These are the masculine role models children grow up with today

>tfw you will never get dressed up and go do butt stuff with the Try Guys at the Pride Parade

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe white sharia really is the answer we are looking for

And people wonder why there is homophobia. This video is sickening, these people have no place in a modern society.

>the try goys
Do they ever try to do anything based or is it always some gay shilling atempt?
>This week on the try guys
>We try exposing jewish tricks


ewww don't compare us to these soyboys

They're having fun. Is that your problem basement dweller?

That they're fags, their brain is wired backwards.

Our problem is that degenerates like that are not just allowed to exist but in the current cultural climate their held up as role models.

The problem is that feminist psychos want to transform men into puppies and men who don't comply eat shit

They try out guns in a previous video -

These guys are hardly held as rolemodels in Norway. I work at a school and I hear refrences to idubbbz all day. Kids calling each other gay and shit.

No idea who idubbbz is where does he fall on the faggotry spectrum?

Oh ok

This is what dorks have become... they used to just stay in their little theater classes and in the corner reading.

He's a wolf in soy goy clothing.

This video has made me see the necessity of fascism, please make the stop.

Post more people that have done the court-suicide rage quit

I actually laughed.

More like these faggots
How can you get more soy?

Reminder that these "men" have testosterone levels around 200-300.
The normal range for a man is 1000.

They're literally soyboys.

Are there any wholesome, masculine and non soy popular youtube channels? I also wonder if there are any legit kids who have these clowns as their rolemodels. I could never imagine anyone looking up to them.

>literal Satan on their shirts
You can't make this shit up.