Why would the Jews want to get rid of whites?

Never understood the theory that Jews would want to get rid of whites. Israel is supported only by white countries, so why would they encourage muslims to go these countries? Muslims hate Jews, jews hate muslims, why fill the world with people who can see through their lies?

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B/C it's funny. Even Sup Forums is easy as fuck to subvert and bend to our will. You've all essentially been enslaved, online and off.

because racists are retarded?

At least with white it takes effort to subjugate whites. Shitskins are so fucking stupid that (((they))) just implement a system that fucks them all over while profiting

There is a difference between the international Jew and Israel. There is some overlap in that the international Jew sometimes has support for Israel, but they are not the same.

To begin to understand the International Jew (nearly all Jews outside of Israel) you need to understand the difference between owning a home and renting a home and how people behave in each situation. The International Jew is not a citizen of his country like the rest of us. He only 'rents' that country, he does not 'own' that country like you and me.

Israeli Jews 'own' their country. Which places them against the international Jew rather often.

It is written in our ancient scriptures that the Jews are superior and were chosen to be the Gods over the nations, the leader of all nations. Despite being small in number, our scripture contends, the Jews will rule over everything, including all the goyim. But we will meet much adversity in this journey, especially from the tribe of Edom (which is ambiguously referring to European people) and another more mysterious tribe called Amalek. We are commanded to exterminate every last one of the Amalekites and Edomites. This is in the Bible, not even the Talmud or Zohar.

Kabbalistic works go into more detail. Jesus was considered the son of God, and God himself. But Kabbalsitic works, even those who predate Jesus, say that all Jews are not only the children of God, but are God themselves. Jesus may have been better at harnessing this fact, but every Jew is God and this divinity is the source of their power over the goyim. Being one with the Creator, Jews can will reality into existence. Even without training. But training increases this connection to the Ein Sof within. Everything you see going on is willed by us. This is how it is written in the Zohar and Talmud.

It's because Jews are divine. This is the orthodoxy of Kabbalah. Jews are not harnessing magic external from they, we are harnessing their own potential as being God.
It comes from the idea that Jews are divinity, we can counter God because we are God.

Because they are millenarists. They want the destruction of Edom, the 4th empire, to bring back their messiah.




Muslims would kill any Jew that would try and control them, where in the world does the Jew control the muslims?

This is why I am scared if people start finding out about it.

Whites are way more pissed off about multicultralism than people know.

I look white and most whites don't know about the "jews aren't white thing/long nose etc.," so they think I am just italian or Greek or German or Russian so they will tell me racist shit all the time.

I just fear the day when they find out about Jews having such a role in white genocide and multicultralism for selfish, Jewish supremicist reasons.

Because their hate for whitey overrides everything

>where in the world does the Jew control the muslims?

So it’s the travelling Jew that controls these muslims? I still don’t see how importing muslims into your country can benefit even an international Jew?

They want to demoralize both the white and muslim identity to create a global Brazil.
A lot of second and third generation muslims voted for bigger government. And those muslims are losing their traditional ways at record speed.

They are comfortable being surrounded by enemies. Orthodox Jews tend to live in or near slums and just look at Israel.

Whitey was entirely responsible for kicking jews out of every major civilization.

Really...look up how many times ((())) have been kicked out. The last time was Russia, which is why they are the current targets.

Why? Here's three reasons:
1. Historically, Jews and Muslims have been allies against Europeans. The fact that there has been conflict between them doesn't change events like the Gates of Toledo.
2. Most Muslim hate of Jews because of Israel.
3. Arguing that they wouldn't work together because of past conflict is a non-sequitur. As we know, Muslims, and Christians, and even Jews to some degree, have violence within their own groups. So you're drawing a false dichotomy.

Israel is doomed by the "palestinian" ffecundity rate. It's not by importing some fake jewish bydlo from failed easternian states or some low IQ mizrahim, that would help them. They need rich and smart westernian jews, only France and the US have some of them. And you know what ? those jews live very well from leeching the goyim, they don't have any interest to do their alya.

Who the fuck would live NYC or Paris for a shitty desert camp ? Without even goyim hosts to leech from. Maybe if they feel threaten by antisemites, they would run to their safe "homeland". Bad news, you bullied and castatrate white goyim so much that they would prefere their entire race to disappear than being seen as an antisemite.

So you flood white countries with your low IQ golem, finance terrorism and antisemitic assault, to push the assimilated jews to this shithole called Israel.

It's not even hidden, the jews are saying this outloud.

>leave NYC or Paris

>Why would the Jews want to get rid of whites?
Automation will replace most jobs so now it's just time to get rid of the people that would prevent tyranny.

Jews opened the gate to southern Spain during the muslim invasion.

Also see
Jews want the destruction of Edom.

they want to bring their prophet into the world and to do that europe must become mixed race. says it in their torah

understand that talmudists actually preach hatred of gentiles and do call them cattle

the goal of chassids is to summon the messiah. when the messiah comes the remaining surviving goyim will be slaves

the chasids/talmudists had many failed messiahs Sabbatai Tzvi, Jacob Frank, rabbis.... talmudists failed everytime and there would be mass conversions to islam/christianity as a result.

the remaining chasids decided to reform the failed movement by claiming that messiah will not come until the chassids bring about the conditions of the messianic age by themselves. instead of waiting for the messiah the chassids would actively work to change the world to fulfill the conditions of the return of the messiah

what are the conditions? armageddon, religious war, strife, deprivity, degradation, misery, globalisation etc...

some chassids go as far as to say the messiah is not a person, but a state of the world, and it is upon the chassids to actively transform the state until it is reached

indeed they share alot in common with other messianics such as evangelicals and islamists (all trying to change the world to bring about the messiah)

Most Jews are white. Ashkenazi is a white ethnicity. Some may claim to be a race, but I don't think they understand the word. It's like if the Irish claimed to be a separate race. Or if the Persians did.
Looking at the skulls of Jews you can only conclude that they're "white". So of course they don't want to get rid of whites. Some want to "heal the world" and that means making peace between all races. That would include white people, but being white themselves in white societies they tend to overlook that.

Just letting some migrants in won't kill the white race off. If it was that easy then America wouldn't be white now.

It's only Frankfurt School jews, that is, American and European jews, not necessarily Israelis.

(((international jewry))) does not want to get rido of whites, it wants to subvert white civilization which has been redpiled on (((their))) plans.

otherwise we are like cattle for (((them))), (((they))) will not genocide us, that's stupid

Muslim hatred of Jews predates modern Israel. The Jews were less persecuted under Muslim rule than under Christiandom but that doesn't mean they weren't persecuted. They made the Jews wear circles on their clothes and wooden calves around their necks. The Muslims didn't treat them as equals.

>Why would the Jews want to get rid of whites?

because jews want to be the smartest.

>because jews want to be the smartest.

so that they can dominate the world.

>There is a difference between the international Jew and Israel.
i'd argue this even further, it's not just the land, there is huge difference between the member of (((the international jewry))) and ordinary jew schlomo wherever he is. though he has open doors to achieve and join (((them))) all jews are not (((them))) nor are (((they))) jewish only (though they still predominantly are)

Russia is currently a Target of scorn by the world because of their actions. Not because of some Jewish elite. In fact look at the scandal right now. The go betweens are all Jews. Goldstein, Kushner, and so on. Blaming the Jews won't make it go away.

>The Jews were less persecuted under Muslim rule than under Christiandom
That's all you need. The rest of your response is not relevant.

Because without white people to keep them in check, jews will finally have total control.

ultimately, revenge for the destruction of the second temple

whitey, you are being punish by God. you have turned away from your God and abandoned families, clans, tribalism, nepotism, gangs, vendettas, revenge, riots, raping bitches, rebellions. You submitted to the self-destructive laws of a false profit and now you are being punished.

God rewards those who follow his command- the chink mafia, jihadists, poo-rapists, beaner gangs, yiddish clans

We don't. Sup Forums is wrong about this one.

Most Jews outside of memes and ""journalism"" consider themselves to be white.

Muslims are the only ones who are currently keeping Jews in check, they speak openly about their distrust for Jews. Whites can’t even say Jew without some bad looks.

That sounds retarded. Why not just provide them with financial incentives?

>implying Muslims will be tolerant towards Jews
Are you an actual retard?

I think they already do, but why would a rich Jew want a couple extra bucks but can’t live in their western degeneracy?

Of course it's relevant. Under modern Muslim rule they are far more persecuted than elsewhere. The pogroms in Muslim countries are ongoing. They attack Jews regularly and it started before the founding of Israel. At the start of world war two there were a little t more Jews in Iran. Then came the pogrom. The Nazi propaganda had reached them.

It’s in the Quran that predates modern Israel

They use it for various reasons
1. Divide and rule. More minorities = more people, who are easy to manipulate.
2. To get more pro-Zionist anti-immigration parties into the government.
3. To make Europeans weaker by nation (making it hard to get ethnic national elite).
4. To increase productivity of their companies.
5. To show Islam as violent thing to fight against and get some stupid people die for Israel
6. To get some Muslims out of middle east and conquer it.
7. To eventually create new culture of mixed Europeans + immigrants, who will serve the Jew.

Here you go faggot watch this documentary to understand the lies you've been taught.


And read this to understand how they programmed your mind, culture, and steer the economies.


It’s about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world’s population, yet look at all they control from the world’s finances to the media that brainwashes us. In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort. The truth about immigration, by the numbers: >youtube.com/watch?v=LPjzfGChGlE Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide The plan to eliminate the white race: >youtube.com/watch?v=bOgkGzMdieI Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade: >youtube.com/watch?v=q6c_dinY3fM Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained: >youtube.com/watch?v=xnqIj8C2Aek Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism: >youtube.com/watch?v=VggFao85vTs The Jewish role in the refugee crisis: >youtube.com/watch?v=IfCOO7Z39j0 Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov: >youtube.com/watch?v=2hWYgPDVX_8 also see The facts about slavery in North America: >youtube.com/watch?v=b5tci36bNjg >youtube.com/watch?v=PFHa4db3hA0 >youtube.com/watch?v=A94smJ9QJ5g Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: >youtube.com/watch?v=hvNNtBmA3SQ The Jewish role in the porn industry: >youtube.com/watch?v=gwd_Iofr6ZQ Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52) >youtu.be/kPdxhLUKZYM?list=PLo0ThsDnveH5nv5TNviBrGTX9P6IrYfIe&t=412 The Holocaust: >youtube.com/watch?v=tPc899uUb-A >youtube.com/watch?v=jgGP_evkvOk >youtube.com/watch?v=TxpIsep4160

Because Israel was made to be Holocausted. Christendom and Islam fight WW3 until the world is ashes and the kike antichrist rises like the Pheonix from the ashes to rule the entire world from Jerusalem.

because they hate whites and everything about white people, they hate christianity, they hate seeing normal healthy children, they hate european art etc.

people can't really think in the long term beyond their immediate surroundings, jews see us and want to destroy us, they don't take the prospects of living in a black/muslim majority country seriously, they just can't take the threat seriously because of all the power they have right now

Because then they can exterminate mudshits as they please and they‘ll have total control over everything.

Then why don't you convert and marry a nice Jewish girl?

>Then why don't you convert and marry a nice Jewish girl?

Jews don't accept converts like that, dood.

Read about the kalergi plan newfag.
duckduckgo.com/?q=kalergi plan

Sure we do. It takes months and lots of studying, but you can convert. Your kids and you would be Jewish. Provided you raised them Jewish. James Franco never had a bar mitzvah, and he's only half. Yet we sort of accept him. It would be better if he had his freaking bar mitzvah.

nice pilpul, bagelstein

The Jewish war on White Australia

''In my extended essay ‘The War on White Australia,’ I explored how Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism were pivotal in ending the White Australia policy — a policy change opposed by the vast majority of the Australian population. Australian Jews take enormous pride in this achievement. For instance, the national editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg proudly acknowledges that: “In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to Australia.” The Jewish promotion of non-White immigration and multiculturalism in Australia has been (and continues to be) a form of ethnic warfare aimed at destroying Australia’s traditional White racial homogeneity — and with it supposedly any potential for a mass movement of anti-Semitism in Australia.''


The Zionist Masterplan goes as follows:

>Eliminate White Gois
>Become global minority

But isn't it? Join us. For by your own logic it is what's best.

we hate you because we are superior Chosenites and goyim are inferior cattle. we have souls and you have none. we are ordered to exterminate all Edomites/Amelekites (scroll up).

we were put on this earth to dominate over the goys. if you have a PhD we will get 5 PhDs. if you have a Harvard, we will break down the Jew quota barriers and flood your Harvard with Ashkenazim. If you have a gentile Washington D.C. we will infiltrate and remove the last goy from power and put our own as King.

we do not tolerate anyone above us. We are GODS. Every Jew is a GOD. From Soros to Kissinger to Bloomberg to Cohen to Weinstein to Leviev


It's Muslims who say that you don't have souls. You're mixing it all up. You pigs

>a multicultural society cannot be a free lockean republic
>a multicultural society destroys cohesion of said society, destroys community
>a multicultural society pits races against each other instead of people against the rich/government/banks/etc
>a multicultural society which is reliant on gibs is easy to control
>a multicultural society allows a country to become a police state without too many complaints
>a multiracial society disconnects its people from its past


it is taught in the talmud Jews are the only entities that possess 'Neshomo' - or 'Godly soul'. The souls of cursed goyim and animals, on the other hand, lack this Godly element and are doomed to oblivion and shall never see the world to come. Keep making stories up, the veil is being lifted Mark Geller

>It takes months and lots of studying, but you can convert

for the right price, amirite?

"Souls of non-Jews come entirely from the female part of the Satanic sphere. For this reason souls of non-Jews are called evil." [Yesaiah Tishbi, Torat ha-Rave-ha-Kelippahnbe-Kabbalat ha-Ari (The Theory of Evil and the Satanic Sphere in Kabbalah) 1942, reprinted 1982] The Messianic age of restoration and redemption (tikkun olam) forecast by the religion of Judaism and spoon-fed to their partisans among the goyim, posits a world restored to universal harmony and justice. That's the cover story, anyway. But the truth is it is somewhat more macabre, as Tishby relates: ". . . the presence of Israel among the nations mends the world, but not the nations of the world . . . . It does not bring the nations closer to holiness, but rather it extracts the holiness from them and thereby destroys their ability to exist . . . [T]he purpose of the full redemption is to destroy the vitality of all the peoples"], Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition, and Deceit, ISBN 13: 9780970378453, p.774-775

the explanation of the matter, [is to be found] in light of what Rabbi Chayim Vital wrote in Shaar HaKedushah (and in Etz Chayim, Portal 5, ch. 2)—that every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, possesses two souls, as it is written, "And neshamot (souls) which I have made. . . The second, uniquely Jewish, soul is truly "a part of G-d above, The souls of the nations of the world (the Gentiles), however, emanate from the other, unclean kelipot which contain no good whatever, as is written in Etz Chayim, Portal 40, ch. 3, that all the good that (Gentiles) do, is done out of selfish motives. So the Gemara comments on the verse, "The kindness of (Gentiles) is sin"—that all the charity and kindness done by (Gentiles) of the world is only for their self-glorification. . ." (Chapters 1 and 2) The lower category consists of three completely unclean and evil kelipot, containing no good whatever. . . From them flow and are derived the souls of all the nations of the world (Gentiles), and the sustaining force of their bodies. Also derived from these kelipot are the souls of all living creatures that are unclean and forbidden to be eaten, and the sustaining force of their bodies" (Tanya, Chapter 6

>it extracts the holiness from them and thereby destroys their ability to exist


So, thats what the jews are calling money nowadays, huh?


Loxism. Look it up

>Russia is the target
>Implying Russia isn't behind the violence in Ukraine and Syria.

An idiotic exaggeration.

>Muslims hate Jews, jews hate muslims
>being this retarded
who do you think opened the city gates in Spain during the Muslim conquest? Jews and Muslims have always been allies against European

also read culture of critique

They want whites to get pissed and exterminate muslims in the Middle East so Greater Israel can be established, and they want to promote race-mixing to rule over a stupid mongrelized population with no identity beyond vapid nihilist hedonism.


>Secretly filmed SPLC meeting
>"Why the rise in 'Hate' groups?"
>"It's the rise in the demographic dispossession of white people in America"
>"You can't stop it"
>"It's been planned for a while"

it's not get rid of whites, it's make them a minority or close to it in their own countries. a parasite cannot live if it kills the host.

the kikes and Jesuits feel like the the whites have gotten weak. The ones that survive genocide (our white kids) will be alpha and redpilled. The ones that get brainwashed get AIDS and cut thier dicks off.

TYRIQ please nigger. They look like Neanderthals.

t. Schlomo Shekelberg

Unlike all Arabic nations the only country to have ever caused a genuine fear in the global Jewish community was Nazi Germany.

The native Americans were eradicated because they could not be enslaved. They would rather die fighting

>Most Jews are white. Ashkenazi is a white ethnicity.
stop lying


we want to destroy the white race by mix breeding with them and making Aryan Jewish babies with height IQ so when the Asians attack there would be someone that could outsmart them




Because the Christians treated them like shit.

You cant do that when you mass import Arabs, niggers, and spics, Levi

Because the Jews treated them like shit. It's been a back and forth thing ever since those faggots betrayed Christ.

not all Jews are pharisees

They want a global mixed race population with no sense of history or identity. No religion, no ethnic traditions, same color/culture/language everywhere. Their identity will be Coca-Cola, Beyonce and Star Wars (or any other vapid, profitable garbage they can fill their empty lives with). That's what they have planned for everyone on the planet.

The Jew wants to rule the world and have everyone be their slaves.

Whitey: Generally Intelligent and well educated. Few offspring. Known for seriously fucking shit up when oppressed and unfairly treated.

Kicked the shit of jews for jewing once already.

Nigger/muslim: Generally stupid and uneducated. Numerous spawn. Too stupid and uncoordinated to accomplish anything on their own.

Niggers are almost too stupid to be slaves, but reproduce like flies. Not even remotely a threat to jewish interests.

Muslims hate and distrust everyone that isn't muslim, not because they're smart enough to see through the jewery.

Which seems easier to control/manipulate?

If you're frustrated go fuck yourself. Brazil is a country of Portuguese and Catholic cultures.

>not all Jews are pharisees
Read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Tell me why I should trust you when a 2000 year old text that's the word of God tells me not to.

>Russia is currently a Target of scorn by the world because of their actions

to afraid to fight kebabs in real life . blame the Jews and white women online

>Whitey: Generally Intelligent and well educated.
>Few offspring.
started in the 60s

before that whitey had a litter of 10-20 being popped out from an obedient and overworked white vagina.

>tfw whites will never have there own litter like again dogs and cats are the only salvation at this point

We dont. only dumb stormfags think that.

this Sup Forums should convert to the real ANTI JEW faith the islam is the only way


blaming the jews won't, exterminating (((them))) will though

after (((we))) will die . you cuck's would probably attack Christianity so you could become pagan homosexuals again and get raped by kebabs