So I posted this on /x/ a few times, but I figure it could be more useful to Sup Forums. You can make of it what you will
>Go to a liberal campus in commiefornia
>Constant "TUCK DRUMPFFFFF!" from the students, faculty, professors
>Know a few right wing students
>We have brief conversations after excessively liberal classes over how cringe it was
>Think it'd be great if we could network
>College republicans were basically screeched/bullied off campus, so that's a no-go
>Push is for frats to be more "inclusive" so that doesn't work either
>Time passes, college becomes more unbearable
>Even fucking bible study is all "progressive, all-inclusive" club
>Decide it's time to form my own
>Can't be openly political because then we'd be painting a target on our heads (I've seen it happen with other students)
>Think of club name/idea
>Remember old article I read on founding your own conspiracy (it was mostly a joke idea)
>Part of what it recommended was naming your society after the latin word for your school mascot
>I.E. "The Fresno Fishes" could become "The Esoteric Order of Pisces" or something
>Our mascot is the matador though, so that's a bit tougher
>Remember history lecture
>Remember the Roman mystery cult of Mithras
>Get idea
>Go to library, rent book on Mithras
>Read it as fast as I can, go over everything it says
>The cult was most likely all-male, was found predominately among Roman Legionaries, encouraged the same perennial values in Right Wing thought
>The campus itself was fertile grounds for Mithraic worship as it had numerous landmarks that could easily be converted to dedications to Sol Invictus
>The hierarchy lends itself towards easily indoctrinating people into its beliefs/being less easy to infiltrate by lefties.
Forming Roman Mystery Cults for Redpill Networks on Liberal Colleges
>Explain the idea to my most far-right buddy, he's on board
>More cuckservative types are hesitant, I explain it's less about the religion, more about the way to share ideas in secret
>Eventually they're on board to
>Start off without about 7 of us as the founders of the "Brotherhood of Mithras"
>We'd meet every Sunday late at night
>There were plenty of hidden places under the campus that students didn't go to and faculty rarely visited
>Converted one of them into an impromptu Mithraeum
>Learn as many rituals as we could, when that failed we had to improvise and make educated guesses as to what Mithras' followers believed
>Decided on how the "Brotherhood" would function, invented secret handsigns, even came up with a clever series of puzzles we called the "Path of The Zodiac" to lead people interested in Mithras to contact us
>Set the rules down that we would put new members on a diet and exercise regimen to get swole, 'cause swole right
>At each level of initiation into the Secrets of Mithras we would also give them redpills, slowly starting with racial differences and ending with the JQ
>This was in addition to "mystic truths" being revealed to them (borrowed a lot from /x/'s occult library)
>If anyone found out about us, we'd simply say we're neopagans and they should respect our religious beliefs
>Agree to each try and find an apprentice we should initiate into the order
>Had a blast coming up with "spooky" and "mysterious" ways to get them to join us
>What started as 7 eventually became 14
>In the span of a couple years we grew even larger
>Before I graduated we saw us start branching out into the sports teams on campus
>Every single person who was initiated into the order and wasn't weeded out within the first level ended up redpilled. Every. Single. One.
>No one knew about us, but we pulled the strings behind a few social cliques on campus
>We essentially created fertile ground for more right wing thought
>Since the faculty didn't know, IF they found out and learned what we taught, they would either have their hands tied with "muh religious discrimination" or utterly paranoid that an unknown amount of students not even confined to the campus could be dropping redpills.
I think this could be the path forward Sup Forums, it doesn't even have to be Roman Mithraism either, you could have classic Christianity, or even go full on Thule society. Mystery cults both give an aura of mysteriousness, let you network, and are less vulnerable to infiltration.
see you on the news cultist. dont make us look bad like that
I'd pick an even more mystery name, something nondescript, like The Organism
bloomberg is already creating a brotherhood of mithras, built his new hq on a mithraeum in the heart of london. Maybe go deeper
That sounds retarded. What the fuck do you do as a club? Go around spreading "Hail Mithras" posters? Do you even go to shit like debates or a student government, or is it just a bunch of you doing fuck-all in some reclusive room?
Here's how you go about it.
1) Make friends with older students, particularly those in the student government body. Keep good ties with them and be sure to stay up to date.
2) Get a list together of all the club presidents and have your group go to their dumb events as a good will thing. This will be your Trojan Horse.
3) Get chummy with the presidents and their club reps, earning their support and trust
4) Influence your older friends to make a few small changes to the government constitution a little at a time and suggest to the club pres/reps that these are good ideas. (With this, there are two main ideas. You want to not be usurped and you want to get as many Mithras people in as possible so you get a solid base for after you end up having to leave. This also gives you a pseudo-Gestapo.)
6) When election time comes around, roll a 20 for charisma and get elected president of the student government. (This is where it gets tricky. You don't want to foist the daily duties onto your Mithras people otherwise they will come to dislike you and spread rumors, so you want to find the "Boxer"s on campus, those people who will put their 110% in without question and put them in positions like treasurer and secretary).
7) Be a very charismatic president, going around to clubs with Mithras and showing support, even if you think it is stupid. While you are going around, put the final touches onto the amendments your chummy predecessors made, so that you cannot be kicked out and can choose your successor. (Keep your successor a secret from everybody, even the target. Heaven knows how many reigns were ruined because the upstart got impatient).
8) Now that you're in and solid, change the campus quietly in your image.
This is a good idea, infiltrate established groups and slowly reform them to our ideals.
One thing I forgot to mention is to appear outwardly friendly towards the sjw clubs, but confide in other clubs that the sjw clubs have been unusually unreceptive and not very open about your "Neopaganism". Victim politics goes a long way, especially in sjw culture around religion. With this seed planted in the minds of other clubs, they will not mind so much if you take actions to "punish" the clubs out of resistance and make the remnants a fringe.
To help people forget about the now dysfunctional clubs and what you did to them, during Step 7, you want to imitate the Romans and have a festival for a lot of things, first hosted by the student government/Mithras and a few volunteer clubs, and allow other clubs to volunteer as well. Do a festival every month or so with various clubs and put on shows to get in good graces of everyone. "Bread and circuses" will make the people soft and less likely to rebel, as well as resist rebellion because there is nothing immediately in it for them.
> unironically worshipping the Old Gods
> actually living better lives as a result
this timeline is the best timeline
put up or shut up. unless you've pulled this shit off, or are directly quoting people who have, your advice, while well-intentioned, is worse than useless.
It really varied. We'd have ceremonial feasts, but also discuss ways to improve our rhetoric and share literature (introduced quite a few new people to Evola) as well as more subtle kinds of resistance.
Here's the thing about student governments on liberal campuses: they're filled with people just as ambitious and manipulative as you'd expect us to be--and they're not even intentionally trying to skew things one way!
I like your ideas, I do, thing is leftists are loud: if you don't come across as a flaming fucking migrant-cock sucker, they'll call you on it. Plus you'd be competing as a white guy against at least three queer black feminists in an environment where "Fuck Wypipo" isn't that uncommon a statement.
This could work on a less left leaning campus, but when you're deep in enemy territory, you got to build sturdy foundations first. We'd try to focus on gaining more social power over psuedo-political power: have more and more of us at the school gym, for example, until we could metaphorically cut it off from the wider campus culture and expand from there.
Joseph de Maistre was correct when he said that there's always someone who can make a better argument than you, so the best way to motivate people is with passionate, if irrational, reasons.
You can tell someone again and again about how good they'd look if they worked out or how good they'd feel, and they still wont do it. Tell them they'd please the great god Mithra and achieve a higher rank in our secret order and they'd sure as fuck give it an attempt.
It's actually pretty sweet what happened with a few of us. I knew a pudgy kinda neckbeard dude, he was open with the fact his parents were kind of ashamed of him. We got him to lose weight, got him a girlfriend, and he told us he got nothing but kind comments from his relatives come thanksgiving.
csun bro op
Eyyy nice to see another Sup Forumslack stuck in Hell.
so how did people hear about your club? Who was attracted to it?
Going to go to work, but we learned from the Mithraic teachings itself.
It started with 7 of us, all going to different classes. We'd look for the students that would feel uncomfortable whenever the class did some liberal shittery, whined about America or "Rethugglicans" or other crap. We'd have our own methods of contacting them, but if they followed our path we'd explain that we were right wing students like them following an "ancient school of wisdom" in hopes of bettering ourselves and the campus.
We'd give them a number to call, let them think on it, and when they were interested they'd call us to learn more/start following the path of Mithras.
It was real small-scale when we did it. It was person-to-person so we wouldn't risk leftists finding out. But from there we started casting a wider network.
Jocks. Club presidents. Frats. We held social power even if our numbers were few.
This is bullshit don't listen to this asshole, you're just replicating harmful elements of what the freemasons do, this whole political subversion and manipulation of the community - thats fucking wrong and you know it. What you speak of already occurs with left wing backed money and organizations, dont replicate the manipulative methods of your so called enemy. Be fucking honest you bitch. It is what it is.
I run a small club organization - be true to yourself and your message. the campus is already littered with a million trillion social justice causes and the trick is to simply stand out or differentiate what you offer people , relative to what everyone else is doing.
This is factual. Went through a lot of trouble and expense too. Smart building like we've never seen. Very interesting subject.
This is America. You can tell any of your classmates to FUCK OFF for any reason. You can then start a GOP WORSHIP club and not be a small group beta weirdos.
this is a dumb idea but conspiring is entertaining
no, dont do this, think about it, literally this is what the progressive-leftists have already done - what does it say that you have to replicate their methods of social manipulation ? In relativity and in strategy for social appearance, you should hold yourself to a higher standard that you define yourself.
Its easier to hijack narratives and present people with challenges that also conform, or present seeming hypocrisies, in what you critique
The first 6 steps are practically taken from Hitler's script, with a hint of learning from Orwells "Animal Farm". Step 7 and largely taken from Machiavelli and the Roman poet Juvenal, in the context of the Roman Empire.
These are very good points, and I like how you are building "poster children" in a beneficial manner. I also agree with you that "Deep in leftfield" student governments are going to be exponentially harder to wrestle the reins from than a moderate left college and would require additional steps that bump up risks inherent in things like puppet governments.
The people are certainly a sturdy foundation if you are trying to sway social power, but I think there will be a lethargy in the group, unless a competent leader can take over where you left off. Being right wing and based off of a roman legionary cult, I assume there was a chain of command or some other structure, and unless the new shot-caller has the same sources as you for your "pagan" rituals and fresh red-pills, things are going to slump and die off.
Also with the social vs. pseudo-politics, it is true that the hands are tied in public where they cannot openly knock the group down a few pegs, but they can do things like cut off your base of operations with Campus PD, or require you constantly move your stuff from room to room arbitrarily because so-and-so needs it for such-and-such. Or send some backdoor "xhe"s to fuck up your room. And you can't keep the place under constant surveillance because of campus rules regarding recording in private.
I would suggest to at least have a foothold in the student government and be on good terms with other clubs so that if the SG does find out and do something to you, you have popular support and can manipulate the SG into instilling fear and outrage into the other clubs, that this could happen to them as well.