She won pol, she fucking WON

She won pol, she fucking WON.

You shoukd all be ashamed of yourselves. Apologize to Madam President RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Other urls found in this thread:

Then why are you so angry?

you're pathetic

Then why did she lose?

This threads alive but i got warned for talking about circumcision. Nu/pol/ sucks

The liberal tears just don't stop! Keep em flowing, nice and salty, sometimes let em dry to harvest salt crystals.

Yum yum yum

cry harder/louder, libfag.

She actually did win. It was the globablists plan for Trump to win so they fixed the vote. They are using the Trump to easily work up the leftist population. Shit will go down after the next election

Any time you get a batch of freshman mods they get this retarded impression that they're somehow piloting a king-making golem and not some lame ass Siamese Soup Stirring board.
Hubris creates and destroys those with will to power.
or to synthesize in more direct terms.

Russian collusion.
Drumpf using money/influence to get votes changed.
Racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic xenophobic, islamophobic nazi Drumpf supporters frightening innocent Hillary supporters to keep them away from the polls.
When you take away all of that Madam President would have won both the popular and electoral votes in a LANDSLIDE and we'd be well on our way to outlawing bigotry.

she's so fucking psychotic that

She literally believes she's Madam President
>pic related

Because it was her turn. HER TURN.

Are you really THAT stupid? Please tell me you're larping.


Daily reminder that Madam President will be running for and WINNING her second term in 2020 once Drumpf is exposed and removed from office.

Say it with me pol... MADAM PRESIDENT

Dude he's larping.
We have this thread every day.

Daily reminder that if Hillary played fair, it would be President Sanders.

Because she is

thats what makes the tears even more delicious.

Post the one with Donald Trump's signature on her face

Are you larping as a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic Drumpf supporter?

Clock's ticking... tick tock drumpftards.

Yeah, I'm sure she won in 2008 as well

How about the vote counts that show she won. She WON

Press P to prison madames GRAVE


Follow your leader and get kuru also

This guy may be larping, but it's a reminder that there are entire hordes of completely ignorant muh feefees retards that believe exactly what he's saying.

Ment to say piss and the auto correct changed it to prison, even spell check knows this cunt needs to be locked up.

This shit is NOT OKAY.

(isn't that what leftist commies say when they oppose something? Along with screaming at the sky.)

But she didn't though

REPUBLIC. I know you're trolling, but for fucks sake, learn about the electoral system.

It is the several states that choose the president, not the general population. This is not "let's do whatever california wants" democracy, this is a republic that respects the sovereignty of each state and guarantees a republican form of government for every citizen.

Nah they're not ignorant, they're just selective and hypocritical.
They don't hate the electoral college on noble, democratic principles.
If Hillary lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, you wouldn't hear one peep out of them.
They know perfectly well that the electoral college system is the game. They're just shifting the goalposts because they lost.

Take out all of the illegals and dead people that voted. Also popular vote doesn't mean anything anyway.

Is it bad that I genuinely believe she is the biggest loser so far in the 21st century?

How could somebody who had so much support from so many powerful people lose to a Pariah.

Does Bernie still have a chance?

>She won pol, she fucking WON.
Wrong, and a simple graphic can summarize it for obviously have a 3rd grade education, so I will help you out. in the 4th grade, you learn about the Electoral College.

Here is a meme that explains it in the MOST SIMPLE EASY TO DIGEST form.



Oh it’s time for another of these faggot shill threads

think she's wearing diaper under that tent?

She'll always be the President of my heart.

Kek, why are you getting triggered?
Don't you recognise this as bait?
It's most likely a 'le magapede' memeing.
This must be your first day on Sup Forums. Fuck off back to le_donal please.

I think you underestimate the ignorance among the populace. The party officials and wonks be be what you're saying, but chad and stacy democrat aren't

This image is incorrect. Clinton won about 400 counties if I remember correctly and Trump won the remaining 2,600.

No she didnt. We elect based on electoral college. Saying she won because she had more popular vote is like saying a football team won because they had more first downs. Its completely irrelevant.

Now let's remove the Illegals that the Dems help cheat into the voting tolls. I'm sure that would only take 4 million or so votes off.

Do you honestly think so?
I mean the average person everywhere isn't very clued up. But at least in this country, even the average pleb knows the vary basics of the system.
Every little town/constituency has a vote for MP, whichever party wins the most MPs becomes DA GUBBAMINT.

Maybe a small minority, made up of the absolute dumbest sector of young people don't knwo this, but they're a small minority on the extreme. They're not the average pleb. The average pleb knows at least this much.

Surely the average dumbdumb in your country knows that in presidential elections, they try to win states, because each state represents a buncha electoral votes, right? Surely no one actually thinks it's a single countrywide vote...r-right?


>Kek, why are you getting triggered?
I am not. I just enjoy shutting down retarded discussions with enough facts that there is no chance of retort short of a failed attempt at an insult.

You failed. It was a weak attempt at getting a rise out of me.

I think Trump should wait no longer than another year before insisting on being called "Lord President".

Do you even know the term republic, amerimutt? Germany is also a republic and we don't have an electoral college unlike you.

At least she won't be remembered as a woman who lost a war.
Though at least losing a war meant you fought back, so I'm not sure if this is worse.


It's always funny when Americans think broad terms actually only mean exactly what they have in their country.

I remember being on holiday in 2001. Paris. Disneyland. Not once, but TWICE...I overheard Americans referring to any black people as 'African Americans'.

>They sure do have a lot of African Americans here in Piiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeerus!

>have an entire country rigging things in your favor
>lose because some Russians made Facebook posts


Oh indeed user, she won the contest "Who wont become president"

>these threads are still happening
She's going to go down in history as someone who failed.



She's done for.

She won. Don't know what else to tell you. Get over it, bruh.


>She won pol, she fucking WON.

Just because the CIA's supercomputers predicted that she would win, doesn't mean that she actually won.

CIA, get a handle on your AI, it's caught in a mobius loop, or something.






The voters decided whose turn it was.

Not the CIA's AI.


For as soon as the increasing number of single adherents
and the impossibility of a further direct contact with them
leads to the formation of lowest groups, the final countless
increase of these lowest forms of organization commands
the formation of higher groups which, politically speaking,
one can then call perhaps county or district groups.

For no matter how easy it may be to maintain the
authority of the original center as compared with the lowest
local groups, it will be just as difficult to preserve this posi-
tion in the face of the higher forms of organization now de-
veloping. But this is the presumption for the uniform
existence of a movement and with it for the carrying-out
of an idea.

Finally, if also the greater middle divisions begin to
shape themselves into uniform structures, then, even in the

This extraordinary code, by which the dynamism of the
Party was placed on a secure foundation, was pushed through
by Hitler at a Party meeting on July 26 and 27, 1921. At the
time serious divisions among the members threatened to
undermine the stability of the whole enterprise. Drexler and
most of his group resented the influence of Rosenberg, Feder,

face of these, the difficulty of safeguarding the absolutely
leading character of the original place of foundation, its
school, etc., is also increased.

Therefore, the mechanical forms of an organization may
only be worked out in the same measure in which the spirit-
ual and ideal authority of a center seems to be uncondi-
tionally safeguarded. For political formations this guar-
anty can often appear to be given only by the practical
power. ^ From this short description the following lines of
direction for the inner structure of the movement result:

(a) Concentration of the entire work first in a single
place, Munich. Formation of a community of absolutely
reliable adherents and establishment of a school for the
future spreading of the idea. The gaining of the future

Hess, and others. These they considered 'too intellectual/
Julius Streicher was also not ready to bow to the yoke of
dictatorship. Hitler had gone to Berlin ostensibly to take
lessons in public speaking, and had there discussed with several
Junkers the feasibility of transferring Party headquarters to
Berlin. The meeting led to nothing. The Junkers had ex-
pected to do all the talking, and instead found themselves
listening. Meanwhile Drexler and his friends were also de-
bating a trek to Berlin, presumably in the hope of thus getting
rid of Hitler. The Party meeting, suddenly decided upon,
was therefore of crucial importance; and the whip was cracked
over Drexler's head. Hitler threatened to quit, pointed out
that the Party's influential friends were his friends, and left
the assembly with nothing to do but capitulate. Thereupon
Max Amann, later on official chief of the Nazi press, was in-
stalled as business manager of the Party, and Hitler laid down
the rules here enumerated. Most interesting doubtless was
the declaration that no groups outside Munich were to be
recognized until they had accepted Munich's leadership. This
left Streicher feeling the edge of the axe. In 1922 he capitu-

In order to advertise the movement and its leaders, it
was necessary not only to shake the confidence in the in-
vincibility of the Marxist doctrine in one place, visible to
all, but also to prove, if possible, the contrary.

(b) Formation of local groups only after the authority
of the central leading group in Munich may be looked upon
as unconditionally recognized.

f (c) The formation of district, county, or country groups
also takes place, not only according to the demand in itself,
but only after the security of an unconditional recognition
of the central office has been achieved.

Further, the formation of organizing structures depends
on the heads which are present and which can come under
consideration as leaders.

For this there are two ways:

(a) The movement has at its disposal the necessary
financial means for the training and schooling of able heads
for the future leadership. The material it thus has won is
methodically employed according to the points of view of
tactical and other expediency.

This is the easier and the quicker way; but it requires
great financial means, as this leader material is able to
work for the movement only if it is paid.

(&) The movement, in consequence of the lack of funds,
is not in a position to install appointed leaders, but has to
depend on honorary offices at first.

This is the slower and the more difficult way.

The leadership of the movement must leave large fields
uncultivated, provided there does not emerge from the
followers a head who is able and willing to put himself at
the disposal of the leaders, and to organize and to lead the
movement in the particular field.

It may happen that in great districts nobody is found,

but that in other places two or even three approximately
equally able people come forth. The difficulty which lies
in such a development is great and can only be overcome
after many years.

The presumption for the creation of an organizing form
is, and always remains, a head that is able to take over
the leadership.

Just as an army has no value in its organizing forms
without its officers, thus a political movement is just as
useless without the appropriate leader.

When an appropriate leading personality is lacking, the
omission of the formation of a local group is of greater
use to the movement than its organization which failed in
consequence of the lack of a leading and progressive head.-*-

The leadership proper not only demands will power, but
also ability, whereby one has to ascribe a greater importance
to will power and energy than to genius itself, and most
valuable is a combination of ability, determination, and

(12) The future of a movement is conditioned by the
fanaticism, even more the intolerance, with which its ad-
herents present it as the only right one and enforce it in
the face of other formations of a similar kind.

It is the greatest mistake to believe that the strength
of a movement is increased by uniting it with another one
of similar character. Each enlargement brought about in
this way means, first, of course, an apparent increase in its
outward size and with it also an increase of power in the
eyes of superficial observers, but in reality it only takes
over the germs for an inner weakening that will become
effective later.

t For no matter what one may say of the equality ot two
movements, in reality it never exists. For if it did it would
practically be, not two, but only one, movement. No
matter where the differences lie and if they root only in
the different abilities of the leaders they exist. The
coupling of two not quite equal formations does not cor-
respond to the natural law of evolution, but the victory of
the stronger in the tense struggle, and the breeding of the
strength and the force of the victor made possible by this.

By uniting two approximately equal political formations
there may arise momentary advantages, but every success
gained in this way is the cause of inner weaknesses appearing

The greatness of a movement is exclusively guaranteed
by the unrestricted development of its inner strength and
by the latter's permanent increase up to its final victory
over all competitors.

Yes, one can even say that its strength and with it its
justification of existence increases only as long as it acknow-
ledges the principle of fight as the presumption of its devel-
opment, and that it has passed the climax of its strength
in the moment when the complete victory is on its side.

Thus it is only useful for a movement to aspire to this
victory in a form which does not lead to a momentary
victory, but which gives it a long period of growth due to
the long duration of the struggle caused by absolute intol-

Movements, which owe their growth only to the so-called
fusion of similar formations that means compromises
are like hothouse plants. They shoot up, but they lack the
strength to defy centuries and to resist heavy storms. -4-

The greatness of every powerful organization as the in-
corporation of an idea in this world is rooted in the religious

This reproduces in part the reasoning of Sorel. It is worthy
of note that the same idea, which probably originated with
the French pholosopher, Auguste Comte, now reappears in
the ideology of almost every revolutionary movement bent
on doing exactly the opposite of what Christianity set out to do.

fanaticism with which it intolerably enforces itself against
everything else, fanatically convinced of its own right. If
an idea is right in itself, and if thus armed it embarks on
the struggle in this world, it is invincible and every perse-
cution will lead to its inner strengthening.

The greatness of Christianity was not rooted in its
attempted negotiations of compromise with perhaps simi-
larly constructed philosophical opinions of the old world,
but in the inexorably fanatical preaching and representa-
tion of its own doctrine.

The apparent advance which movements obtain by
fusions is simply overtaken by the permanent growth of
the strength of a doctrine that remains independent and
that defends itself.

(13) The movement has to educate its members in prin-
ciple in a way that in the fight they do not see something
that has been negligently put together, but something that
is aimed at. Therefore, they must not fear the hostility of
the adversaries, but they should perceive it as the presump-
tion for the justification of their own existence. They must
not shun the hatred of the enemies of our nationality and
our view of life and its expressions, but they should long
for it. But to the expressions of this hatred lie and calumny
also belong.

when it's been more than a year since trump was elected and liberals are still crying over hillary


Actually Bernie won the popular vote. She won a rigged election.

please stop shitposting

She won... A trip to jail?

>tfw how red New York was when I found out


You're basically a caliphate to sand niggers, kraut.

>this angers the drumpftard

#stillwithher #shewon

literally spending weekends in Gitmo
why do you think CNN doesn't praise her anymore?
CNN mentioned her 10,000 times per day until Vegas
Now you can watch for hours and not see her name

this is pure gold

Agreed. It's hill-arity lies in its accurate portrayal of American strata. I don't know wether or not you've ever been to the midw*St or not, but they actually live in those 'drumpf shacks'. Although they're colloquially referred to as 'drumpf tear shacks'. Respectable people believe they cry in them all day and molest one another's children. We believe that on some level they know that she won and that it was, in fact, her turn.

hillary kicked 5 field goals
trump scored 3 touchdowns

5 is bigger than 3 CHACKMATE DRUMPFTARDS

Still with her
No, it's NOT OK. Our election was stolen by a foreign power at the behest of a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic sociopath oligarch. You drumpftards have set back the course of utopia by LITERALLY 1000 years. You should all apologize RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Obviously because Drumpf is paying or pressuring the media not to. The people are LITERALLY chomping at the bit for the true President, Hillary Rodham Clinton to take her RIGHTFUL place behind the desk in the Oval Office.

He know he LITERALLY will never see another day outside of a prison cell obe Madam President is in power.

Wow, OP is such a faggot
Americans know her for what she is; a corrupt and evil witch.
Saged you dumb kike

>handegg analogy


so she won but she is not the president?

Do not respond to troll threads without sage.


Hillary Rodham aka "Rad Homie" Clinton.