How do we fix public schools?
How do we fix public schools?
That question tells nothing about the size of the pizza, just how much they ate of their pizza. Stupid teacher.
Send your kids to private school
>when nigs write your curriculum and women grade it
That's implying there isn't a purpose for what they are doing, they aren't trying to educate people to be self reliant free citizens, they are using the prussian model to create ignorant serfs that follow orders and buy shit, never able to grasp what in reality really matters, in turn they can never threaten the true power structure, the school system is designed to create good little communist goyim.
Get niggers out and put men in charge of BoEs
>Public schooling
I didn't know it has gotten this bad.
Start by firing all the women in schools.
homeschool faggot home school
i call bullshit. no english-literate adult human is so ignorant.
Voucher system
Every parent gets a voucher for X amount of federal education dollars that are contributed to whatever approved school the parent wants. This will promote a free market environment that will create competition between schools. The shitty ones will fail and the good ones will prosper.
The issues are larger than curriculum. That is the problem in and of itself. There can be a range of fixes for all we know.
>drunk Irishman posting gibberish
Put the damn pint down Seamus
Get rid of common core.
I rage whenever I see that image. Do we know its source? Has that teacher been fired and hopefully tarred and feathered?
>no english-literate adult human
But we're talking about public school teachers.
by supporting vouchers and home schooling and defunding and divesting in public education
no fuck off i will never comply to a yank you scourdrel
make the courses easier so black teachers can understand them you racist fucks
Vouchers should be able to be used for homeschooling
School needs to completely shift focus. We have so much information available to us at all times, we need to work more on critical thinking and less on memorization.
>the virgin antifa Vs. the chad fascist
mandatory circumcision, stupidity is stored in the foreskin, if you remove it you remove the source of idiocy
Protocol is important. Just because it wasn't what the teacher was looking for doesn't make it wrong. Pathetic, penalize kids for thinking differently
but niggers are.
Yeah, nah, we tried this out in Indiana and it failed miserably. Do you like the idea of having to pay taxes for a private school your own kids aren’t going to? Because that’s essentially what vouchers are, paying for Jamaal Suarez to go to some catholic school even though you can’t afford to send your own kids there.
The problem they are running into now is the how much information we are exposed to from so many sources. They were fine with us mindlessly gobbling up whatever they shat out when they were the only source. Now they are all bitching about 'muh russians'.
>no english-literate adult human is so ignorant.
Clearly you have never actually dealt with niggers in real life or heard about quota hiring.
These apelike troglodytes think that the new Black Panther movie is a fucking documentary.
This is pretty much why I won't vote for more funding for schools. The funding never goes to getting good teachers, it's always more admin staff (for what?) and stupid ideas like portable classrooms instead of long-term solutions to their problems.
this, i hate questions were the parameters are incomplete.
Hence the massive effort to censor/control the flow of information with "Net Neutrality" and censorship by Google, Faceberg, etc. nb4 they are private companies, yes but they are lock step with the long march through the institutions.
You shouldn't be paying any more if the system is implemented correctly. If the private school costs more than the student's parents should have to cover the difference
actually it says that Marty ate more pizza than Luis so it clearly indicates his pizza had to be bigger
the teacher is an idiot though
I don't really think the parameters were incomplete here. The question is perfectly worded for the purposes of illustrating the concept that the student grasped, which is that a smaller fraction of a greater whole can be larger than a greater fraction of a smaller whole.
It's just that the teacher misunderstood the question because they are retarded
The question asked was:
>how is this possible?
This teacher is absolutely retarded. The kid was looking for a solution. He’s not supposed to undermine the question
Ban women
Agreed. I have had some success debating with moderate leftists about the Russian thing when I paint it in that light. They made their bed and now they have to lie in it. Censorship based purely on source is never acceptable.
Literally all of these pictures like this are fake as fuck, including this one. It never happened. It's staged to evoke emotional responses.
>when you can't infer
Public school for you, lad.
That's an inference, though. What the person you're replying to complaining about was that the teacher acted like size was ever discussed, when it wasn't because it was the ability for inference that was tested.
>hurr it can't be real public education MUST BE WORKING OR MY FRAGILE EGO WILL SHATTER
No... the pizzas could be identical in size and the statement would still be true.
Public education is trash, but posting fake "oh my god the teacher is horrible" staged images doesn't help at all. PROTIP: the real issues aren't in small one-off cases where a teacher does something retarded; rather, the system itself has glaring flaws that need to be fixed
>You shouldn't be paying any more if the system is implemented correctly.
Yeah and in a perfect world communism would work, etc. Systems don’t get implemented correctly because administrators are greedy, lazy bastards, and that needs to be taken into account when throwing something into the public.
Oh fuck me, nevermind. I completely missed that the question was bullshit.
what the fuck
For my private high school one had to have a high Gpa and achieve a good score on what would be the equivalent of the SAT for these kind of schools. That’s why there were less than 10 minorities in my graduating class. And they were blacks who acted more like Theo Huxtable and Hispanics who never caused trouble. There were no seconds chances in this school so if you fucked up you were gone. Be it academic or being some wannabe thug. The alumni are practically a fraternity and contribute money annually to keep tuition low so only the best can afford to go there.
Why is this so hard to replicate. Some people simply aren’t meant for sitting in a classroom learning about Clovis or covalent bonds. Those kids need to just go to technical schools to learn a useful trade.
Ive had hundreds of dumb questions in school and i turned out just awful
I completely missed how bullshit the question was.
so under what circumstance 4/6 is greater than 5/6? Im just simple slav and I dont get it
Here's a bteer question..............
And how can a man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temple of his god?
>tfw attended shitty state school in wales
>completely underfunded
>violence everywhere
>drugs everywhere
>teachers not turning up to classes
>teachers that decide to turn up aren't qualified enough to teach anything
>1 of 5 to make it to uni
c y m r u a m b y t h
I already replied to myself. I completely missed how bullshit the question was. You were correct, his pizza being larger is the only possibility.
Tax-funded. SCHOOL. CHOICE.
Gas that teacher.
1. Pay more, so you get more candidates, so you can select better candidates
2. Remove administrators. The ratio is fixed at 1 administrator (non-teaching role) per 10 teachers.
3. Promote teaching for what it is: the charge and care of the Nation's future. Promote learning as well.
Well, not really done, you'll need a generation before the effects trickle through, but that's why you should've planted a tree 30 years ago.
Mate you act like none of us can literally google all the retarded common core questions you USA peons are served on a daily basis
re segregate
Also those of you who think "school choice" or private/charter schools will fix anything are retards.
Potato nigga getting his knob polished by real nigger.
Is that a THING in Irish land . Score goal get nigger dick grab ? That sport sucks.
In my geometry class my retarded teacher said that length is always the longest dimension of any object, period. She offered extra credit for anybody who could prove otherwise. I brought in specifications for numerous aircraft that have a wider wingspan than length.
She literally said that the wingspan is the length and the nose to tail measurement of the aircraft is the width.
Open your own goddamn eyes and take a look at what counts as common core today. It's literally BuzzFeed-ification of actual material.
>how many ways can you count to 7?
The teacher is right because under communism everyone's pizza would be the same size
>be homeschooled
>be social reject
>never learn anything because both parents have to work to put food on the table
Maybe Marty had a shitton of pizza earlier that day
Ban women from teaching. Pretty much all the problems in schooling can be attributed to the significant female influence within schools and education.
I'm planning on having kids soon and I would love to home school my kids but I don't understand how we could pay the bills. Home schooling is basically impossible for most people.
And if I did it during non work hours it would be totally exhausting. Working 40 hours a week and then teaching a kid several hours a day on top of that and still doing all the other stuff required of a parent would be absolutely exhausting.
thats a battle no man can win
That's a fake correction, right?
At that point you should have taken out a grenade, shoved it up her ass, pulled the pin and then ran
But... Luis ate 5/6s. Luis ate more. 1/6th more to be precise.
The ONLY way that Marty ate more, is if he had a larger pizza.
The calculation the kid needs to do to show this, is show a circular area that is greater at 4/6ths total area than one at 5/6ths.
>should have [...] then ran
Surely you mean run. OP's teacher really was a dumbass though, arguing over semantics about length with a little kid.
That kid looks about 40
vouchers should be made available to homeschoolers
>How do we fix public schools?
Teacher here.
Give sovereignty back to the local districts, and support private and home schooling.
Public ed is bloated with bureaucracy and regulation. The teachers are doing the best they can. Quit redefining their curriculum every 2 years and let them teach.
Bad teachers are rare, the job self-selects. 50% of teachers don't make it past their 3rd year, because they can't cut it.
maybe it was """"cheese pizza"""" and marty had a slice of actual pizza after the party.
I bet if I asked this retard whether he wants 5/6ths of $100, or 4/6ths of $100,000 he'd soon change his answer.
>The ONLY way that Marty ate more, is if he had a larger pizza.
What if Marty didn't have a larger pizza, but instead stole someone's pizza and ate some of that? What is Marty's race?
It doesn't look like a math question, it's probably a reading comprehension kind of question. The answer space is 3 lines to write an answer on, not space to draw pictures. In all likelihood the correct answer is supposed to be what the teacher wrote, that Luis ate more pizza because 5/6 > 4/6.
Came here to post this
competition, also teachers shouldnt have tenure.
>no unions for educators
You don't, you take your kids out of public schools and wait for the whole fucking thing to collapse.
Is this actually a thing no memes
The government wants kids in school because that way they can control their thinking, so don't count on vouchers. One of the reasons public schooling was invented was to remove parental control and influence from children and replace it with government control and influence.
no, that would be undermining the question.
> if hillary got more votes but Trump won the electoral vote. Yet Trump became president how is this possible???
> muh Russia
The other reason was to ensure we have an educated populance
vouchers in merica are thing for private schools only
i think they should be expanded to homeschoolers also
its prejudice not too.
user, its not in the best interest of the ruling class to have an educated populace
The other reason was because the lower classes were getting roudy and schooling was seen as a way to get them to accept their position in life. It only later became education-oriented. The government is more interested in influencing thought than education. If they weren't, public schools wouldn't be complete trash.
too bad American Public Schools have MINIMAL Government oversight and are just pumped full of low-quality Bush era corporations like Pearson writing our children's curriculum, Before this, our Schools were something to be proud of.
>In all likelihood the correct answer is supposed to be what the teacher wrote
No, leaf,the kid got the question correct. I remember seeing this exact problem in elementary school like 15 years ago.
this is so cynical i have no response other then the founding fathers felt different about it
I was sent to private school for a year and the teachers were worse. Then again, it was a christian blacks-only school so..
did they? there's nothing in the constitution about schooling
also, education then doesn't mean what it does today
schooling as be here since before the colonies
schooling was so important that made the native population attend to pacify them
to say otherwise ignorant of history
L for the amount Luise ate, m for the amount Marty ate
p is the size of the pizza (where ₗ and ₘ indicate whose pizza it is)
if m>l then pₘ>pₗ.
tl;dr: If Marty ate 4/6 of his pizza, Luis had 5/6 of his, and Marty still ate more, this would mean Marty has a larger pizza than Luis.
People that are surprised at this don't know just how negrified America's school system is. I don't know how it got this way, but a massively disproportionate amount of teachers are negresses - who obviously aren't known for their intelligence or class.
>Implying the teacher thinks for themselves and isn't just going off an answer sheet.
It even says "Reasonableness" in the title of the question, the answer is probably to point out that the statement is not reasonable.
You have to get rid of the jews first, because they are the primary cancer of society's degredation and hindrance of progress