10 TONS of Bodies and Parts Found


Human bodies were butchered, packaged and sold. While not going into human trafficking, this investigation covers meat-packing plants, that dismember cadavers and sell the parts. This is the latest in a 7 part series that investigates the body trade.

In one raid investigators said: “We expected two freezers and a few hundred pounds of body parts,” said Loftus, who’s now running for state representative. “Instead, we found 40 freezers with 10 tons of bodies and parts.”
Agents entered in hazmat gear and took biopsies from each body part to preserve as evidence. Records show the agents then placed the 1,755 parts into 142 body bags.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Another article:

Witness: Owner used chainsaw at body parts warehouse

“It disturbed me,” Durkee said.

Rathburn, the former owner of the business, is on trial in U.S. District Court, accused of selling diseased body parts for medical or dental training.

Rathburn, of Grosse Pointe Park, is charged with nine counts of wire fraud, three counts of making false statements and one count of transporting hazardous material.

Federal prosecutors say Rathburn knowingly purchased body parts infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and Hepatitis B and C, and sold them to buyers without informing them the parts were diseased.


A short Montana article on the same subject.


was it the Jews?

Almost like 40 years of abortions have cheapened the value of human life.


what the fuck

Is this John Podesta's basement? Where did these bodies come from? WTF over.

Do you really need that question answered for you?

Remember articles like these next time they're carrying on about the fucking holocaust


Article says the bodies were donated so presumably this is a hospital with bad book keeping and not human meat for consumption.


Was reading the pizzagate thread earlier and I came across the following doc about peado rings in Britain, considering this is probably world wide, I'll post here youtu.be/lPmAw1k0GYk


Why are they having a fit about the industry? Yeah buying diseased corpses is fucked up, should be illegal, yadda yadda, but you want doctors to have a try on a cadaver or three before they try to fix you. Or do they think some anatomical illustrations in a textbook is "good enough" for teaching someone how to replace a heart valve?

>so presumably this is a hospital
Kek, Reading fail. Not even close.

sounds more like mexicans
sawing off body parts is one of their hobbies

>burger meat is on sale this week

Body donors are retarded, they're letting the Jews sell their body parts for free.

I know thy shall not covet, but I really want a DeWalt reciprocating saw.

oh hey that's where the 9/11 plane occupants went!

>Grosse Pointe
Is this some top level kikery?

Mexican cartels dont preserve the parts for future use. They display them in an autistic layout on Central Ave.
This seems more like a rabbi thing. Maybe its for passover. But eh... that would be BLOOD LIBEL

Yes and it gets Alot worse.

This needs to be part of the human trafficking investigations this is what happens to those people after they aren't useful anymore and are killed.

Can't wait to hunt these people down, their screams will cleanse the demons from the spirits of the next generation. Never will these people exist again without being tortured beyond reason; until their pale, semiconscious corpses become beacons for a better future. Civil war would make a great cover...

I'm removing myself from the donor registry asap. If hypothetically one of my immediate family members died and they were an organ donor, do I have the right to intervene and say "no", you can't do this I don't consent.

LOL, rancid maggot ridden sausages

that's a lot of Kebabs!

T-they all had aids?

pic related is a nice eye opener.

That is a very depressing thought.

Why do they have to write it like a novel? Makes me feel dumb for even reading it

merry mutts rly are the mystery meat specialists

t. Body selling kike.

what the fuck... the jews doing blood libel and selling the body parts to Mcdonalds is fucking true!!!!! AHHHHHH youtube.com/watch?v=9eSSWt5yaEk

What fucking country ?

>“He says, ‘Emily, you’ve never cut off a head before, and everyone else has, so do you want to try?’” Glynn recalled. “And I’m, like, ‘OK.’”

>As she held the reciprocating saw, Glynn said, Kazemi steadied her grip.

>“It wasn’t a full-on chainsaw like you would see in a horror movie, but it was a smaller version,” Glynn said. “And then I just went for it. I was expecting lots of blood but there wasn’t much to it. It came right off,” she said of the woman’s head.

This company is awesome and the job soinds truely Sup Forums-tier.

What's your proposed alternative to using cadavers then? Make a fake body out of play-dough and let surgeons operate on a lump of clay? Cut up animals that may or may not resemble human bodies? We've been cutting up dead bodies for thousands of years to teach doctors, get over yourself.

If they are on the registry, they won't even ask you. If they are NOT on the registry, they're obligated to ask first, but you better be on top of it and make sure all your family members are on the same page.

Its not really possible to read this article and come away with your attitude. Either you didn't read it or you are in the business.

This was not the first time Rathburn came under the radar over a head shipment. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention intercepted another shipment of heads that arrived in Detroit from Israel. The heads were not embalmed but soaked in mouthwash and water, which contradicted Rathburn's claims that they had been embalmed, records show. One of the heads belonged to a person who died of "sepsis, unknown bacteria."



So that's what they've been putting in our fast food. That's probably why everyone's getting crazy

>Its not really possible to read this article and not buy into the narrative the author is pushing

Kuru epidemic?

Pretty sure that plan got cancelled, hence why you see meat advertised as 100% beef or whatnot nowadays.

Happy Meal

WOW look at these scumbag (((jews))) cutting up this innocent good boy. Need mo money for dem burial programs.


>falling for liberal moralizing makes you red pilled
really wiggles my walnuts

I remember yonks back lads, there was human in the meat supply in England. I also remember police finding a meat processing plant where druggies and human traffickers would kill people and dispose of the bodies.

People started getting CJD from tainting meat and began shaking. Coppers made 0 arrests.
This goes back to the 80's and 90's but is more hidden today.

Any Americans should avoid McDonalds. It's already known to contain the meat of dead kiddys. Abe Finklestien even laughed about it.

It really seems quite retarded. I assume the jew is lying, how could they hide such massive wrongdoings?

>His head and his spine went to a project run by the U.S. Army.

imagine what the army is doing with severed heads

I mean I don't give a shit. If I was dead, you can bang me all you want. Who cares? A dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean shove as much shit in there as you want, I won't feel it. Fill me up with cream. Make a stew up my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces and throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? You're dead, you're dead.

Oi matey. You aren't dead when they nab your organs.
They need them live. The only organ useful when your dead is your cornea, everything else is fucked.
They open you up, gut you, then turn the machines off and wheel your husk of a body out.
Google Paul Byrn. He explains it all lad.

> Abe Finklestien even laughed about it.

But why do all of the bodies have aids and hep c?

I hope you also dont mind dying sooner than expected.

I knew the guy, never gave off a Jew vibe to me, AMA
Grosse Pointe is an old, old French community next door to Detroit


This comes to mind too

Makita all the way man. Black and Decker bought DeWalt and now they make shit tools. Go with rigid if you've got the money, they're shits nice but a little pricey. Makita is a good balance of price and quality.

Blowing them up to see where to reinforce their helmets?



Comfy pic

Jews in America sell bodies of dead mutts mostly to Israel, mostly for practice in medical schools.

those buildings are not even slightly straight

Wait until they find out about the ships.

Like they are going to fall over?

Container ships? Do you have any info on that?

Organ harvesting ships.

t. body selling kike

If they were dead already who gives a fuck?

t. reddit meme flag

Modern day Burke and Hare.

142 bosy bags. So some of the bodies/parts were from either small women or children?

This. They probably think it's hilarious

>Organ harvesting ships.
Found a working theory anyway.


I work in the medical device industry and yeah, anyone who "donates their body" is a buffoon. You're literaly giving away your corpse so the sleaziest guys in the world can make money off your literal flesh

That is fucking creepy


Just go for the OG Milwaukee Saw Zall



I'm not sure about this ship. I was referring to the ones operated by organized crime in the waters off the East and West coast of Canada.


How can they be straight when the earth is round?

Well not familiar. I would make sense though. Tens of thousands of people missing each year. They are not going into a landfill.


Not sure if y'all realize, but (((democracy))) is not working.

how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Like the one that posted up by Puerto Rico?


This one is the typical one that always gets posted.

That's Saratoga Springs. It still looks the same as it did in that picture.

google maps location? I've looked at SS on there, and couldn't find the exact spot.


Combat cyborg prototypes of course.


If this is really the best option for practicing surgery without putting lives at risk, then there's a huge market for VR studios to create realistic surgery simulators.

Old news.

How do you think they teach recruits the correct and safe procedure for skull fucking muslim women?