This is madness. Why do the La'Sheilas of America have so much hate?
This is madness. Why do the La'Sheilas of America have so much hate?
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Whats wrong with the egg that its lost its color?
At least you didn’t type HURR POL BTFO DERP
thanks for that
I don't get it? Hur durr black supremacy?
>Different color chickens lay different colored eggs
>egg still grows into the the same color chicken
Taste is pretty much the same though so I'll give her that
Is she trying to say that both white and brown eggs have the same color yolk on the inside?
What's ironic is if those were fertile eggs and they were left to incubate, the white egg would produce a white chicken and the brown egg would produce brown or reddish bird, each of which having distinct features, traits and dispositions.
Niggers can't meme.
"black don't crack"
Says a hideously ugly she-ape that was born cracked.
I'm pretty sure white eggs sell better than brown ones.
Also never saw chinese making fake brown eggs.
Brown eggs refuse to assimilate into a functional breakfast?
your looking at the future new chair of the democratic party
if you're white and you are voting for the dems you are voting against your economic interest
>black don't crack
So this is a great analogy, as an egg that doesn't crack is useless as well.
They can't get the BWC.
Nice shoop. Left and right pics arent even the same frypan
Brown eggs destroys white culture?
Shes saying that brown eggs are.empty inside....
White egg provides food for family while brown egg doesn't hmmm...
>The White egg, the symbol of white supremacy, is free to open and express it's true potential into becoming breakfast
>The POC egg, the victim of white supremacy, is neglected and left to rot and fester within, much like the inner-city urban centers
The white egg is doing it's job? Idk help me out lads
The white egg can feed a family, the brown one can't.
Eggs that don't crack are worthless.
Do you mean the yolk? Store bought eggs lack nutrition due to the factory hen's shit diet.
Is that what she meant by this?
I think she's calling whites crackers.
why the fuck would you name your child La'Sheila
Eggs be RAYCIS
holy kek, this is great.
To the reddit faggots that are asking what does she mean with this, gtfo
she's saying black don't crack
Browns are denser than whites?
black dont crack
means blacks age better
I'm stunned by the intelectual and humoristic depth of black nationalists.
>>Different color chickens lay different colored eggs this really why you think some eggs are white and some are brown? in the case of industrial farm chickens?
Brown eggs are more likely to kill white eggs?
The real question is why do white Americans give money to people who utterly hate them?
Literally what meaning am I supposed to have garnered from this opaque would-be meme
hurr pol btfo derp
Different breeds of chickens, like all other birds, lay different colored eggs. The reason most eggs are white is simply because there is a specific breed that egg farmers prefer.
My family never buys brown eggs
You already know the answer.
Sage. Not fucking politics.
It easier to age better when you start out looking like shit. Same for Asians.
This is not worth the effort to dream up some wise-ass reply.
Racism BTFO blah blah. But why is the yolk so yellow? The yolks I see are always on a spectrum ranging from light orange to orange.
Eggshell color is dependent on both breed and diet, breed is the primary reason for eggshell color. Yolk color is dependent on diet.
You can get greenish/blue eggshells, but you only get them from certain breeds.
What is this supposed to mean? The brown egg is violent and cracked open the white egg?
Factory farmed chickens are fed marigolds (flower) to make the yolk into the attractive yellow. The primary use of marigolds is for chicken feed.
You're overthinking it. Literally only "Git fucked whitey"
Just wanted you to know I got that reference.
No. The nigger egg killed the white egg. Sad! Many such cases!
For those unfamiliar, it's a reference to a Black-American saying "black don't crack"
Besides it being indicative of a poor understanding of grammar, it is also a black-supremacist saying that implies that blacks age better than whites overall.
Just as they cannot be expected to understand basic English, so too is the case with biology.
Another user mentioned that the yolk looks bad because the chicken's diet is bad. I'm a city boy who has only ever seen yolks that color, though. What color should it be?
It is actually the opposite. Brown eggs are more expensive despite them being identical in taste/size. People pay more money for them for no fucking reason. The white ones sell more only because they are less expensive.
Most, if not all, start out brown. They turn white after they are processed to sell. That's why all the organic or naturally grown ones are indeed brown. You faggots are almost as dumb as her for biting this bait.
Why are black people so racist? I've never done anything wrong to a black person, yet I've gotten looks from racist black people like bus drivers and even police (when I had to ask where a building was in the city). On top of that, an Indian guy has laughed at me because I "glow in the dark" and brown/black/asian coeds have jokingly said that I can be the "boss/leader" of our groups because I'm white. There's so much racism against white people. And I'm not even that white, I'm Armenian with white skin but dark features.
>black don't crack
Why has it taken this long for you people to fetched metaphor?
>inb4 but it's brown
They don't make black eggs.
You are dumb. Have you seriously never been on a farm? Some breeds of chickens lay white eggs, some lay brown eggs. White eggs are most common and cheapest in stores because of the popularity of the Leghorn breed which lays close to 300 eggs per year, all white.
I've been here too long.
Judging by many of the flags, they don't have [as many] blacks in their countries, and I'm pretty sure it's just a USA-black saying.
Who are they and why won't they make black eggs?
>They don't make black eggs.
The Chinese do.
>Century egg or Pidan (Chinese: 皮蛋; pinyin: pídàn), also known as preserved egg, hundred-year egg, thousand-year egg, thousand-year-old egg, millennium egg, skin egg and black egg, is a Chinese preserved food product and delicacy made by preserving duck, chicken or quail eggs in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime, and rice hulls for several weeks to several months, depending on the method of processing.[1]
>Through the process, the yolk becomes a dark green to grey color, with a creamy consistency and strong flavor due to the hydrogen sulfide and ammonia present, while the white becomes a dark brown, translucent jelly with a salty flavor.
I bet they taste gross, though.
>white eggs are white people.
>black eggs are black people.
>You can find a radiant soul inside a white man, while the black man has no such a thing inside of it.
brown eggs are healthier
Yolk is diet depenent. The bright yellow is because the chickens are fed marigolds not because there is anything wrong with the eggs. Without the marigolds the yolk is a little more orange and subdued.
Brown eggs kill white eggs? What is she saying?
False. Nutritionally identical.
Asian cuisine is absolutely revolting
Orangey yellow. My great uncle raised chickens across the road from my parents. You get a range of shell colors and even if unfertilized, yolk is more orange. Like how all yolk looks when cooked slightly hard fried, the part still soft.
>hydrogen sulfide and ammonia present
you're not supposed to eat either of these
false brown eggs have more feed in them allowing them to have more nutrients
It's breed dependent. I've seen both from "organic" chickens. Different breeds.
That's not how egg coloring works. It depends only on the breed. Some lay white, some lay brown, some even lay speckled eggs. It's all about the breed of chicken.
Do brown eggs taste any different?
Is the black egg going to crack on its own because blackness is really fragile?
No. Only real noticeable difference in egg taste is when you get a proper farm raised egg from a chicken that was given a good diet, the egg has more flavor, the yolk is a darker yellow/orange, and has a stronger shell.
>mfw Sup Forums teaches me about chickens
I see. You are a true eggspert.
Stop it guys, can't take any more of these (you)s
La'Sheila is probably just a nice based blonde patriot who just wants us to recognize that we are all the same
You know why "black don't crack?"
Because they're entire lives, everyone around them kept saying "snitches end up in ditches."
black dont crack
black twitter can always be counted upon to deliver with the funny jokes
incidentally it's also a metaphor for the black on white violence/murder rate
>black don't crack
>black don' crack
>black don crack
>black do crack
Brown is the same color as poop, SAD!
amerifats bleach their eggs.
is she saying that the brown egg (race) cracked the white egg (race) and the white egg (rice) is about to get fried?
not to me, but i can't taste subtle differences, like coke and pepsi so idk
and what nutrition is that? eggs are wholesome because of their Amino acid content. none of it is lost because of the way its preserved
stop talking out of your ass
The truth reveals itself.
We wuz lightly tan-reddish eggz n sheeeit.
The white egg is white people and you have to break eggs to make an omelet means kill people so she's advocating white genocide.
No one figured this out yet?
There is a popular meme around black supremacist that white people are fake humans from another planet. One reason they believe this is that light skin burns easier in the hot sun, sot hey think light color skin is natural because real humans would have dark skin so they could live in the sun all day.
Who's a blog from one of these crazies.
Damn that really made me think