Dear Husband: I’m Not the Person You Married


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This is not buzzfeed, fuck off with your clickbait. Either post the content or shut the fuck up.

The comments:
> Fuck American woman. They are the most spoiled, selfish, bitchy woman I've known. Go to Asia and Eastern Europe... plenty of younger and prettier woman that know how to treat a man. And even the ones in their 40's to 50's still look amazing. They won't even go in public without makeup and feminine clothes. In contrast, American women go out in sweatpants, no makeup, hair a mess, and look like they did not even shower that day. Once you go foreign you'll see how classless American women are today. Look at this article... not even once did it mention what he wants... it was all about her her her.

Men are fucking wake up!

Women are starting to notice and mildly freak out.

Too little, too late, I'm afraid.

>Dump her and leave
There, problem solved. Stop acting like women and just pack up your shit and get the fuck out then move on. Stop being such crybabies

Part 1:
> Dear Husband, I am sorry.
I’m sorry that you’ve been neglected for the last four-and-a-half years. I’m sorry that your needs are secondary. I assure you, you are still one of my top priorities – you just aren’t on the top of the list anymore. I know that you have needs, wants, dreams, and desires. When I tell you that I want to be the one you lean on, I mean it. I know you are tired of my excuses of being tired, having a headache, or am already snoring when you snuggle up next to me. Trust me, I wish I had the energy I had five years ago. Hell, I wish I had the energy I had two weeks ago when I washed, folded, and actually put away all 10 loads of laundry. Of course, you didn’t see that because I was letting you get some much needed sleep. I know that some days it feels like we have a business partnership. And you’re right. Some days – even weeks – feel that way. Know that I want better for our marriage, for us. Because together, we are damn good.

>Full time chef of chicken mcnuggets


The problem is, my life, my brain, and my body are so wrapped up in being a mother to those little boys who look exactly like you. Even after they’re sound asleep and we’re sitting on the couch watching a movie, my brain is still in mother mode.

I’m thinking about tomorrow; I’m thinking about 10 years from now. I’m wondering if you have work clothes for tomorrow. I’m worried about money, milestones, and milk. Do we have enough milk? I can’t turn off being a mom. It is who I am now. And it is physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting.

I don’t want you to think you aren’t as important as you once were. I couldn’t live this life without you and I wouldn’t want to, either. But the simple fact is, you’re an adult and you can do things for yourself. You can vote, so you can make your own lunch. You are legally able to drive a car, so you can figure out how to make a doctor’s appointment.

When you come home from work you, unfortunately, are getting the worst version of me. I gave our children the best. A little secret: sometimes, some days, there just isn’t a best version of me. There just isn’t.

I can’t worry about your health, the boys’ health, the pets’ health, and my health. Who do you think gets ignored? It’s not you. It’s not our children or our pets. When I say I don’t feel well, when I say I haven’t been sleeping, it’s because I haven’t been taking care of me.

Yes, you tell me to go to the doctor, to eat better, to drink more water, but I am my very last priority. I know I need to change that and I’m not complaining. I’m explaining that when something has to give, because no one person can do it all, I am the thing that gives.

I’m worried about your sleep apnea, your allergies, your knee spasms. I am worried about the rash Alex has, and the snotty nose that Ben suddenly started with. I am concerned about our dog’s ears and what it’s going to cost to take her to the vet.

While I’m thinking about it, I’m worried that the fish have too much algae in their tank and the water needs to be changed. I’ll just add that to the never-ending list of things I will feel guilty about when I’m trying to sleep tonight. None of this is your fault. I’m not blaming you, or wishing you were any different.

You do extraordinary things for our family. You work harder than any person I know. You care more about everyone, including me, than any other human I have ever met. I love you a little more each time I see you help someone knowing you will never get anything in return. You are the kindest, most loving father to our children. There is a reason they cry when you leave for work. Yes, it stings a little but knowing that you are their role model in life fills me with love and pride.

I am not the person you married 11 years ago. I have changed and evolved into a wife, mother, friend, and keeper of all schedules. I am a party planner and a personal shopper. I am a chef specializing in chicken nuggets and pasta. I am a housekeeper who can’t keep a house. I am the cheerleader and the librarian. I am the night and the day nurse.

I wouldn’t change any of it. I don’t want any other life. I love you and I love the life that we created. But I am not the spontaneous, beer-drinking, sexy bad girl you met way back when. I am a mother. And it is all of me.

Love Always,

Your Wife

This is just a list of excuses. No where does it say she's even trying.

Being a mother is not easy at all, I have a lot of respect for that woman.

Thanks OP, apologies for my earlier rudeness.

The problem is fucking to a female centric world view as taking care of children (dotting) is top priority plus consumer culture that constantly challenges and questions if you are a good enough mother.
Her husband needs to refocus her on treating the kids as autonomous people and helicopter less. It's clearly not a behaviour that is good for anyone involved.

The article is A-Fucking-OK

What kind of man needs to be dotted on by his wife? I prefer when my wife ignores me and doesn't want to engage about my feelings. I'll take care of all my issues, because that is what men do.

Take care of the kids, keep the house clean and satisfy muh dick 3x times per week.

>marry to be alone

if i cared enough i would go in and replace and add words like "my wallet" or "my income" or "wet my dick" and "real dinner"

No problem user. We need to look out for each other. Gaining as much knowledge as possible is important. I don't like reading this because I want to marry one day but now I'm not certain anymore. We (Men) really put our entire lives on the line for this (marriage) and it's to women who don't even put up the effort.

Nothing more pathetic than middle age white men who say "hurr i'll just go to asia or eastern europe a buy a wife"

1. No you won't, you don't even have the time money or know how for that
2. You would end up with even worse problems

Clearly they are not having sex.
He also doesn't earn enough or she spends too much.

>He also doesn't earn enough or she spends too much.
I can easily tell you which one it is.

I don't see the problem. The woman is right. Kids should come first. Being a parent is different than being a kid.

There's literally nothing wrong with anything she wrote.

The problem is the kids are coming first even when the kids aren't around.


sounds like a good mother

This. You idiots don't even know what's worth getting riled up about. If you actually read the article, all she says is that being a mom is hard (no shit) and that even though she may be tired all the time, she's still a devoted wife and mother.

Dear Bitch: You have been lied to. Revisit every premise and start over.

just hire a maid 1 time a week, hire a qt prostitute 3 times a weeek and itll be cheaper.

It's not the absolute ideal, but it's close. As long as there are enough kids, the woman should devote her entire life to their care.

That's just something you have to live with. You, as the father, are to care for her, and she is to care for your children.

Then, when they become adults, you and her can rebuild your relationship with eachother. It's just important that in the meantime, you two can keep up communication and trust. If you do that, everything will work out.

It sounds like they need some time for themselves, a date night once a week or once every two weeks would probably do it.

Since when is laundry hard work?

No, she's just a devoted mother. She said so in the article that she's ignoring her husband.

Thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, for Yellow Fever. It is a blessing.

This. A machine does it. If that makes her tired I'll get a machine for sex, too.

Exactly. When you put kids in a woman she is no longer just your wife, she is the mother of your children. The kids come first, or else do not have them in the first place. Sorry if a 30+ year old mother of 2 doesn't want to drink and have sex like shes 19 again.

She sounds like she honestly cares, the problem is she is just blatantly neurotic. She is worrying about things when they are okay to such a degree that her psyche made her draft and publish a public apology. She knows she's being a neurotic mess but has publically said "I can't help it, deal with it and help me instead."

Never once did she do anything but admit she is running circles in her own mind while saying she doesn't really have a reason to. And she didn't even seem to taking into consideration that her husband probably feels the same way.

>sex OR laundry
She's straight up ignoring her husband when he's pointing out she's got a medical condition and it's causing suffering around her. It's right there in the article. But you ignored it.


Or hire a young slutty maid and save 33%!!!

not everyone is still 22 years old kiddo, you have different wants and needs as you get older. Sex gets put on the back burner especially with the same woman of 11 years.

Correct Sir, 3x a week being married for 10 years with 2 little kids is tough. 2x I'm happy..Plus VR porn is the fuckin bee's knees ( I use it at work LoL, I'm alone for 6hrs a day there!!) With this young mother and wife wrote is part of a blueprint on how to build great Nations.

She straight up admitted her husband is urging her to go see a doctor because something is seriously wrong. Wives should obey their husbands when it's this serious. Go read the article kiddo.


it comes off as an excuse for why she doesn't want to fuck him

I think the truth is she just isn't attracted to him

and how do you hire your offspring you fucking cuck

This. She's already moved on in her head and is pre-crafting a way out.
>"I'm just crazy! It's for the best if I leave!"

>I know I weigh 500 pounds but please don't leave me because excuses. I'll still fuck Jamal but he is broke as shit and I would rather have your money.

If she's crying about having had to do 10 loads of washing in one night then she hasn't been doing washing for weeks.
Sounds like she had to get off her ass and actually do something and nobody threw her a parade so now she has to write a diatribe about how hard her life is.
Her husband sounds pathetic also though

>Sup Forums
>not the epitome of click bait culture

where do you think you are?

This is an epic-level humblebrag. God I can already feel myself tuning out the noise.

The husband could be anybody and be able to do anything but he'll always be called pathetic after reading her excuse making. Because the blame will always invariably shift to the man.

>10 loads of laundry

Unless she lives in the Brady house she's full of shit.

Well, duh. Women only marry men that make them feel special, even though they aren't. So a husband has to lie to his wife just to become a husband in the first place.

These roasties just can't comprehend the fact that their cake is gone after they eat it all.

Even the Brady House didn't have 10 loads. Because most of the kids could be made to wash their own or do chores.

>10 loads of laundry

no woman would write this if she was getting a good alpha dicking on the reg

A husband comes first. The kids will be fine. When the kids are older and moved out, she will wish her husband still loved her, but chances are that since she denied him his due respect, he doesn't love her anymore.

1 Corinthians 7:4-5
Ephesians 5;22-24, 33

You fedora white knights are shining beacons of feminism and the death of marriages and families.

No makeup is more physically attractive though. Too many faggots and voyeurs into caked on paint

>wanting a slut that wears make-up

Women get bored of men faster than men get bored of women, Chad or otherwise. And you still have to deal with her for the rest of the month if she's always going to be a turbo-bitch.


What's wrong with this article? She is apologizing that she's not as youthful as she was when she was younger and has grown into a mother. Stating many times that her priority is now a homemaker and devoted wife/mother. I thought that's the kind of shit half of you want from a women? She sounds like a good mom and wife. Obviously being a mother mean less time for drinking and fucking. I don't get what you're pissed about.

I think expecting regular sex from a mother of multiple children is not realistic. The woman only wants sex if she wants to have kids with the man.

Because women are children and if they aren't acting as they should it's because they aren't being lead properly.
Very few women will independently be responsible.
It's like blaming a dog for shitting inside constantly. It's a dog what did you expect, you need to train it

I don't even care he's not first. He's just not on the list at all. Men are the head of the house. They get neglected where's the house going exactly? To shit, that's where.

Historical women didn't have this problem. Only modern women with every single modern convenience and even MEN HELPING THEM WITH CHORES AFTER WORK could complain like this.

>mother of his kids (supposedly)
>doesn't want to have kids with him

You still blame the dog. That's always the first step to training. Especially women who understand what they're doing is stupid.

>10 loads of laundry

and how is laundry difficult? put in washer, take out, hang and iron if needed. I swear these types of woman find just existing a chore

My parents never did the laundry because I always did it for them after school. I cleaned the house after school.

Only shitty parents clean their own house and not make their kids do it. Fucking shitty ass fuckers

Bitch, you occasionally suck it up and let the man fuck you while you have a headache. You do it even if the "feeling isn't there". Love is not feelings, but the giving itself. Stupid cunt.

The note the wife wrote is full of red flags. She is not genuine in the least. You can sense the fridged, bitter, selfish spirit thru it all. Constant gripes with "but I would not change a thing". Manipulative bitch

My wife is the type to take my clean jeans after one day of use and throw them in the laundry.

Maybe it's just because I grew up poor, but that is just a huge waste of water and effort to constantly launder clothes after a single use (unless they got soaked with sweat or muddied up)

>>doesn't want to have MORE kids with him

Kids are literally you're legacy. If taking care of them and providing for them to the best of her abilities means she won't get drunk and fuck as much as I want her to, than fine. Once you bring life into this world, their life should mean more to you than your own.

There are some trad wives with fucking 10+ kids and still popping them out.

They are also looking after the house while the man is bringing the bread home.

This is pure horse shit. If I can slug it away hard at work all week and pursue my career, my wife can look after the kids and the house (which she does).

If anyone is with a useless woman like this who neglects her relationship and uses the kids as an excuse they should be filing for divorce. You are married, not flat mates.

Why not? It's just another symptom that's something broken with her.


>at work

You may as well blame God then because a dog is never going to stop shitting where ever it pleases until it's owner trains it, no matter how much you gripe and moan

This is bad? This is what you guys can't deal with when it comes to women?

Holy fuck dude, she's performing the very role that Sup Forums would have her fill. Is she being overly self-absorbed, emotional and maybe even have a legit medical condition to treat? Sure. But you can deal with all of that. Nobody is perfect.

The problems arise when they are unfaithful, deceitful whores and throw away their marriages and families for it.

Like, maybe she's overworked and can't handle another kid.

There comes a point when you say "that's enough". It's not necessarily an indication of any problem.

>There are some trad wives with fucking 10+ kids and still popping them out.
Yes, but most people don't actually want 10+ kids in the modern world.

>But I am not the spontaneous, beer-drinking, sexy bad girl you met way back when. I am a mother.
But that's great. Why would I want a womanchild who goes partying at age 35? I think this woman made a proper progression to mother and housewife.

There's nothing wrong with this article. As a husband, I would want my wife to take care of my children instead of being focused on me all day. I'm okay with this.

Wait a minute, two 4 year olds? This is what is killing her?

Sounds more like there is a lot more focus on her writing career than on her family life.

>House filled with modern conviencies.
>Somehow all that work is hard.
Washing machine does the laundry. Laundry is hard!
Microwave cooks the tendies. Cooking is hard!
Dishwasher does the dishes. Washing the dishes is hard!
Bitch is just making excuses.

What do you think expressing your displeasure at the dog is? It's blame. The dog gets it and learns. Somehow women don't?

Thats why you dont marry a white woman, you may have fun with them but never under no circumstance marry.

As a stay at home mom, I think it's a cop out to apologize for not meeting your husbands needs by saying "I'm sorry you matter less to me than I matter to myself!" I BELIVE she did ten loads of laundry, but that's just your job, girl! Your husband has a job, and he does various tasks for it, and you should do your job in exchange, don't bitch about it. It's hard to keep the family schedules and have everybody fed and clean, but it isn't impossible and women for thousands of years have been doing it well, with more children and less resources. The only thing that's even mildly different is that we don't have a tribal society, so raising your children properly is a bit more effort, going to play groups and what not. Step up to the plate, ladies. It's respectable to be really good at your job, and a stay at home mom's job is to make it seem as though she has no job, while ensuring everyone's needs are met. For someone who identifies as a "mom," the author is speaking a lot like a self centered narcissist.

Now you're just making shit up to defend her. She never brought this up. She admitted she was probably insane and in need of a doctor, though.

Antinatalist garbage

>You are married, not flat mates
haven't you heard? modern marriage is essentially that now

This surname was subverted by Jewelry merchants. It's not what you think it is.
I wonder who's behind this post...

You're making shit up to attack her. That's my point. It's not clear if there's a problem.

Expressing displeasure isn't training an animal, nor is whining at your wife going to get her off the sofa. If anything she will spend even longer on it

Yes, caring for growing children, a pet, and a house, as well as your spouse is indeed a challenge.

>Comes to /pol so their shit article can get read
Wow you must suck, hope you enjoy getting laid off

>commie meme flag
>yes goy don't have white children
really makes you think doesn't it

IT'S IN HER ARTICLE! Her husband straight up told her to go see a doctor and she refused.

You've clearly never trained a dog. You have to show your displeasure otherwise it doesn't get it.

Not in the modern age. Not even close.

This. Nothing turns me on more than a beautiful natural woman. It literally separates the terribles genes from the good ones.

>I can't turn off being a mom
This is some weak shit. Makes me think of infantry who can't turn off being in combat mode, even when they don't have PTSD. Nobody likes these fucks; I'm surprised she got a man to put up with her shit for this long.

If you can't master your own mind, you'll ultimately never master anything.

actually. now that I think about it, maybe woman do laundry when thy are bored or something?
>staying at parent house
>every time I go into bathroom theres no towl
>Get new one from shelf
>2h later its gone again
>wtf is going on
>catch mother putting towl in dirty laundry pile
>Its been used only once to dry my hands
>decide fuck it and keep a town in my room to use
>new towl keeps appearing and disappearing every few hours from bathroom
>no ones even using them
>my mother put 3 clean town in the laundry in 1 day

You'll never have children because you're a dipshit. You don't know how to raise children and you don't demand respect from your wife.

Taking care of 2 kids in the current year is a fucking joke, neck yourself.

does Sup Forums consist soley of black women who hate niggers and can't get enough BWC?