Kemono Friends
Mmmm, nothing like the refreshing sensation of hot sauce on your nipples.
de-cat-ering from such a height
Oh, now that I look closer I can see she's not spilling it on herself.
Explains why nobody liked her cooking in 12.4.
Spelled Tabasco wrong, and if that's curry, that's gross.
she spilling it on her sweaty futa cock
Would a Friend be the perfect lifeform?
Kaban already is the perfect lifeform, so yes.
That would be too cruel for Kaban, and specially the owls.
how do you define the perfect lifeform?
Like this.
A lifeform who has the ability to turn its hand into a squirrel and incapacitate a cyborg nazi with said squirrel.
I'm going to fill Serval with animal lust.
Well, can't really argue with that.
Where's that from?
>double quotes
See me after class
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door the Jojo threads 2 blocks down
Zoo is handmaking signs.
I want to have sex with Serval while our privates are covered in chilli.
Looks like the VAs are happy about the early morning rebroadcast.
Why would you get idols to gather food
Owls are lazy, plus it turned out being able to swim came in useful.
Wait, what? Single quotes are for character literals, and double quotes are for string literals. It's a string literal, so double quotes are correct. And admittedly it's been a while since I did any C programming, but I'm 99% sure that you can macro a string literal without any problems.
how did the buns not get wet?
brushy brushy, Kaba-san
Bring her back
wub wub wub
I feel the minmi.
This is a Cerulean-free board, move along you slimy creep
This is a Friend-only board, move along you filthy dog.
Filthy dogs are not this cute, though.
For the life of me I cannot figure out why Hippo doesn't have more fanart.
Neither is Aardwolf. She used to be, but not anymore.
For a show with so many great characters, Hippo comes across as kinda flat. All she has is her design (which is underrated) and the sex appeal.
Might have more to do with how mean she was to Kaban at the start. People even made some jokes about it.
Let's be honest. If you watched this show alone, knowing nothing about its context or how it was made, would you still like it half as much?
Sure, I liked it from the first episode.
Obvious cute girl factor aside, the setting is very interesting. I'm sure I would still like it.
3 episode rule. I found it charming, despite the very, very low budget. Toki and Alpaca completely sold me.
I assumed it was an educational show for kids at first, but once I watched a few episodes I realized it wasn't and genuinely enjoyed it. Hipsters who only say they like it because of muh underdog studio or whatever will get bored of it soon enough anyways
i watched it alone, without knowing anything about it other than it had animal girls or how it was made.
The often posted chart hold up. The third episode is what kept me in and i enjoyed the show more than i had enjoyed any show in a while
Yes. The girls are very cute and I love adventures.
So is Kemono Friends the new perfect example of the three episode rule? Or is that still Madoka?
I think the third episode turned around the show so massively pretty much across Japan that it may be the new champion.
kemono friends is the perfect example since madoka is shit all the way through
But Kemono Friends is good from the first episode.
But it turned Japan until episode 4.
Hard for me to say since Episode 3 was actually one of my least favorite episodes. I think 4 was where I started feeling the show, but I didn't accept how much I liked it until 6 or 7.
Say that to my face Friend
it's good, but not great. The third episode is what kicks the show running.
If the show had continued on the same path as the first two episodes it would have gone stale pretty fast.
I don't understand this
>the three episode rule
But it was episode 4 that introduced both the mystery and Best Girl(tm)
I *loved* the educational bits. I found myself looking forward to the zoo crews explaining how these animals behave on the wild, and then how these behaviors were adapted as part of the girls personalities.
I liked the English ones.
When sandstar touches a japari bun, it transforms into Japari Bun Man. The girls then proceed to butcher and devour it and then comment on how delicious and juicy it is.
The Kaban remembers Hipo's words on how in Japari Park you are to protect yourself by your own means.
Me too.
12/10, learned more about animals in these threads than all the zoos I've been to despite being one of those weirdos who actually read the signs about the exhibits.
Not that I disliked the educational parts, but shows specifically aimed at kids - as well as most edutainment programs - tend to have very little effort put into characters, dialogue, setting, etc. so I dropped it assuming it would be more of the same (despite watching the whole first episode and finding it surprisingly engaging).
Thankfully I picked it back up before too long.
So if a Japariman touches sandstar it becomes a double man?
I planned to watch it as soon as it got announced and I understood it to be a shitty 3D show like Gdgd Fairies. Would kinda miss the improv skits, but enjoy it otherwise.
>episode 4 introduced mystery
There was plenty of derelict infrastructure even in the first episode.
Besides the whole "cute animals girls having cute adventures", the appeal of Kemono Friends was the mystery about what happened to the humans and where the ceruleans came from.
With that mystery gone, what would be the appeal of a second season?
Isn't it a pun based on the fact in Japanese they call the buns "Japari-man"?
What is your point considering the second season will still have all three of those elements
>what would be the appeal of a second season?
Cute animal girls doing cute things.
How could Japaribunmen defend theemselves
>continuing to find out the current state of humanity
>the mystery of exactly what sandstar and ceruleans are (and whether or not they use elements from the game's story for this)
>what became of Mirai
>Serval's backstory
Not to mention any other mysteries that might unfold about the state of the park on a different island.
it would just be another Maid Dragon
This. I came into it at around episode 3, without even touching Sup Forums, just knowing the guys that did Tesabu were behind it, so it was an instant pick up. After getting up to date decided to check Sup Forums again in search of "that one thread a week it will definitely have" and found that it not only caught fire, but that it went fucking nuclear.
Would it? I do not have it handy, but Japari Park had a rather extensive map. Plenty left to explore.
I was watching Penny Dreadful my last night and one of the characters came back from Africa with a Serval pelt.
Made me rage a little.
So long as the dumb fucker is aware that servals can go from affectionate furballs to angry blenders if you touch them the wrong way, it is okay.
>Featuring the worst and best voices of the series in the same episode.
Really makes you think.
this is how PETA gets new recruits
i suggest you get a dictionary and look up the word "pelt"
Don't be rude to Alpaca
>go to the zoo
>lion is being bullied
what do you do, Sup Forums?
I lived in China for 2 months, Beijing specifically. We went to the zoo once and basically Chinese people would throw shit at all the animals like orangutans and others.
I misread that as "pet". Why would you even want a serval pelt? Their fur is coarse because they are Savannah dwellers, not fluffy like snow bunnies.
film it, send evidence to cops.
beat up some chinks
the chinese have no culture
Kaban's ass, or Kaban's belly?
I want a music video of Kemono Parade
I need a music video of Kemono Parade
Why does an African animal dress up as a Chinaman?