Have any of you here been addicted to drugs? What do you think of the current drug policy in your country?
I was addicted to heroin for 4 years, and I think the current drug policy is bullshit in the UK. I think the big-time pushers should be punished harshly, and users be given help. Trust me, addiction can happen to anybody.
I have not been addicted to drugs, but I think drugs are a serious problem that is eroding large white sections of my country. I think big time users should be punished harshly, as you said, and measures should be taken to prevent the flow of drugs into the country. The Wall is one way that will help address this issue, though not eliminate it in its entirety. I am open to the idea of also increasing penalties for smaller pushers as a prophylactic measure.
>users be given help. I agree. What is the best/most effective way to help?
Joshua Moore
Luke White
Addiction can happen to anybody.
...That decides to take drugs.
Angel Lewis
>I agree. What is the best/most effective way to help?
In my opinion, giving them optimism, something to live for. It's no secret that much of the issues behind addiction are isolation and depression. That's how it was in my case.
Jace Bailey
John Flores
I'm addicted to meth, alcohol, cigarettes, porn, Twizzlers and caffeine. If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best. s - a - g - e
Camden Price
I think the biggest issue by far isn't the illicit drugs, but rather prescription opioids. These days, doctors prescribe these left and right because "we must ensure that our patients must not feel any amounts of pain whatsoever, no matter how small. And to do otherwise would be unethical". Another side of it is the prescription drug companies that incentivize the use of their opioids, giving doctors large amounts of cash for every prescription they write. Thus doctors will keep writing more prescriptions for more shekels at the expense of the patient. Doctors who have a history in engaging in this sort of activity should be stripped of their license. That being said, I am not sure of how to solve this: it's inevitable that this would happen. Without companies pushing their product, what incentive do they have to develop new drugs and new cures?
Jason Garcia
David Miller
This isn't your personal blog either dipshit. Spook or not this is a shit thread
William Rogers
Unfortunately. My doctor put me on oxy and it made me sick 24/7 for years. Maybe 5-10 hours of any day without feeling like I had the flu, the rest of that time shivering, sweating, puking, etc. I would only wish that on my worst enemy. The worst part was the doctor treating me like a druggy after, the doctor that put me on this knowing that would happen. Not all prescription opioids are equal. Pankilling morphine patches are superior and give no side effects. Pills are cancer, especially oxyneo. Oxyneo is made with a synthetic plastic that dissolves into a goop in your stomach so faggots cant snort them. The plasticy shit makes you vomit though. Dont get jew'd like I did and lose years of your life to this shit.
Jaxson Lewis
>A Thread on drug policy >A shit thread
I know many of you Americans on here have the attention span of a goldfish, but come on....
Ayden Watson
Just don't do drugs. Our ancestors used to 'move to the seaside' for 'fresh air' and so forth. There are ways to help yourself without drugs.
Nathan Bennett
how do you even get to take heroine? like everyone knows how bad and addictive it is why do it? >4y how the fuck did you even get off of it? do you ever get the craving to shoot up some, the physical?
Bentley Scott
I agree with this. I live in a depressing part of the midwest US. The glory years of my area are long long gone, and nobody around has hope for anything, I was addicted to painkillers throughout highschool and into my early 20s (clean now for 5 years), and have known 12 people, close friends and family included that have overdosed and died from Percoset/Xanax combo or heroin, or fakes. The drug problem has never been worse here and I see no sign of it letting up. I don't know what can be done.
Christian Cox
I'm addicted to red pills.
Jayden Gomez
i know nothing of the drug policy here because i don't get caught. sage.
Dominic Flores
I never shot it up, I only smoked it on tin foil. Damn, if I'd have ended up shooting it up I'd still be on it now. I've been clean for over two years and yeah, I still get cravings, but not often. The physical cravings cleared up for me in about two weeks, the mental cravings last much longer and in my opinion, are much harder to beat.
Luke Rivera
Hopefully a one pill treatment to reset the dopamine pathways. But let's be real, there's plenty of business in addiction both legal and illicit - as if those that profit will give without a fight.
Cameron White
I was addicted to cocaine for 5 years since my very early 20s, probably snorted a kg or more of the stuff during that span of time, I got a lot of disposable income since I was young and a lot of free time, so it was easy to get hooked on partying and doing drugs. Nowadays I don't do cocaine at all, but I can try it a couple of times a year or more if I feel like the occassion is worth it, at this moment I have developed a good degree of self control in that regard, I've been free of the habit for 7 years.
My issues with use of cocaine and alcohol were related to stunted emotional/personal growth, I felt I needed a confidence boost to socialize since I've always been a really introverted person, and I had no intention of structuring my life around order because I felt that stage of my life was about having fun, getting laid, and having a good time all around. The issue was rooted in lack of parental guidance, I think, since I had no meaningful role models on part of my family and I had to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and develop myself from my teen years with little to no help.
As for the views on drug policy, I'm entirely against prohibition of drugs despite the fact that I don't abuse them today, and that they have caused me problems in the past. I saw people like me go through addiction because of similar issues, yet, these issues are pushed under the rug to give preference to more immediate stuff like muh cartels and muh gangs.
So many young adults turning to drugs is merely a symptom of a larger issue, not the issue itself, the family unit has been altered beyond recognition and these are the problems that arise. The government, and the people, are doing a disservice to society by sweeping this issue under the rug and focusing on muh cartels, muh violence, and muh gangs instead of solving the problem at the root: why people do drugs to begin with?
Asher Hill
more people are dying from fentanyl/ heroin overdoses in the usa more than ever before. ie fuckhed pushers are mixing fentanyl with heroin to make it more potent but these retards dont understand that fentanyl is 100 times more potent than heroin and in some types of fentanyl it can be 1000 times more potent making it extreamly easy to OD. the big problem is that more and more people are getting hooked on heroin because they started on a normal perscription narcotic and from there it grew into an uncageable monster. and i dosent help that medical professionals hand out this shit like its tictacs and this shit needs to stop. i saw what happens to a person whome is a drug fiend with my own to eyes man so this shit hits me home.
Jackson Thompson
>What do you think of the current drug policy in your country? outdated, stims are redpilled
Brandon Lewis
Practice personal responsibility and it won’t be a problem
Lincoln Jones
>Nowadays I don't do cocaine at all, but I can try it a couple of times a year or more if I feel like the occassion is worth it, at this moment I have developed a good degree of self control in that regard, I've been free of the habit for 7 years. The inner workings of the mind of a druggy everybody.
Sebastian Robinson
Physically addicted? Not really.
However, I did have quite a problem with mephedrone when it was around and more recently weed, however mephedrone I didn't have any withdrawals once it was unobtainable and weed I had a couple of nights where I didn't sleep well and then I was normal again.
William Powell
Jack Barnes
What seems to be causing discomfort to your rump? There's nothing logically contradictory in what I've said.
Christian Lewis
Hung around a few smackheads not so long ago
They were shooting up next to me, and one guy left with their bag then the other guy was moaning because he was gonna get sick and shit
They seem like the love being victims desu also they were covered in scabies and they just did not seem like they were loving life all that much
The girl give me a bj when they were all monging out - i probably should have said no
Noah Young
Kill the addicts and you dont have a junkie problem anymore.
John Gutierrez
we can use your logic to qualify any fucking -opinion- thread as datamining.
stfu and fuck off. this shit needs to be discussed, driving into Seattle downtown you can't help but notice junkies occupy every square inch. Thank the "clinics" that keep on giving out "clean" smack to shoot up, since rehabilitating these individuals would be more expensive.
Ayden Davis
Kill all humans and you got no problems atall anymore
How is Portugal getting on? Didn't they legalise POSSESSION of all drugs a few years ago but kept SELLING illegal.
Hunter Young
Addiction to hard drugs has fallen there apparently.
Brody Brown
Also, I'd like to ask non-americans what are your views on the US-Mexico drug problem?
Americans only mention that Mexico is at fault for not doing enough to stop traffickers in Mexico from sending drugs to the US, but they never acknowledge that drug traffickers wouldn't send drugs if people did not demand them and buy them.
I think this is a very one-sided view of the issue, specially when reality gets buried under stupid populist slogans like 'they're sending drugs, they're sending crime' to blame Mexico for a problem that has two origins, one in Mexico and one in the US.
Levi Rivera
Yes to crack cocaine and heroin.
I'm from catford SE6 a.k.a crackford
Julian Howard
you can already get heroin mixed with fentanyl in south london..
Also I've been offered crystal meth by dealers several times a few years ago.
Xavier Sanchez
how the fuck do you actually do heroin?
you are supposed to freak the fuck out when you take shit like vicontin, because multiple sources tell you these drugs are extremely addicting and how vile addiction actually is
what makes rational people forget this?
Gavin Flores
Adrian Perez
Most people who I met started with crack cocain..
After binging on crack you take a little bit of heroin to cool you down in the head (otherwise you go through the roof mentally)
Often people start taking more heroin than crack at a certain point and they get full blown hooked on heroin that way..
Oliver Gutierrez
Got addicted to synthetic cannabis like a fiend. Brought it from a convenience store and got super hooked. Stuff was like opiates from what ive read.
Basicslly redpilled me on the chinese menace as they shipped it across the west.
I now know where the guy who made millions lives though so revenge is slow but sweet lol. He was a white kiwi. Traitors first.
Drugs and alcohol a huge weapon in weakening the west.
Connor Williams
The biggest problem with drug addiction is that treatment for withdrawal is done largely by people who have no formal training or education in these matters. From my experience most doctors have relatively no idea how physical dependence develops generally, let alone with specific medications. I've studied neuroscience and got a graduate degree in it. Nothing in my studies prepared me for the insidious nature by which certain drugs can take a hold over a person, especially when it happened to myself. After years of abuse I realized I was an alcoholic, it wasn't so much a realization as much as, "holy shit, you're drinking a pint of vodka before work in the morning, so you don't puke". By the time you're drinking a handle of vodka a day, you're not even getting drunk anymore, more just a continual buzz. However, as you get older your response to alcohol like any other drug, will change as your brain, liver, kidneys etc. change over time: what you can process at one time in your life will change. Doctors are not aware of the protocols necessary for withdrawing from various drugs, and getting them to agree to schedules based on recent science is difficult. It would actually help for all drugs to be legal and for everyone to be educated on how drugs change the body over time and how we must change the body back over time to fix it through measures to rebuild neurotransmitters and their networks damaged through abuse. This education could really help because it could stress the irreversible nature of some changes and the hellish nature of recovery. With alcohol and benzos withdrawal can mean literal death or stroke or heart attack, and yet this is not stressed, people need this information and they need the tools to fix themselves.
Kevin Gutierrez
I am prescribed adderal, I get two scripts actually. I used to be so addicted, to the point where I couldn't get out of bed without it.
Now I only take it when I have to clean extensively or work for more than 10 hours. You can turn a 20 dollar script into 300 dollars easy, people are crazy for them.
Carter Howard
> Keep drugs illegal. > Drug users can't get adequate help. > Often end up killing themselves with drugs. OR > Make all drugs legal. > More people do it in the first place.
Problem seems to be solving itself.
Luis Bennett
end the drug war completely. drugs are technology,not demons. you fuck yourself up with them,that's your fault. freedom is dangerous and not everybody survives it.which they shouldn't.life isn't for everybody. if you can't control yourself,fuck you,die already.
Leo Myers
Lack of access to drugs often makes the addiction work, for example when a patient is prescribed an opiate drug and their script runs out they are often physically dependent and then seek out far more dangerous illegal sources of the drug that can be mixed with fentanyl and lead to death. This is a fairly common occurrence. If people want to kill themselves they can grow nightshade or drink drano or buy a gun etc. Part of the reason that drugs are kept illegal is in order to force people away from suicide, but many people should ethically be allowed to commit suicide without pain. This is the increasingly accepted view in terms of end of life care, that people should have some choice over their death and the ability to preserve their dignity. Beyond this allowing people full access to drugs will reduce crime and will in your heartless way "reduce the problem", but it is the right answer.
Eli Anderson
>make all drugs legal >more people do it in the first place I'd like to see some evidence of that
Henry Russell
It's common sense. If you remove the threat of punishment, people that were turned off by that punishment will do it.
> Becoming an addict > Having dignity Addiction works because we don't have public insane asylums to stick these degenerates anymore and they have to deal with everything with their drug addict diminised mental capacity.
Jaxson Hall
I’m addicted to beer
Ryan Ramirez
>all drugs legal >social stigma still around stopping most people from using >drugs are regulated and have high-grade purity Basically things will be safer, criminals will be out of an entire country to peddle their cut shit to, and most people will still refuse to take anything.
Anthony Harris
Punishment against drug users and traffickers, as well as public spending in technoloty/manpower to jail both users and traffickers is at his highest point in history, yet, the amount of people hooked to drugs remains the same or greater.
Some great common sense you got there, faggot.
Kayden Gomez
Access to these drugs for suicide isn't something that only addicts would want. Let's say you're dying from a horrible disease that is extremely painful, do you want your family to find you with your brains blown out, or worse a failed suicide? Or do you want to pleasantly fade away into the dark with the warm hug of a drug overdose? This is about dignity for everyone and doctors not having a monopoly on what is by rights universally something that should be free to all.
Lincoln Gray
>degenerates Classic victim blaming, some people are raised in really shitty circumstances & introduced to drugs before their brains are mature enough to make sensible decisions, it's not 35 year olds that start taking drugs it's kids, because kids are dumb, and if they have zero guidance they can easily fall into self destructive behaviour.
Jacob Myers
> Public spending goes up I wonder why, juan?
Brandon Edwards
Victims? Blame the people who forced them to do drugs?
Caleb Long
You probably smell like absolute shit. Drug addicts, smokers and alcoholics are the smelliest fuckers on the planet.
Michael Clark
It did not work during prohibition alcoholism actually increased the risk of punishment doesn't reduce drug use the danger just brings in a worse more degenerate crowd.
Jack Anderson
freedom of consciousness means i can do drugs if i want. fuck off.
Christopher Butler
>government/people decide it's time to fight a war on drugs >need to do spending to fight it I don't see what you're trying to imply here
In any case, if your "common sense" was right and punishment kept people away from drugs, you would see a decrease in addiction rates as you increase punishment and spending, which is not the case.
Though you can always blame muhhhh shitskins if you run out of arguments.
James Gonzalez
So they can OD and fuckin die... Anyone addicted to drugs like heroin or crack or meth is able to contribute to society.. if you can't contribute you should be exterminated... fight me you liberal fuck faggots
Brayden Russell
>It's common sense. This is precicely the type of situation where you need science and statistics because common sense is not a good indicator. Every country that has legalized or decriminalized any number of drugs have always followed the same pattern: the use of said drug goes up briefly but ultimately drops below a level it was on during prohibitionl.
Jason Ross
Addiction cannot happen to anyone because some people use and don't get addicted. To not layer your message with lies or people disengage.
Evan Jones
me and alcoholism have been dance partners on and off for a couple of decades. smoke a lot of weed too. its pretty much next to impossible to get a job if you smoke the pots
Juan Brown
tfw ohio
William Ramirez
and this also
Jose Phillips
I live in Montgomery county Ohio. We're the number 1 place for Overdoses.
Eat it fuckers. Our junkies could kick your junkies asses
Aaron Jones
I was addicted to marijuanas and voted for Obama. If I wasn't afraid of being locked up by republicans, I'd probably have voted McCain, but I wanted to smoke in peace and Obama promised me this.
Gabriel Murphy
I think if you're stupid enough to put drugd into your system you deserve to OD.
Josiah Torres
Natural selection desu... Natural selection.
Cameron Morales
it's an escapist activity that stems from being uncomfortable. In most cases it's a loneliness alternative since misery loves company.
if you learn how to safely have fun on your own that's a good alternative.
sitting around abusing whatever isn't going to fix your inner issues or past.
Xavier Nelson
what if u just wanna feel good lmao
Adam Perry
I'm not going to blame drugs for being addictive but the way we look at them and how people who abuse them are treated. by calling people "fucked up" or "losers" it brings on self hate which leads to self harm. if you constantly pick at someone it creates a reaction. some lash out with violence but a depressed person is more willing to take it out on themselves.
People can drink A beer and be fine with just having A BEER. some people can smoke A hit and not want another all day. When the person feels fucked up and isolates themselves in their cave doing heroin all day thats when you gotta question the people and life surrounding them or what traumas they went through. If society were a little more open you would see less "addicts" and general abuse but there is a bit of glamour attached to being a fuck up (rockstars, movie characters, business guys doing coke off hookers asses etc.).
One thing i hate is when they attach a culture to a substance. for instance... Beer is a country music thing and rasta stoner type hippie culture.
Brayden Morris
if you already felt good you wouldn't want to feel good.
Thomas Reed
>Anxiety disorders affect 25.1% of children between 13 and 18 years old. Research shows that untreated children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, miss out on important social experiences, and engage in substance abuse.
Robert Anderson
used to boot dope, years ago. joined a program and realized it was bullshit so I quit and weened myself off. Never had a problem since. All this bullshit with suboxone is just private companies or state programs trying to replace your drug dealer. addicts should be locked in detox and thrown in jail if they keep reoffending, it’s for their own good.
Jaxon Collins
Anybody that fund criminal organizations so they can be a danger to themselves and others need to get shot.
Did heroin for a few years. Was mostly a functioning addict though. Got on methadone for 5+ fucking years. Mistake. Now on 4-2mg of suboxone and plan on jumping in 2 weeks. It will be my first time without any opiates in so long. Terrified desu.
Jayden Butler
It's just a big picture parallel between possession and dealing, in my opinion. Of course Americans are partly to blame for consuming, but the worse of the two will always be the one providing. As America becomes more and more of a Third World country, these problems are only going to increase. One of the biggest counters to drug addiction and crime is strong families, something that isn't encouraged by policy or ideology at the moment.
Wyatt Watson
Murder him.
Elijah Price
Do u got sick gear
Juan Turner
No because I'm not a degenerate subhuman monkey who only self-indulges.
ALL dealers should be executed on spot and their family sent the bill for the bullet and (optional) funeral. Failure to pay should lead to corpse being dumped into a roadside ditch.
Liam Collins
I'm a degenerate drinker. Isolation and depression. Have one friend. They live far away though.
Jace Sullivan
I used to be addicted to Dark Souls. I got rid of my PlayStation and now I'm addicted to Sup Forums. Most of my neighbors are addicted to heroin. The cops are corrupt or cowards and so they don't bust the big time pushers. The junkies are all welfare leeches living off of taxpayers backs.
Ryder Wilson
getting off methadone for me was quite frankly the worst shit ever
worst time of my life
worst shit evar
Blake Morris
Another problem is that users don't really have anyway of knowing if their heroin is cut with a fentanyl. Also, when drugs are that potent is is very easy to fuck up the mixing, so you could easily create bags that have way too much drug in them. That is what leads to several fatal ODs in a short window. I would like to see help for our own people, though I don't know how to do it? AA? The suppliers, many are illegal aliens around here, force feed them their own product for all I care.
Gabriel Johnson
Hey man, I'm currently getting off methadone. I'm at 19 mg right now, going down 3 mg a week and it's honestly not too bad. I've heard so many horror stories from people who just jumped off it without detoxing. I guess my question is: how much were you taking when you quit?
Matthew Price
>live in the most degenerate area in Spain >been trying to stop drinking for three years now
I simply can't survive a week without drinking. I wouldn't have any social life if it wasn't for my party-crazy social circle.
I've got to move out of this place, fuck.
Benjamin Davis
Sometimes you don't really have much of a choice. My buddy had half his colon taken out because of Crohn's disease. They had him on IV Hydromorphone for 2 years. Needless to say, he became addicted to it.
Right now I have a massive abscess that is causing excruciating pain. I'm taking oxycodone for it. After taking it for a few days, I don't wanna stop...