this anime belongs in the dumpster. defend it if you can which you cant
This anime belongs in the dumpster. defend it if you can which you cant
all animes belong in the dumpster. defend em if you can which you cant
Anyone who browses Sup Forums is probably in the dumpster. So it is a perfect fit.
>Amy Lee: The anime
The OP song and Re-L make it worthwhile
I can't defend it.
It doesn't.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
>defend it if you can which you cant
Pale cuties with black hair and blue eyeshadow are literally my fetish
Fuck you, InCase
I wanted to watch a confusing sorta cyberpunk thing and that's exactly what I got.
Texhnolyze for normies
Pino a cute. What more defence does it need?
You should be on a dumpster.
muh raisins
Why is it that Ergo Proxy and Elfen Lied are the two most hated anime on this board?
hard mode: avoid using the word "pretentious"
I'm actually genuinely curious if anyone can defend this shit, still so much people eat it up.
Elfen Lied is a bunch of edgy bullcrap just to be shocking and with no other meaning or purpose. Ergo Proxy had some pretty big story board issues, but that's nothing unusual for anime. The concept and plot behind EP is solid as fuck and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Lain is 5x closer to EL, and even that's an unfair comparison.
Extra-Hard mode: avoid using the word "edgy"
How about you avoid posting?
>Elfen Lied is a bunch of edgy bullcrap just to be shocking and with no other meaning or purpose.
It's obviously meant as a metaphor to symbolize the psychological impact of abuse and repression. If you're too stupid to not understand something that obvious then it's not the show's fault.
Edgy is such a buzzword. Stop being such a reddit-tier faggot and fuck off, you dull cunt.
Might wanna change your diaper.
Extreme hard mode: don't use words at all. Explain everything with one single anime image
Extreme hard mode: don't use words at all. Explain everything with one single anime image
Its meh. Not terrible but I don't really care if it is in the dumpster or not. The overall story line was a bit nonsensical with the whole humanity made an overly complex system to restore earth's biosphere which necessitated tons of complicated mechanisms that obviously broke down. I don't even remember the cities actually doing any work on the environment to restore earth so what exactly is their purpose in the recovery plan. (Giving them nukes certainly doesn't seem like a good plan).
The end revealed premise is essentially Wall-E just much darker and edgy. And at least in Wall-E earth just naturally recovered with humans gone. It also makes no sense to have self aware proxies with supa powers and then proceed to try and wipe them out after the project is over as that is a sure fire way to inspire loyalty. Ergo Proxy has some interesting ideas but I don't really see why not compact it into a cube and throw into dumpster.
Interesting concept, interesting character design, terrible execution.
This. I watched Texhnolyze, SE Lain and Ergo Proxy in succession.
I really liked Texhnolyze.
EP was enjoyable.
SE Lain was somewhat empty, but an interesting concept.
Out of those 3 the one i see dissed the most is Texhnolyze and praised the most being Lain. Ive allways found that odd.
the cities were experiments. that's why they were designed to destroy themselves (or each other) when the time was due.
I thought it was fine.
it was pretty good, and the music too
But it would have been better if it was movie
Some parts were really boring so I had to skip
This is my defense.
Pino exists and she's amazing
I liked it, a lot.