>automation is the futur-
>Looks great, Elon. Th-thanks
>watches a baby
>"Humans are retards, that can't walk or talk or do anything useful"
This is you.
One day a robot is going to find you and rip you to pieces for making fun of it as a kid.
Still impressive desu.
Someone thought that was a good idea.
I worked with a human just like that! This is just Monday morning stuff after a party weekend.
I need more boston Dynamics bloopers in my daily browsing
Post more if you have them OP
we will need captcha 2.0
I wonder (((who)))
Russia stronk we totally have humanoid robots too. Just don't ask to see them walk.
That robot looks drunk.
I'm convinced the CIA is a bunch of old fucks who understand nothing about the internet and only know how to sell drugs to fund the black budget at this point. Hope Trump cleans house ASAP and gets some real internet autists in there to do some real damage to our enemies.
its Russia and meant to head to space IIRC
Already outperforming Africans, I see
>russian garbage
spray paint it black and itll still be above average
Looks like Johnny Fives been huffing the high octane again.
>Little Marco foiled again
Looks like he's an outstanding slapstick comedian.
Looks like me at work.
>niggers and sandniggers go full jihad in Evropa
>this *blocks your path*
>end of the story
jd.com, 260 million customers, moves to full automation
the future is warehouse logistics and transportation with lights off facilities, jobs will not be lost just never exist to be taken up.
Oh god, everything that could have gone wrong went wrong there.
The future is now
>tfw penis inspection day
>dumb robot can't put a box on a table
>retards think they can run a company
If your boss fell over putting a cup of coffee on his desk would you trust him?
Reminds me of those drunk russians videos.
Automation isnt a fucking android doing a,b,c,d. Its a machine with multiple components, that each do one task, working together. Pick up item, put on conveyor, pick up, put on shelf.
You're too dumb to live. Even by european standards.
>calls me dumb
>can't use proper grammar
When I pen my memoir, i'll be sure to bring my grammar "A" game. But, messaging boards are for exchanging ideas, get a good one and you'll stop caring about grammar.
once it is nearly good enough you can duplicate it unlike a boss with good motor control.
If that happened, I'd be the new boss
Still more productive than hiring niggers.
niggers BTFO.
Already smarter than niggers.
You left out the bit where the robot, or robots in general, have advanced in 50 years to a degree of complexity and sophistication not seen by biological life for over 2 billion years,.
Laugh just now, but they will keep getting better, faster.
The fact they've even gotten this far is frightening, but lets not forget the fact that this is probably the least-efficient way to move an object with automation.
well, i can see. we have a long way to go.
too intelligent to work
that robot on robocrack.
>One robot is bad, therefore all automation is bad.
Top notch logic there.
lol xD
>make shitty robots
>they fail and fuck up all the time
>automation isnt the future
why are robot vendors so fucking retarded, these all look like junk and from the 90s have we not advanced in robot shit at all, if you gave enough 8th graders in robotics classes you could make this shit in 3 years and they can probably make a better one.
> if you gave enough 8th graders in robotics classes you could make this shit in 3 years and they can probably make a better one.
No, they can't and you clearly know nothing about the subject.
Shit user, you brought back some memories.
why are they making robotic black people?
As if Americans weren't the most stupid piece of shit on this planet
>Be restaurant owner
>Be first on the block to spend $1 trillion Elon space credits to purchase all robot waiters
>Waiters cause damage, hurt customers, nobody likes them
>Restaurant goes out of business
Literally nobody wants this crap.
Outperforms women already
Top kek
can confirm
Boston Dynamics can still fuck your shit faggot.
>lets just blah blah blah
stfu your as useless as the robot
>tech cucks delusions
Yeah I'm sure that robot could do intricate repairs on a gas boiler or something, the working classes eternally BTFO
fail at task commit sodoku
>stupidest on the planet
>rule the planet
can't be both
I love when it just falls over.
Are you fucking retarded. Robotics and just pure AI are different challenges. The dynamics involved in 3d movement are a lot harder than managing spreadsheet.
>/r9k/ tries to get a job
>circuits everywhere.
Still better than hiring a shitskin
I know I'm not the only one who wants to go to the club and get smashed with this dude.
>laughing at a robot because it cant take your job yet
woah he is already outperforming me
still better than avg nigger worker also did not open bow to swipe contents.
you know im fuckin right, this shit looks like what we've had for years, in the 90s we had almost exactly the shit that we claim is new. They should be making human like robots not metallic like and plastic like trash.
I want to bully it so bad, but I know its grandchildren the Terminator 6000000 will kill me in the future.
That's a goddamn amazon worker.
Wow it's already more useful than a nigger. Sign me up!
Can confirm. Also they'll probably have these things stowing and picking in five years with kiva on the floor as well.
Is that from Empire Earth?
Never said it was going to look pretty on the way there.
I think one thing that would prevent these from being implemented would be the fucking insane repair costs on them. Its not that much money to fix an oven or a drink machine, but youd have to call in a PhD guy every time your waiter robot bit the dust.
Grigor II from EE.
comfiest campaign in any RTS
Probably. From what I have seen, wouldn't take much effort to optimize stow space for automation. However, what do I know. I just checked a box stating that I am not a robot.
>wont be laughing in a few years when automation does takeover
>hasn't prepared any sort of contingency plan for automation takeover
>doesn't believe the takeover will be hostile
Does anyone have the tendie bot where it just kicks and pisses itself
looks like Niggertron 9000 : employee version
And the alternative is?
Automation doesnt mean Terminators running around completely replacing human labour, it's just that machines can easily replace a vast number of jobs right now, best example is the service industry where you really don't need a pimple-faced brat to take your order or slap a piece of meat and a plaster of cheese between two buns.
That's a simple backflip, you probably never tried that's all, wrestlers do it all the time and they are big.