You can only defeat the sith with the jedi on your side

You can only defeat the sith with the jedi on your side.

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George Soros is actually a good guy. I don't know why you retards hate him so much.


We can literally kill all of them. I'm not a christfaggot I have no need for kikes on this planet


honest question: what the hell does 'shiftless' mean?

Soros is literally fucking Palpatine you fucking mong

no idea desu

you guys are fucking retarded
Netanyahu is our guy,he supports trump and the right wing parties in europe

and he defends hitler


Too bad he's a thief and about to go down.

They're on the same side. George Soros SHUT down #openbordersforIsrael

Daily reminder that's part of the plan you stupid boy faggot.


No son, that's the kind of thinking that got us here.


This is professional wrestling.

Jews only pretend to be against one another to create the illusion that they're not a unified collective hive-mind.

At a time when antisemitism is at an all time high among the right Netanyahu has to pretend to be one of the good guys to keep the goyim on his side.

>Two rats arguing over a piece of cheese
And I care why?

I hate Jews but Soros... I loathe him

Yeah ok. Back to /leftypol/ retard

Check and yes

Basically lazy, not taking initiative.

Trips. Why the fuck are fuck faces so concerned about open borders when we can’t even take care of our own..... it’s fucking retarded. Even instructions on an airplane tell you to GET YOUR OWN OXYGEN SECURED BEFORE YOU HELP OTHERS....

Fuck off...he financed the transvestite spring that rose in the US this year...he deserves to die like all the Jews he helped take property from faggot.

far from it, hes more like vadar


it was about exposing hypocrites brainlet, jews all over the west calling for open borders everywhere except israel

Point taken, but my question still stands for lefty fucks to answer