FACT: IQ is tied to culture not race. For example mental tests from WW1 show Black draftees from a few Nothern States outscoring White draftees in several Southern States. After WWlI, Black and White American soldiers had children with German women. The children of these parents had identical IQ.
FACT: IQ is tied to culture not race...
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ok then, black culture is toxic
best way to deal with it is still kill all the niggers
next question?
For full Boasianism you also need to claim that skull size grows every generation due to the astonishing power of magic dirt. Go ahead, don't be shy.
FACT: Writing a sentence starting with FACT doesn't make it true.
confirmed nigger culture must be eradicated
I don't get it
>while their fathers were white and African-American
So the fathers were already mixed?
No one ever said that some black people aren’t smarter than some white people. There are genius blacks and dumbass whites.
It’s the average and mean numbers that count, not isolated examples.
How many times are going to make this shit thread? Fuck it I'll bite.
>hurt durr some people 100 years ago showed some deviation from the norm
>race realist BTFO
Stupid argument
>our culture is shit, not our genetics
Is that really any better?
I tend to agree with OP.
Blacks should help exterminate niggers on Day of the Rope.
It implies they could change it on the fly but it is bullshit. This is on the same level as they always claim African immigrants into the US are one of the wealthiest minorities. Yes they might because these are the elites but what is an average?
>it's not genetics it's culture
>it's all about genetics
no matter which side you take you're still talking about the majority of niggers being retarded. At this point genetics and culture is like the chicken and the egg
pre-great migration, the northern negros were an elite sample
Thank you
Wish more of nu/pol/ would do this.
Ah now I get it they mean white or african american
What cite a study that is 100 years old and was BTFO by dozen others?
>Look these black people had higher iq than those white people therefore it's statistically obvious that blacks have higher iq than whites
t. moron
So based. Then why are all Aprefreakan countries still shitholes despite them having different cultures than Afro-coon_Americans?
FACT: kind of seems like the data was hand picked. elmer fudd could very well be less intelligent than his upper class racially diverse northern countryman. the south was hit harder than the north during the depression. also, the eyferth study doesn't have a control group of an all black group in the same region. you're data is kinda flawed, hoss.
This particular instance is true, Sowell talked about it a lot. But nigger culture is too naturally destructive and it's impossible to overcome it.
iq is a meme and imaginary bullshit number that doesn't mean shit
A Nigger is a Nigger. Simple. Over the fucking with all of them.
If you put blacks and whites through the same schooling, whites will outscore blacks.
>IQ is tied to culture not race
Look at all of these butthurt alt-righties completely BTFO by facts
>not race
once i heard that intelligence is mainly inherited from mother side. But i never saw any studies about this claim.
Does anybody knows anything about this topic? Is it bullshit, truth or 50/50?
>Several other researchers have been skeptical about the value of the study for illuminating the causes of racial IQ differences.
>Arthur Jensen has pointed out that the white girls in the study obtained an average IQ eight points below that of the white boys, suggesting a sampling error, because in the WISC standardization sample the average IQs of boys and girls are equal (among the mixed-race subjects in the Eyferth study, there was a small sex difference of 1 point, favoring boys). He has also noted that the IQs of the children's mothers and fathers are unknown, and that white and black G.I.'s in Germany were not equally representative of their respective populations, since about 30 percent of blacks, compared to about 3 percent of whites, failed the preinduction mental test and were not admitted into the armed forces. He further argues that the selective preferences of the German women with regard to sexual partners may have influenced the results in an unknown manner. Moreover, nearly all of the children were tested before adolescence, i.e. before the genotypic aspect of IQ has become fully manifested. Finally, Jensen suggests that heterosis may have enhanced the IQ level of the mixed race children in the study.[8]
>Rushton and Jensen have further pointed out that 20–25% of the fathers in the study were not African Americans but rather French North Africans.[9]
>military weeds out dumbest blacks from service
>quarter of "blacks" in study weren't actually black
>this is constantly touted by "cultural only" proponents
He at least posted one.
I guess you’d rather he just post BTFO or some other nu/pol/ cancer shit.
Despite the archaic study, it still allows one to disputes it with a modern study.
Newfags read and learn.
Does that bother you
This. The nig coddler system keeps telling us that it's just education that's the problem. So they've been implementing busing and other strategies to edumuhcate negroes and then when enough blacks infest a particular school, it goes to shit. Then the excuses like white flight, lack of funding, racism, etc start circulating; followed by more busing to White schools. Rinse and repeat since the mid 60's.
When will the insanity end and we'll admit that blacks are not equal and will never be a positive demographic in our society?
Spam garbage threads?
Intelligence is very complicated, there's no solid evidence that suggests you inherent intelligence predominately from your mother.
Where is the IQ study where Both parties are uneducated? What is the result then? Also what kind of IQ tests was conducted? There are different IQ tests.
>If you are black, you have to go back.
Nice duplicate thread faggot....MODS!!!
Yes there is. It has been shown that gut bacteria from the mother is a major factor in brain development and IQ. independent.co.uk
I know this for a fact. My dad is thick as fuck, and my mother has a 140 IQ. My siblings are all high IQ.
You mean the south that was reduced to rubble during the civil war? How did Black draftees in northern states compare to White draftees in northern states? How did Black draftees in the south compare to White draftees in the south?
I believe environment can have more to do with intelligence than genetics, if the environment is harsh enough to induce stupidity, or ideal enough to induce intelligence. The differences in the environment between the north and the south were probably quite drastic. Maybe a diet consisting solely of corn, potatoes and pork by-products isn't ideal for achieving a high level of intelligence.
His only stupidity is not checking the catalogue.
What, you prefer a mutt thread or let’s hate vaginas thread for the 600th time today
Also, not everyone lurks here 24/7. I know, that’s hard to believe right.
>study from 1900 true
>study from late 20th century undoubtedly false
A few cherrypicked draftee tests show nothing. Actual twin studies have been performed showing IQ difference based on race.
You need to understand statistics.
Fact: Breeding is the best predictor of IQ