes stocking kills
her sister and turns out be a demon, and then teams up with the bad guy, its essentially throwing away the story while just as an excuse to have a cliffhanger
It's a motherfucking joke.
A masterpiece
They wanted to milk it a make it a series or something like that.
>I agree with you the ending was fucking stupid but the show was entertaining.
>there are people who actually took the joke ending seriously
Chuck is that you
That ending wasn't meant to be taken as a joke. They were planning to make a second season but Gainax bankrupted.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.