Let's ignore the shills & have a laugh
PolHum Thread
That's actually extremely sad.
... and funny
whats the fucking point of the captions explaining the joke? I fucking hate this normie social media trash meme
old classic coming through
how are you supposed to get the joke without the captions?
this is really sad
i've been laughing at this for 10 minutes now
Neo Cons and Neo Libs need to be lined up and shot
top fekkin kek m8
Ronnie Corbett??? On Sup Forums???
user I salute you
This is how we red pill white normies. Being exposed to nigger will make any sensible person redpilled. We just need to encourage liberals to hang around blacks more
Holy shit lol
The look of realisation that everything you believed in was a lie
without a doubt
God, what show is this from?
My sides!
the 1000 yard stare
the saddes words of tongue and pen are these:
Sup Forums was right again!
Which one is the autist?
checked and rekt
Vit k2 deficiency
Leave me alone, Wojak
Someone answer this. It's been posted here so many times for so long, but I've never gotten a name
Not to mention she has no fucking soldering wire lol
Fucking gold
the fact that you had to explain what she was doing wrong defeats the whole purpose of the image.
fucking kek
Exactly. The image just on its own is far funnier. I cannot though find my copy. Sorry
Fucking Croats and their black magic
Leave me alone, Wojak
Money really can't buy style or taste.
Leave me alone, Wojak
Why can't niggers swim?
Leave me alone, Wojak
i have tried but i do know that it's from a sketch show here in UK called the two Ronnies. It's one of our national treasures from the 1970's. other then that i can't find the episode.
England 7000 bc
Learned from his dear ol stepdad Pierre