How to solve the gypsy problem

Breading like roaches, sucking money from charities and welfare, if you try to do anything about it u get "muh rights" "we opressed minority", any place they move goes to shit in less then a year. 99% are alcoholics, glue sniffers, incest is a must among them.

How to deal with this filth?

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Here in Hungary they used to do literal hygiene sting operations against them in gommie times. If a Gypsy neighbourhood got uppity, the entire community was forced to undergo delousing, bathing, decontamination and such, officially to prevent an epidemic. This procedure also meant shaving off the hair of Gypsy women and girls, which is one of the most horrible thing for a Gypsy female as they take pride in having long hair.

Unfortunately, we live in more 'enlightened' times, so we have to make do with simply not giving them free gubmint money.


The answer is the same as for every other fundamentally "gibsmedat" and irresponsible people: force them to become responsible by removing every kind of social help/benefits. As they are forced to be a productive member of society to guarantee their own well being, their degeneracy will end quickly.

You would need to either legislate some Nuremberg-style laws (to specifically prevent gypsies from accessing public services) or to turn your country into a total shithole (i.e. no healthcare) just to spite a minority group, which is more retarded than racist.

>no healthcare = total shithole
explain yourself


That was just an example. If you want to prevent a specific ethnic group from accessing public services without enacting overtly racial laws, you would need to limit/remove these services from everyone in your country. But even just a lack of healthcare is a pretty crappy thing - I'm not signing up to die prematurely any time soon.

Privatized healthcare is more efficient. It looks like you are confusing "no public healthcare" and "no healthcare at all".

In Sao Paulo state the gypos live like kings. They all have their dinning table outside of their mansions, most of them sleep outside also. They have lucrative diamond and jewel dealings (shady) and often get into insane fights with their spouses, family members.

The women dress like poor people but they have shitloads of diamonds taped to their bodies, inside their bra...they move their merchandise this way.

t. Friend was a diamond appraiser


maybe deport them to Hungary?

They even spread to fucking Brazil?

They tried that by forcing every welfare recipient to participate in public works but gypos played the race/minority card so it failed. Also 99% of false asylum seekers in Germany are gypos that were abusing the money they were getting while waiting for theor cases to be heard.

and than napalm shit out of their country!

ship them back to india

It's physical removal then


Day of the rake when ?

> India

You think they'd even notice some more poo in the streets?

No they wouldn't

>gotta work to justify your existence

Why not ask Lisa Paige and Steve Strokeout?

They fucking hate gypsies.

Ye and every kike screams NAZI then

>Society can definitely function witheout any incentive to raise the quality of life of its population through work


>Deports illegal leeches, high risk ethnic group to their birth country

oh boy, how creative can they get ?

Pretty much same thing here
They cry about being poor while driving high end cars.
No one really cared about it, but lately the left wing started a campaign to bring awareness to their suffering, so I smell dark days ahead

Light choppers with chemical munitions and mop up done with flammenwerfers with mechanized infantry support.

Take their kids by force to residential schools, punish vagrancy and theft harshly, adopt the kids out to white families.

Well, they all have 3+ kids since they leech of state child support money. Even if social services take the kids eventually they win them back in court and use them always for begging and all kinds of criminal activities. Most popular is to send kids to pickpocket in public transport or crowded places. Even if they are caught they are under 14 so they cant be tried. There was a case last year here that one 13y old gypsy burned alive a homeless guy while he was sleeping on the street and this year his older brother (15y) killed a prostitute with a wooden stake.

That's why their kids need to be taken away. Someone has to break the link.

It's incredibly cruel but perhaps necessary.

We’ll take them for a trade off.

Gypsies only steal.
Niggers steal, rob, chimp out, rape and kill whites.

Then 10 for 1 sounds like a fair deal.