>2012 Sup Forums : Fuck statists! Maximum freedom! Ron Paul!
>2018 Sup Forums: Give us big brother White edition! Give us authoritarian rule! Freedom is for faggots!
What happened?
>2012 Sup Forums : Fuck statists! Maximum freedom! Ron Paul!
>2018 Sup Forums: Give us big brother White edition! Give us authoritarian rule! Freedom is for faggots!
What happened?
Sup Forums has always been contrarian. Has this not made sense to you at all?
You know Sup Forums is satire, right?
>2020 Sup Forums : [404] page not found.
>Implying it's the same people
There was a significant influx of newfags after this board gained notoriety.
Leftist kikes are flooding our nation with nonwhites and undermining us at every turn. Libertarianism doesn't work with this hostile element allowed to run free
So you mean to tell me that this queer
Is simply larping?
Here is what happened OP: The libertarians (who were underage posting in 2012) have grown up and are now redpilled on the ideas of national borders and federal oversight of the means of production. The fact that you cannot understand this indicates a lack of maturity on your part.
>national borders
Good thing
>federal oversight of the means of production
Bad thing.
Don't pretend stupidity is a sign of maturity.
Sup Forums* has always been contrarian.
>The libertarians (who were underage posting in 2012) have grown up
and left the site. They were replaced by natfags, who got banned from reddit and the other places and initially came here to complain.
Even the Sup Forums that did meme magic in 2016 was a different Sup Forums. Remember HWNDU? Now we're the ones who are divided.
>he never realized Sup Forums was satire
>What happened?
jews did
>nationalists come from Reddit
It's not LARP, it's a fact.
80% of beaners vote socialist, and 90% of niggers vote socialist.
Libertarianism can't exist in a nonwhite country.
That's a lot of dedication to satire.
I think a plurality is satire, but there is a very strong current of "society is the reason why no one wants to fuck me, so we need an ethnostate" here.
Nice LARPing.
Tell me what happened after Gary Johnson let more Mexicans into his state.
>that’s a lot of dedication to satire
Uh, duhhhhhhhh
That’s the whole point of the website
Ron Paul mutants have never been anything more than a fringe minority here.
this. Sup Forums has always been nationalist libertarian.
Well to be fair, natsoc's have been here from the beginning. All the Nazi threads that were originally on Sup Forums moved here. There was still some level of civil discourse, and plurality of idead then. Until stormcucks and redditers swamped the board and would screech at anybody who challenged the established orthodoxy.
The thing with libertarianism and white nationalism is that you can't have one without the other. It only works as a closed system (think about why you wouldn't respect the rights of a rights violator). In this case, whites are pretty much the only group predisposed to individualism and liberty (more specifically us whites). We don't vote (or at least didn't) on how a candidate looks but by what their policies are. Nonwhites do not behave in this way and will bloc vote for the candidate who looks like them or promises the most to their group. Get enough of these ethnics in your libertarian society and they will vote in an authoritarian system that suits there group interests best. They are like plague carriers in this sense because even if they don't know they carry these harmful anti right tendencies they still do.
Most of pol hasn't made this connection and is still split between hardcore authoritarian natsoc le edgy helicopter ride memes and the few remaining libcucks on this board.