What Jewish things do you do?

Well Sup Forums?

I rub my hands together. Mainly when it's cold.

I charge interest on money i lend to the government

im conservative with my spending

I only hire people i know from temple

i like rock music

I am Jewish

I call my local rabbi to carve swastikas in the woods nearby then call the news and say this reminds me of world war 2

I constantly play the victim of non-existent hate crimes against me for GoFundMe sheckels.

Nothing, I'm an upstanding citizen with a very minimal criminal record (I punched someone who kept offending my mother) who hard work, is honest, diligent and white.
I'm also a straight white male.
I'm everything a jew despises

I never understood the hand rubbing thing for scheming reasons though. How did it get started? Do you do this?

I listen to pic related.

I control the music industry by flooding it with xanax and codeine and reward other rappers for talking about doing it


I post on Sup Forums

Got u bro its from robin hood

It's a reference to the original Dracula

I never notify the cashier if he charges me the one item price for multiple items

I like to suck baby cocks

>Do you do this?


That's just because you're Finnish and terrified to talk to a stranger.



This but unironically

I go to shul usually more than once a week.

I have a shrine to Moses and build small pyramids so I can destroy them