How would you feel if a grocery store was legally required to donate all of the food that it couldn’t sell to the food bank?
How would you feel if a grocery store was legally required to donate all of the food that it couldn’t sell to the...
why would anybody buy food ever again?
stop shopping there
>How would you feel if a grocery store was legally required to donate all of the food that it couldn’t sell to the food bank?
most of the food would still end up turning to shit
angry that it wasnt implemented sooner.
Would the store be indemnified from being sued by those getting sick from rotten food?
They send it to pig farms. That's practically the same thing.
This. Only suckers pay for fresh food
well it would be all the shit going bad, so id keep shopping. and fell a slight good thing was done. and if i'm broke i can swing on by the food bank.
You shouldn't donate food, a lot of that food goes to waste, they recommend money to buy food instead.
Doesn't really change anything. The food that doesn't get sold doesn't stay on the shelf because it's no longer legally fit for consumption. So you'd be giving out of date food to these food banks. Doesn't make a difference to the store at all, just means people using food banks are going to get food poisoning.
As long as it only goes to (right wing) Whites.
Donating out of date rotten seafood to feed people with stomach linings wrecked by alcohol, drugs, etc. Well I guess that is one way to sort out the homeless problem - by poisoning them all.
I worked in catering a lot and the amounts of food that is thrown out afterwards it's just disgusting. The mere fact that there are people out there starving while i throw out 5 kilos of perfectly fine rice, that just sits heavy.
I think wasting food should be fined. Not just the stores but everything.
I wonder how we gonna keep that up long term anyway.
The minorities here that use food banks (natives) don't like fresh food and crave processed food.
funny enough, i volunteer at a food bank and generally take the shitty stale bread and stuff to feed to muh chickens
i cannot support any gub'mint intervention in the market with measures such as these tho. too bad my support ain't needed since the whole thing is coercive anyway. i will be parted from my shekels and they will be used to enforce grocers donating food; posting militarized officers at the grocery dumpsters no prevent illicit dumping of food, no doubt
They throw it all out, so I would consider it a good thing. Don't poor people get SNAP in the US? I find it hard to believe that there is actual third world hunger in the US
wtf is this horseshit askreddit question, bug off
Why stop there?
Let’s make it a legal requirement for anyone with savings (money not being used) to be donated to the homeless.
Let’s make it a legal requirement for anyone unemployed (since they’re not working anyway) to serve in the military.
Let’s make it a legal requirement for anyone with a terminal illness (since they’re going to die anyway) to be euthanized.
Let’s just be North Korea now!
lol fuck off
>Muh slippery slope
>My logic only applies to this one thing
>Stop applying it to other scenarios
Liberal shit brains
dumbass faggot
You are retarded. Grocery stores throw out all the food they don't sell. Why the fuck are you so upset if they were required to donate it?
How much would requiring the store to carry an insurance policy cost?
Though really the "food bank" would be the one responsible. They are technically a re-seller.
>Why the fuck are you so upset if they were required to donate it?
what if they don't want to? what if the places they're being forced to donate it to are corrupt? what if there's no competition between the places that they are being forced to donate to? what if that IS their competition?
Why would anyone buy food? They wouldn’t, the grocers would go out if business. Then we’d be Venezuela
By definition it would all be expired so really what would be happening is that you would offsetting garbage collection onto the homeless
Because once you legally require an entity (in this case a business) to do what the state says with their own product they paid for...where does it end?
That’s like me forcing you to donate all your leftovers.
Who enforces these socialist laws?
Are you going to monitor what everyone does with the food they pay for?
Grocery stores pay for the merchandise they sell.
Why do you want the state to decide what ANYONE does with food they buy?
Move to China, commie.
>INB4 Double spacing
>What if they don't want to
Who gives a fuck?
>what if the places they're being forced to donate it to are corrupt
Shut them down
>what if there's no competition between the places that they are being forced to donate to
Non profits are supposed to compete?
Slippery slope is not a fucking argument. Why install labor laws? 40 hour work weeks and workplace safety will eventually lead to communnism
You really believe communism is better, don’t you, Zhang?
I’ve been to China.
It doesn’t work.
People dying on the street, because the state doesn’t give a fuck about you, idiot.
Stop giving so much power to government.
Grocery stores already do this it's just not required by law.
I would rather throw food to vultures than further the existence of the homeless.
>Who gives a fuck?
the companies... especially if they're small businesses, dumbass
>Shut them down
ah yes it's that easy
>Non profits are supposed to compete?
so they're non profit? better question.. why is anyone obligated to help them by law? i guess we should just make it a law to donate to all charities too. i can see it now: the charity tax
Stop sucking big business cock, republicuck.
Why not just live in a dictatorship?
Cut the bullshit.
Your logic is best suited for a Muslim Sharia country.
The U.S. works exactly because the people don’t want to live like that.
Read more history books, retard.
You lack an understanding of what makes the US the greatest country on Earth, faggot nigger loving kike.
>the companies... especially if they're small businesses, dumbass
Yeah, doing something that in no way interupts business is soooo abusive. Those poor mom and pop stores!
>ah yes it's that easy
It really is
>so they're non profit? better question.. why is anyone obligated to help them by law? i guess we should just make it a law to donate to all charities too. i can see it now: the charity tax
More slippery slope arguments
What rules us now is a soft-headed, mushy, egalitarian, feminine sort of altruism, where we are more inclined to feed the starving picaninnies of Africa than to take account of the fact that every picaninny who doesn’t starve to death now will grow up to breed more picaninnies. We feel sorry for the disease-ridden Blacks and Browns of the world, and instead of keeping them and their diseases strictly confined to their part of the world, we bring them into our part of the world so that we can share their diseases — as in the case of New York’s current outbreak of West Nile encephalitis imported from Africa.
What we need is a hard-headed, masculine sort of altruism, which makes us as concerned for the preservation of our own racial quality as for the stamping out of the fur trade, the sort of altruism which leads us to sterilize our own defectives rather than permitting them to breed a White welfare class, just as it leads us to thin out the two-legged population of Africa rather than permitting it to continue encroaching on the four-legged populations.
And you know, whenever I say something like that I can hear the screams of protest in the background. I can hear the softheaded altruists screaming that I am advocating genocide, and oh, isn’t that awful. But as a matter of fact, it is their policies which are leading to a far more terrible genocide, with our race as the victim.
When one has a world overcrowded with races competing for a limited living area and limited resources, there will be genocide. The feminine altruists cannot face that hard fact, and their activities simply guarantee a bloodier and more destructive genocide in the end. The masculine altruists, on the other hand, should be capable of imposing a necessary discipline in order to preserve the health of a beleaguered planet and permit its most valuable life forms to continue developing, instead of being dragged down by the least valuable.
Big businesses are the people creating goods and serves, retard.
The people are big business.
Stop thinking big business is some alien entity with no connection to local communities.
Why do liberals want the economy to fail, to live like niggers on welfare?
Most food that goes bad quickly is obvious, mold, sour milk, overripe fruit and veggies.
Some overripe fruit and veggies can be used to make another dish though.
>Why not just live in a dictatorship?
I would prefer one to the system we are in. The West went down the shitter once monarchies were aboloshied
>US is the greatest country in the world
lol. We are a wealthier Brasil, nothing more.
So leave, motherfucker.
Go live in a dictatorship and see how fast you’ll cry to come back to a free republic.
Typical liberal loon.
Big business is the reason we are going towards a neo-feudal, mutt race society
>advocating for a monarchy
What does he mean by this
Came here to post this, why should I have to buy food if others get it for free.
There are tax incentives which compel people to do this already.
I wouldn't care. It would certainly be less wasteful. Far less wasteful.
Niggers sell food/soda from snap for cash. Leaving lil jamal hungry.
In one neighborhood I worked in repaving a road a 2 niglets liked to hang out with us. The 4 year said he had his first cigarette recently. That a nigger got shot in that house a month ago, and then they even stole my coworkers lunch out of our truck.
Big business is a normal part of a free market, you retarded monkey.
I would complain because it would increase costs. Grocerie stores would love to give expired food to people but the storage and handling costs are huge and would get passed to the consumer.
i live in a town of ten thousand people with more than 6 large, full stocked grocery stores. They must throw out enough food to feed a small country every day
I’m not advocating for a monarchy.
You seriously lack reading comprehension.
I was making the point that socialists/communists who push for more government regulation and laws, are actually just pushing towards a dictatorship like government similar to China.
It doesn’t work.
Retarded nigger.
Lurk more, faggot.
lots of them do it anyway for a tax write off
this isn't a new thing user
A fascist government should force all able bodied men to have some form of a job.
I think they do that usually
Nice trips.
Another option is to force unemployed welfare niggers to serve in the military or go to prison.
I am advocating for a monarchy, retard. You obviously need to learn a little bit about political ideologies before you call people liberals, brainlet
>implying the free market is infallible
If you’re advocating for a monarchy, then you’re not American.
You must be a disgusting illegal mudskin stealing someone’s WiFi.
>implying anything is infallible
>No true Scotsman fallacy
Keep them coming, lol
Of course not. Absolute free market is retarded though.1970s London was a much nicer place than 1870 London,
>“Keep em coming, laugh out loud”
I would be opposed to such a legislative mandate, but would reward the business that decided to do so with my patronage.
Oh, ok.
Invent a time machine and go live back in time, faggot.
See if you don’t die from disentary from ass rape.
Stupid faggot.
>resorts to ad hominem attacks
Pls go /nupol/ if you don’t have an argument
What are you talking about?
>donate food past 'sell by date.'
Are you retarded?
Most grocery stores and chains would love to donate their unsold food, but Jew lawyer s prevent them from doing so. Seriously.
He has a point.
>Durr Durr ad Durr-minom
She’s. The. Fuck. Up.
What is the point you’re making?
That you want a king to fuck your ass hole like the good old days?
Go back and read again.
Is English not your first language, Pedro?
Fucking illegals.
Should have happened years ago. This shit is incredibly wasteful. The current system is not a free market by any means anyway, so any asshole defending this perverse waste of a system like
can neck themselves, quite frankly.
The food bank can just print more food
The food the store doesn't sell are the items past their expiration date. The food is on the verge of going bad. No one should eat it.
Better to incinerate the food and let
the kangz starve.
People aren't taking into account the land/nutrient erosion this over-production causes. I objectively have no respect for lolbertarians when it comes to this debate, because it clearly displays the psychopathic zog tier mentality that whole ideology has become. Stop proving the bugmen right you cunts.
t. suburban retard that has apparently never owned a freezer or any means of food preservation
I would think, not feel, think, that based off of your OP, you don't understand jack about economics or psychology. Eventually, people would game the system and purposely not buy anything since they can just get it for free if they wait until the close of business each day.
This shit happened once before and it had the same kind of results.
Here is a better alternative. Grocery stores do not take or throw away produce that is not aesthetic enough to sell. Tons of produce is wasted from this. Since it isn't "sellable" donate it all to the food banks. Win/win for all involved.
pissed off because it would cause food prices to go up.
There's more people dying in your streets by a fat margin you stupid turbonigger
> more ad hominem attacks
Grow up, kid. You’re just an edgy republican. Classical liberalism does not work in a large, industrialized society
>ad hominem attack
Do you have any arguments?