Reminder: wypipo be rayciss and shit and we wuz kangz
We waz kangz
Let me in whyteppl
>implying it's not to pay the gibs of all the niggers leeching off france
Versailles, Chambord, Sacré-Coeur, Villeneuve, Notre-Dame.
Thanks niggers for all of that.
but didn't you see the picture in op its an african feeding fat french archetype. Surely this isn't complete nonsense.
that looks like an American capitalist more than anything
>The former colonies have to pay a “colonial debt.”
Wtf I love France now! I thought they were like the faggot anglos who send them money in foreign aid.
send money to Mexico nao
>That hand
France deserves this for not completely exterminating these invasive chimps.
Deserves what? They're literally getting billions from Africa for free
>France would be a third world country if it wasn't bleeding it's former colonies dry
We didn't even colonized for economic purpose, it was just to piss of the Brits.
All of our colonies ( exept the Indochine ) were not profitable.
Deserves to have these retarded monkeys whine their way out of paying back their loans while at the same time flooding into France in the tens of millions. The only sensible policy for dealing with non-whites is total extermination and white settlement of their lands.
This is obviously a bunch of bullshit. It's actually France that is throwing money at its former colonies as "reparations". We have been giving a full billion to Algeria, every single year, since the end of the war.
That explains why most poor african countries use the french central back and why you chimped out at gaddafi for trying to create the gold backed dinar.
Where that money go that was supposed to go back to Haiti ? France takes in almost 500 billion from all former colonies. It's the cost of doing business.
>That explains why most poor african countries use the french central back
They can get out of it any time they want.
Mali did it and it's economy went to shit, then they begged us to be in the Franc CFA again.
>why you chimped out at gaddafi for trying to create the gold backed dinar.
We brought them democracy and liberty, nothing personnal.
so niggers are feeding corrupted jews and other niggers?
Yes they even use an old colonial currency tied to the Euro. Called the CFA. Look it up.
>They can get out of it any time they want.
Mali did it and it's economy went to shit, then they begged us to be in the Franc CFA again.
So you are saying they can, but honestly no, they can't ok they're fucked.
It basically mean that without us, their economy would be even more shitier
Well, that's the purpose of a first world country
>We brought them democracy and liberty, nothing personnal.
Next time bring conquest and subjugation it will probably turn out better for all involved.
Explain Iceland
>No resources
>No arable land
>Still better than literally any african country
core-periphery economic theory is apologism
They only have about 300,000 people, no spending on a standing army either. They make a lot of money through tourism, aluminum exports and fishing. With such a small population, it's feasible.
>France controls 65% of the foreign reserves of their former african colonies
>They pay their former colonies a measly 0.75% interest and keep the rest
>Their former colonies have a colonial franc pegged to french franc
>former colonies have to pay a tax to france paying for the infrastructure the french built
fuuggggg I didn't know the french were so based
France is now black so your post is ironic.
Why is he so ugly is he some kind of nigger
The French would allow their countries to succeed, not before they burned everything to the ground. To avoid this, the colonies agreed to a tax.
Iceland has a very good navy actually
I will save those links for th enext time someone claims Europe has nothing more to do with Africa's businesses.
foreign aid is just a modern form of bribe
I always wonder when people make this excuse for sub-Saharan Africa being a complete failure if they can tell me exactly what resources were stripped?
Can they tell me how nations so stripped of all their resources could be completely successful when run by Whites, such as South Africa under apartheid and Rhodesia?
Additionally, if France, England, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands stripped all of their colonies to the bone how is it that American, Canada and East Asians nations that were colonies by the same powers have become the most powerful nations on the planet?
>Deserves what? They're literally getting billions from Africa for free
And ? Aren't you happy about that ? we're making them starving to death, a good nigger's a dead one. And it's not like we hadn't brought them democracy, knowledge, science, culture, litterature and so on. We need compensations for that.
France would be absolutely fine without their former African colonies.
There was a quote from some French politician which went something like "We have enough people and enough strength to move our country, but with our African colonies, we can move the planet."
It's a beneficial relationship, if France didn't have Africa, they'd be fine although not as powerful, but without France, their former African colonies would be lost in chaos. Keep in mind, France has deployed troops more than 30 times to that continent since they de-colonized, they keep troops and bases all over their former colonies, they even deploy their military to countries which weren't French colonies (like Somalia and Rwanda) in order to keep their African allies safe. I even read somewhere that the French intentionally drew the borders of their African colonies so that one would always be bordered by at least three French-speaking countries or something like that.
Anyhow, yes, France benefits a great deal, but they wouldn't sink without their former colonies, but the colonies would be in deep shit if the French left them alone to their own devices, they're weak, they can't defend themselves, they can't enforce their own laws, they depend on development aid in every sector of their economy from France, and they would be blind as kittens without la mere patrie there to help them.
Top kek
>mfw, most leftist voted for him to counter Marine LePen, but he's literally doing the same thing that what she planned to do.
>casualities and losses
>1 dude
>1 dude wounded
>defence tugs
>ministry of agriculture
The French relationship with Africa has not been one-sided. They have actually tried to help Africa while exploiting it. Did the costs outweigh the benefits for Africa? Who can say. However, France's trade with Africa accounts for less than 5% of its foreign trade. The french could live without the Africans.
>8. France’s former colonies are forced to use the colonial currency FCFA (the CFA franc).
>This evil setup acts as a milk cow for France. It has been condemned by the European Union, but France is not ready to get rid of such a system that drains the African countries of their wealth and brings to about $500 billion annually to the French treasury.
As per usual, France acts innocent, but screws everyone from the shadows with their "kindness" and "help". France and Germany deserve each other. EU should have just been you two, so you can perpetually back stab each other.
>France would be absolutely fine without their former African colonies.
>France benefits a great deal, but they wouldn't sink without their former colonies
I would rather see my country less powerful than seeing it falling apart and completely stolen of any cultural identity, and invaded by shitskins.
>EU should have just been you two, so you can perpetually back stab each other.
Well, they do bribe the leaders with lavish lifestyles to play ball or die in a freak "accident".
What these articles conveniently forget is ALL these ex colonies get tax free unfettered access to the EU, the world's largest market, as part of Aid.
They get free medicines, entry into the EU for products that locally produced goods can't anywhere near compete with, and infrastructure projects their own GDP could never pay for.
Look at all the money France pumped into NEW CALEDONIA its arguable got a higher standard of living than fucking NEW ZEALAND now!
Making its the second maybe third most successful part of Oceania.
This article is straight up fucking bullshit.They're only focusing on African Tyranical dictactorships and nothing of the success stories in the Pacific or ex protectorates in SE Asia.
Anyone with half a brain knows this
I'd prefer a prosperous Africa. Then they stay in their own countries.
It' s over now anyway
>500bn annually to the French treasury
State's budget is 350bn so I call bullshit on that
Watcha gun do bout it
It didn't stop us invading it during the war. If I remember correctly, we then gave it to America.
How the fuck did they pull this off? Bongs got x10 of x8 ship in every encounter?
>I'd prefer a prosperous Africa.
>Implying that Most African people aren't retarted and absolute savage, and can live in peace without enslaving other nations, raping and killing each others.
If we weren't there for them they'd still build house in mud.
Mantes-La-Jolie circa 2018
during the cold war iceland was a very important place to control the atlantic, iceland was able to get america to intervene behind the scene
Reminder: America would be a third world country if it wasn't enacting as a police force towards the rest of the world. No country can survive 44% shitskins who contribute nothing to society.
Surely it has nothing to do with very generous and one-sided contracts our oil industry has over there ?
Colonies are one of the reason you have the standards of living you currently live with. If you want to rewrite french history without colonies, move to Eastern Europe
Please, come to this thread in order to avoid shilling and support a better Sup Forums
European, not African Solidarity.
They wouldn't be there in the first place if it hadn't been for imperialism. Reminder that factions of the conservatives of colonial times opposed imperialism because of that very reason.
>France would be a third world country right now
>Would be
Is this some kind of elaborate ruse?
France has been a third world country for a long time, their adoption of communism lite(inb4 socialism isn't communism) just cemented it completely.
Unless they get off their asses and give Jupiter complete control they will go instinct in our life time
Get a lot of this welfare muffing immigrant
France had pretty good stardards of living even before the Scramble for Africa (that occured in the 1884)
Sure we put these ressources (that yall retards could never use due to not developping past mud huts) in good use but it's not like we couldn't do without them
France is neither socialist nor communist. It is a social liberal capitalist democracy. Shall we play this revisionist game of yours?
"As of January 2014, 14 african countries are obliged by France, through a colonial pact, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France central bank under French minister of Finance control.They are effectively putting in 500 Billion dollars every year to the French treasury."
It's foreign reserves which French control to ensure they have some financial stability. In return they get a currency pegged 1:1 to the Euro. This isn't a tax, this is France enforcing fiscal responsibility on them.
How many of their neighbours have maintained a stable currency for as long as the CFA nations?
Instinct indeed
Stay mutt you stupid mutt
Eastern Europe also had and still has good standards of living. Doesn't change the fact that France's status as a world power, as well as Great Britain was tied to mercantilism and appropriating resources from their colonies
French people are very happy about this too, otherwise they would acknowledge instead of becoming defensive little bitches anytime it's mentioned
This. A little precision, France didn't really have colonies until the 18th century, it was just controlled lands, to compete with the british empire, on an economic and seas/lands influence purpose. The real colonisation began when the (((socialists))) took the power in the middle of 19th century, after the end of the third empire (due to loss against Germany), and the beginning of the third republic. Left side as always. Less than twenty years after that, (((Adolphe Crémieux))) gaves citizenship to all the Algeria's israelites. >
This as well. Actually, France is literally feeding Western African countries with our taxes, because without it, they would be ineffective. Not counting the all infrastructure let after the colonization, not counting all the technologies and advisers freely given to them. see
Gaddafi was killed because he gave money to Sarkozy for his presidential campaign and election in 2007. When he threat to reveal this to the world, France declared war on him in 2011. Less than 2months after, Lybia was totally destroyed with the collaboration of the US government as well. Sarkozy is sued in justice for that story at the moment.
This is bullshit.
Anyone care to tldr?
Articles read like a high school paper.
Tell me, bamboula, which countries specifically are you talking about? Because I can almost guarantee they're less of a hell than the countries with mahometan or no colonial history.
In other words, it's a human country so they succeed.
This. Africa is still full of resources.
We call it social sovereignism. It's the core philosophy of our fifth republic created by De Gaulle. A mix of socialism (healthcare and retirement by distribution) and economic liberalism (monitored by a state protectionism and interventionism).
But socialists used to manipulated it or changed it to fit their own ideology (kind of universal income for non-citizen, free medical assistance to migrants, etc) with a political of mass-immigration and naturalization.
Not talking to racists, sorry
Except socialism is not "whatever the government does". It is not "free stuff". Do you understand the motive and history behind the modern welfare state?
>A mix of socialism (healthcare and retirement by distribution) and economic liberalism (monitored by a state protectionism and interventionism).
By "socialism", I didnt meant the Socialist ideology and marxist economic theories. But only the governance way that care about the plebs and the social contrat on a economic purpose (cf Rousseau)
I do understand, and that was my point: it has begun with a redistribution and wealth share philosophy at first, and it changed into a welfare state when the Socialist took power.
>can't argue
>you are racist
t. delusional not assimilated foreigners.
We can buy oil to Norway, Scotland, Qatar, UAE, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Argentina, Russia, etc.
Without France partnership, your country (I guess Algeria) would have get the same fate as Gaddafi Lybia or Gbagbo Ivory.
>Colonies are one of the reason you have the standards of living you currently live with. If you want to rewrite french history without colonies, move to Eastern Europe
This is the story you like to repeat to convince yourself, but without migrants and cheap workers, in fact, our living standards would be WAY higher : no social dumping, no healthcare deficit, fulljob rate, and a powerful workers influence on the governance.
I am glad that you touched on Rousseau, to be honest.
>I do understand, and that was my point: it has begun with a redistribution and wealth share philosophy at first, and it changed into a welfare state when the Socialist took power.
Friend, rather its origins lie with Bismark and the Wiemar Republic, providing benefits to the workers, making their life not so cruel so as to have them sedated. In short, welfare is the way by which the current capitalist order is prolonged and to which conformity is kept by *appeasing* the proletariat in order for them not to protest and stage a revolution against the status quo. It is a compromise, really, one that does not challenge or subvert the fundamental workings of society in relation to the forces of production.
You hear people now, mostly American Austrians abstract capitalism into a mere unhistorical transaction between two presupposed and unconditioned autonomous individuals. This is pure stupidity.
The power of dindu nuffin is strong with you I see
Tell me in what kind of fantasy world do you live in where a world power does things out of generosity and goodness of heart ? You don't seem to have a very good grasp of realpolitik for someone who yaps so loudly and obnoxiously
You wouldn't buy oil, uranium or copper from any of those countries because you wouldn't be able to bribe the governments and CEOs like you do in Africa to get things at the lowest price, with dirt cheap labour and military support no less
Also, nice fanfiction your wrote yourself there, only you're plain wrong on all fucking accounts genius : healthcare deficit is due to overprescription of SSRIs and various other medications which are an overwhelmingly middle-class issue
Social benefits are universal and the rich, students, temp workers all get them without discrminiation, why would immigrants somehow be a problem in this ? You know who else gets benfits ? Literally every single one of our newspapers, museums, and agricultural sector
Fact of the matter is immigration is extremly profitable for France because they're subservient workers that are taxed and drive the competition up in the job market. You want to complain about joblessness ? Start with diploma inflation and lack of training programs in firms, both things immigrants have nothing to do with
Even if this bullshit were true, all the money would be going towards subsidising all the Algerians who are currently squatting in France, so whatever.