Uniting the south slavs but this time under a fascist flag (Serious thread, no shitposting please)

If we want to survive as a race and civilization we must stand united, and what better way to be united other than unions between nations that are similar racially, culturally, ethnically, etc...
Today the eastern European nations are irrelevant, but united they might gain some relevance.
A fascist state of this kind must unite the people trough reason and propaganda, and make them work, trough authority if necessary, to rebuild the economy.
Then the state can get rid of the big problem that is haunting us here in the eastern Europe, the gypsies. Then forcefully, if necessary, convert the existing slavic muslims in that region.
Then a powerful and homogeneous nation can be build.
But this cant be done only if the chauvinistic spirit of this nations and the hate between them will not be left behind, celebrating their past without threatening and hating other nations of Europe.
Remember, in WW2, Austria united with Germany, they knew that together they are powerful, once we realize this, Europe will be ready to wage war against aliens, outside and within our countries, if we stay divided, they will take us one by one, first the west, then the east.
How much do you think countries like Poland and Hungary will be able to stay isolated, once everyone around them will fall, they will follow, either trough war or by infiltration of the enemy.
Looking for some smart replies and opinions, and not trolls that come here just to ignite hate between the nations.

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As a burger who has visited the Balkans, I definitely agree.

If Balkan nations got rid of the high cigarette consumption rates, underage drinking, gypsies, and all the negative shit like that that goes on there, it would be quite a powerful region.

They will agree as soon as they all have one common enemy to unite against (e.g., the fall of western europe)

cigarettes and drinking are our national pastimes.

yes, there are a loot of things to be fixed.
and unlike former Yugoslavia, this time it should be more federalized, and the regions a more economically and socially autonomous.

don't forget eating sjemenke


In my personal expirience we are not even close to our neighbours in these problems.

fuck off dude, smoking is based and redpilled. The USA was at it's most dominant when most men smoked. As smoking rates declined, so has our ability to win wars


Good, now show the country in first spot.


Nothing a holocaust or two won't change.
When I visited Bulgaria I could not believe how much people smoked, even indoors too. People would come up to me frequently and ask for a зaпaлкa. Eй бpaтчe, paзкapaй ce.
>was at it's most dominant
>was at it is most dominant
at least try. also
>t. slave to the tobacco leaf
Have you guys ever watched Utopia? (regarding gypsies)

Should've been done 150 years ago. Even Yugoslavia was too late. Separate nationals consciousnesses were already developed. All we can do now is a V4-like group.

>All we can do now is a V4-like group.
We don't need that, the balkan countries are based individually
If anyone tries to put refugees anywhere for instance the people there rise

I meant a group for primarily economical cooperation.

Rapefugees are not an issue here, no one would fucking stay here.

This may be inevitable once globalist structures fail.

And that's most that should be attempted. Strong cooperation in economy, politics and military areas. Almost nothing above national level.

>but united they might gain some relevance.
Eastern Europeans murdered each other dude

dude, you are in the same union as germany....

>If Balkan nations got rid of the high cigarette consumption rates, underage drinking, gypsies, and all the negative shit like that that goes on there, it would be quite a powerful region.
If African countries dropped tribalism, stopped killing each other and started researching and studying in STEM fields, it would be a quite powerful region.

Never again.
Get cancer retard.

thanks for the constructive comment, your advice made me change my opinion and stance on this problem, only if there would me more people like you.

Well it's a fucking start at least. What do you propose Balkan nations do?

only one problem with that.... Serbs are not white


Yugoslavia was just a thinly veiled Serbian superstate, the Balkans can't "unite" unless one group is oppressing all the others


Ffs Tito why did you die

>Balkan unification
>no shitposting

Fucking non yugo retards think uniting the balkans is a good idea when it was always and still is a fucking powder keg
Want another civil war? This is how you get a civil war!

Dumb balkan monkeys

Everyone knows Serbia is the rightful ruler of south slavs.

There is only one way to unify the Balkans.

Such a great ruler that lost it's clay so many times,it will become Slovenia sized by 2050

this will never happen, because the croatians have literally sucked so much euro dick that they cannot back down now. they have pissed in the faces of their neighbours to beg to be the whores of europe. so now they get ass fucked regularly like the cunts they are and beg for more.

eu integration is great, really.


prosperous and united ukraine won't happen, because the ukrainicans have literally sucked so much russian dick that they cannot back down now. they have pissed in the faces of their neighbours to beg to be the whores of europe. so now they get ass fucked regularly like the cunts they are and beg for more.

independent ukraine is great, really.

Not a chance. We are still undicided who has to be gassed first. Who should be gassed second. Who to hang and who to shoot. I assume that Gypsies goes first. An then probably Muslims. But that is going to be bit problematic but not undoable. After that we will run into the problems, since we will run out off ppl that we all hate (and that is something what would eventually bind us). So i assume that we would randomly start to kill each other.

I would kill all socialist first. Fist international socialist and after them natioanl-socialist. So you see a problem and emerging pattern

gyppos always go first no discussion needed

after we kill gypsies and muslims, who cares what happens really?

Well, you just proved my point. After we kill gypsies and muslims (and that is about 7-8 million ppl) why to stop there. Lets go to make even better society. So lets kill some more of them.

I would suggest lets keep it as is, and lets every country deal withs its own problems. And after that, why not...

Who cares about gypsies? They are so few in number and are willingly segregating themselves that I never really saw them as a problem. After all someone has to gather cardboard, plastic bottles etc.

Except when foreigners visit and see gypsies with rotting legs right on the side of the road in a capital city and wonder how eastern Europeans let the gypsy infestation get so far

Current state of affair is that retired ppl are doing that also. So Gypsies are unfairly competing on that economy. Plastic bottles, paper and recycled metal are for our retired folks

>crocuck wanking to ljotic
kys desu

pan-slavic union when

me on the right

kys diaspora

Eu really wasn't good on you people, has it? I thought we are bad, but retired people aren't forced to do that here.

Fuck foreigners.

This. long live independent Serbia and Croatia! Death to self-proclaimed "Yugoslavs"

>balkan union
It failed even under a monarch with the Government trying its best to promote equality under all ethnicities, unifying people and then straight out remove any resistance by force. Yugoslavia was smaller and was already struggling after 50 years of its founding. Making it a "fascist" state is like making Russia a fascist state, the entire idea of fascism doesn't work when you have 30 other cultures, nationalities and races. Its impossible.

Even though it may be the best option strategically, its never going to happen due to culture clashes and past irrelevant butthurt.

Pa deste raja sta ima?

Nista, OP kreten. Ponekad mi se cini da su nasi ljudi na 4canu isti kao i prosecni jugonostalgicni balkanci inace.

Ma normala znaci. Zena, djeca sve dobro?


Sasvim. Ti?


no and you should stop. stop trying to make friends with your enemies. this isn't even the 19th century where you need a gigantic area to be somewhat relevant. just remove kebab and memes like bosnia, montenegro and fyrom, and get to fixing your own country. let that failed project die the quiet death it deserves, it's simply too late now.

Ma sve super nego moro bi ja krenut pa se vidimo. Svrati nekad na kafu eno i zena napravila kolaca i halve pa da jedemo.


Balkan can only unite when they fight the roach.
After a short while of fightning off Turks they would just backstab each other over and over again.

Ma samo pozitiva familijo nista rat to

This is how it would end. Pic related.

Come to think of it so is france together with england or hungary romania and slovakia
How things change

fuck off scum

but some retards are stuck in the past, i mean, if everyone acted like this, there would me no allies, germany would have beat the shit out of uk and france and won the war if those 2 didn't left the past behind. but people on Sup Forums are fucking retarded, it is making me become more anti nationalist by the day, this community is fucking shit and retarded

anyway, you are doing a great job protecting your borders, along with the other 3 countries from v4, but after every other country will become shitskin, you will follow, you wont be able to protect yourself, that is why we need more cooperation between neigbourghs, the more the better, stop the conflicts between romania and hungary, they are sensles.

Obaveze sad, drugi put.

Only if it would be called Macedonia

it will be called bosnia, so fuck off