Modern Art


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I used to hate on modern art. Then my brother started doing it as a profession. Now he is selling giant 10 foot paintings of paint splatters for $10,000 each to rich idiots with too much money on their hands.

He even laughs about it with me. He says there is no meaning to his paintings. Then he just comes up with some super wordy description about the painting using lots of buzzwords the left loves. He is actually very right wing and concealed carries 24/7.

I've been to some of his galleries and it is hilarious seeing him chat with super leftist modern art types and they have no idea they are standing within 2 feet of a loaded firearm. They would probably piss their pants.

I'm very jealous of him.

modern art was funded by the cia to make the soviet union think america had better high culture than them

which is funny because soviet citizens loved american rock and roll and blue jeans, and their inability to get what they wanted did more to undermine communism than any abstract art did

Unironically this. Jackson pollack was receiving money from cia slush funds. Not sure if he was aware or not.

damn, what a genius. Maybe I should suggest this to my own brother. How does he find the richies, anyway?

does shitposting count as underground art?

Modern art is money laundering you retarded buffoons. No rich person buys it to look at. Its a form of currency for rich people to buy and sell to each other for favors

Everything can be Post-Modern art, even this post is art.

here. my friends, is a beautiful piece I just did on drawisland. It represents powerful families, along with the civil right movement in the early 60s.

[insert the thing about the opportunistic dudes selling "male tears" mugs to feminists]


Is it really this easy

It's just used by rich people to launder money

even if I put in effort, I couldnt sell it. I live in Houston, where all of the rich people are republicans. gah. I do have some connections with the Texans and Astros, maybe I could sell it to someone on either team.

it's beautiful


Modern art is just an easy way to launder money. Classical art has too many regulations and is heavily monitored by governments and institutes, where as modern art is just whipped up and sent off to the auction to god knows where, obviously there is a depreciation after purchase and the value could drop, but its way safer than trying to launder it in a business.

Does he work at nintendo as well ?

I believe what its try to depict is the struggle of today's young men when it comes to joining society rather than secluding themselves away. Its quite striking.

Modern art was actually just created by the CIA to make the Soviets feel like old fashioned dummies and then old rich Jews started using it to launder money.

Not sure about all modern art but I had like an aha moment with an 'installation' in a public place. It wasn't beautiful but it was something that really made an impact. Best analogy I can make is how 9/11 spurred a reaction in a lot of people's minds. Maybe some modern art is like that.

modern art made you feel like hajis blew up your city and killed your dad?


You forget the last brain, that modern art is actually enjoyable


Wow, that piece really fires up the old cashews. Mind if I save it?

You have to build a brand first. It took him a decade of hard work and marketing himself before he started making good money. It isn't easy.

Kind of like how Yoko Ono can scream into a mic and people think it is art. Video related. It's all about the brand recognition.

Not really. More like an expansion of the mind, similar to what weed can do. I also experienced this when watching Nightcrawler for the first time, might be adrenaline or something. I've noticed many movies these days have something very degenerate about them, like pure evil. There certainly seems to be something going on.

this, update the picture op.

sorry I was only half-joking, I actually do recognize the feeling you are talking about

>modern art is actually enjoyable
>pic related
>modern 'art' in the form of architecture

Surely someone has the screencaps about how modern art is little more than a Jewish money laundering scheme.

Fuck me.
Thats the biggest rip off i can imagine.
Is she jewish by any chance?

I prefer the monocolor canvas pieces myself. But it's very obvious that you're plebs. Mommy didn't love you, so you lash out? Risable


I'm going to screenshot this, print it, frame it and hang it above the shitter

explain to me how that building fits into that neighborhood at all. It is a monstrosity

This region of Canada is actually quite earthquake prone so here's hoping.

You forgot one after the last one. “Contemporary art is EXACTLY the examination of western decadence in the wake of the death of god and that’s why it’s important nonetheless.”

most people mistake modern art for contemporary art