Another big European accomplishment over the lazy Amerifats.
Another big European accomplishment over the lazy Amerifats
>be alive during German Empire
>be alive during Wiemar Republic
>be alive during Third Reich
>be alive during East and West Germany
>be alive during German reunification
>be alive during European Superstate consolidation
>be alive during the rape of your granddaughters
imagine being this decrepit old fuck
Imagine surviving to the age of 112 while you canacuck will probably die in a year.
Imagine being Italian
Well that escalated quickly...
must be painful seeing how Germany fell. but i always think this of all these super old people, all countries have decayed over the years
imagine being born in early 20th century... life wasnt perfect but at least it wasnt jewified to the limit like it is now.
Imagine being a canacuck
WTF is that dutch cunt on about ?
Why the fuck would you call her in an emergency ?
911 was specifically picked to makenit hard to cause an accidental dial, but still be quick. This isn't even a win against the U.S. it's arguably worse.
>name is literally misspelled edgelord
Obviouslyhe was a nazi at one point and the jews should have a nigger kill him
What did they accomplish?
Totally read that in a British accent before I even checked the flag.
another example of Americans living in Europeans heads RENT FREE
So... 911 isn't a valid number for emergency service? even though about a thousand people died in the Attack? sure one person promoting the number is cool... but fuck this.
I don't even understand what this thread is about or who won what and why. Is this how people cope with being systematically replaced by their own elected officials?
Inshallah, American cannot compete with the European Caliphate.
What the fuck is this tweet trying to say? Lol there’s no 119 year old people in US XDD
America has the emergency number the same as the biggest terrorist attack in our history. Beat that.
Oy vey! Another Holocaust """"""""""""""""""""survivor""""""""""""""""""""?
search your heart you know its true!
what's cringe is the fact that you're on an american website typing in english
I read that as Edgelord
I've been here too long
We have Sarah Knauss who is 119.
Imagine being btfo by US in ww2 and falling to this level
Imagine being subservant to America
Imagine being 56% white. Sad!
If I ever live to be that old, shoot me
I got you senpai
I bet the best time for him was 1933-1945
>USA will not be able to match that.
Don't you remember the 911 "Never Forget" campaign?
Are Italians even white?
You meme it means that the campaign worked
Nope. They are wops/wogs.
imagine being subservant to that country
Europe has a healthier lifestyle. Good for you. USA niggers are being sent to you overnight mail
beats getting shot in the streets and at school
How about instead of imaging it why don't you just tell me how it feels to be a nation of mutts?
She was probably raped by Russians or gangbanged by a group of allied soldiers.
She approves of her grand daughters enrichment.
I'm pretty sure the EU emergency responders will be functionally unequal to the task.
Their emergency number should be 11potato.
Anytime you think your own politician's are retarded.. I give you the EU.