This question does not involve antisemitism, or really Judaism in any way. I personally bear no ill will towards any Jewish individuals or groups. I am asking a question that is only tangentially related to Jews and/or Judaism, but can only really be answered by a Jew. Stay with me on this.
>Hopefully I have your interest and will begin with a story to make a strange question make some sense:
In the before time, the long long ago, when Sup Forums was only something that I had heard of as a 'this place where faggots LARP as Nazis' or some shit, I used to work for a bullshit outsourcing call-centre innawoods. A bunch of cowboys were handed a silver chalice in the form of a contract with one of the world's foremost Fortune 500 companies.
Only later did they realise that the chalice was poisoned with the insane demands of wealthy Manhattanites who were expecting to get silver-service performance for hot-dog stand prices. Total culture shock for all of us.
The part of the office that took calls dealt extensively with Jews.
A Genuine and Non-Inflammatory Question for Jews/Scholars of Judaism
I would say that upwards of 80% of the serious clients were Jews, as were many of the owners/employees of the companies that worked on behalf of those clients.
In addition, a majority of the employees, especially the senior ones, were Jews.
The middle-aged mothers and twentysomething humanities graduates were totally out of their depth. It sort of leaked through into their real personalities. I called them the 'Fur Coat No Knickers Brigade'.
>Imagine yokels putting on fake upper-class accents to talk to world elites. Pretending that they're high-flying corporate-types when most of them are balancing on a financial knife-edge with no real job security. Then swanning around talking to each other - and other people - like it isn't a LARP.
This one guy, Turbo T, worked across the desk from me. Different department, very different jobs.
>Be Turbo T
>Be early 50s, look late 50s/early 60s
>Be fat fuck
>Be heavier even than you look because your fucking knees are giving way
>Be bald, but owner of long, elegantly-styled moustache that hasn't existed outside of steampunk cosplay for over a century
>Be (alleged) public schoolboy, accent and all
>Be a fan of high-waisted trousers with braces, spats, colourful shirts, socks, and bowties
>Be the kind of man who carries an umberella around everywhere every day
>Be a lover of good food, good wine, and quality art (taught me to appreciate art in much greater depth)
>Be the owner of a flat stuffed with tacky 'antiques', including 36 chairs (and counting)
>Be getting paid 20% more than anybody else in the fucking office
>Be almost certainly a virgin but equally almost certainly not a faggot
>Be a bit of a fucking weirdo
>Be full of fucking shit
Turbo claimed that he was well-versed with the lingo of the upper classes, being such an upwardly mobile man in his 50s in a just-above-minimum-wage-job living in the sticks.
A lot of his 'rulebook' was basic-bitch shit, but some of it smelled of bullshit, other parts bigly thereof.
The biglyest, and the one I remember was, 'Never say "Pardon" [as in 'Pardon me, I didn't hear what you said'] since most clients are Jewish, and this is highly offensive to them.'
This was justified by the fact that, since Christ supposedly pardoned the sins of Mankind, but Jews don't much care for this Jesus fellow, the word 'pardon' in this context is exclusively Christian, and therefore, antisemitic and offensive.
>mfw every woman and a good number of men in the office actually believed this
Thus there was an absolute ban on using the term. One woman who said it (and whose face didn't fit) was immediately transferred to the ground floor to work on outbound sales. >mfw the women's toilets on the ground floor were often smeared with shit and blood
>mfw she hugged me in the cigarette cage before she walked out at midday two days later
>mfw the men's toilets were actually reasonably pleasant considering the age of the building
I think that this is utter, utter nonsense, and have never been able to find any reference to it online. But it's always bothered me that it might just be one of those tiny things that might apply to some people but not really make it out to the general consciousness. Turbo T was full of shit, but he did also have a lot of genuine knowledge, a lot of it fairly esoteric.
So what do you say, Jews of Sup Forums, if I've held your attention thus far, is there any truth to the 'pardon' claim above?
tl:dr Is it true that Jews (or even some tiny subgroup thereof) take exception to the use of 'pardon' in phrases such as 'Pardon me, I didn't hear what you said.' I expect that it is not but feel compelled to ask.
Thank you, and Shalom to you all.
True story to bump.
I once worked for an outsourcing call centre (see the pattern here?) that did work for the British government via a German megacorporation.
I worked with a qt3.14 called Natalie, who was a (non-observant) Jew on her mother's side.
One day she explained that she spent a few months working as an au-pair in Germany.
She was kept as a second-class citizen in a 'compound' with electrified fencing, forbidden to use the family's cutlery or crockery, locked in at night, and generally very poorly treated. She bolted one day when they agreed to take her shopping with them.
TLDR OP wrote 1000 words to ask if Jews use the word "pardon"
Fuck is wrong with you
>Never say "Pardon" [as in 'Pardon me, I didn't hear what you said'] since most clients are Jewish, and this is highly offensive to them.
Yeah? What if you run out of Gray Poupon? Then what, asshole?
Not a single jew would read that wall of text. What the fuck. Give me a tdlr or gtfo.
I thought this was going to be some erotic fiction involving Natalie Hershlag's dirty anus
Fucking garbage thread
Too long bitch
To answer you, no we don't care about the word pardon
I will test this on my parents for you if it's important
Cool story bro. Have a bump.
I work at a call centre. Home insurance. I once had a Jew call because her oven had broken down just before the Jewish holiday of Passover. She was using this to try and get me to send someone out sooner than we were able to. I bluntly told her I couldn’t as that would be religious discrimination. She then said “you would if I was Muslim.” I laughed and told her of course I wouldn’t. Cheeky bitch, I actively discriminate against Muslims when they call. But that Jew was certainly sneaky.
TLDR at bottom. Are any Jews offended by the word “pardon”
i only read the tl;dr because lol im not reading all that
and no there is no such thing ive never heard anything about that
>I work at a call centre. Home insurance. I once had a Jew call because her oven had broken down just before the Jewish holiday of Passover. She was using this to try and get me to send someone out sooner than we were able to. I bluntly told her I couldn’t as that would be religious discrimination. She then said “you would if I was Muslim.” I laughed and told her of course I wouldn’t. Cheeky bitch, I actively discriminate against Muslims when they call. But that Jew was certainly sneaky.
the reason why she'd want that is because there is a massive amount of cooking that is required from passover and usually you're having like, a few to like 20 guests+ depending on how big your family is. you also can't use that oven during the holiday itself, so yeah I can see trying to explain this in order to be able to get it repaired for the holiday
I liked the story faggot.
I'm interested to know the answer too.
Actual Jew here. I don't know why you made a whole thread of your own with several posts just to ask what we think of the word 'Pardon' but nobody in my entire family has any sort of aversion to the word, nor do we associate it with Jesus or the Christian mythology about us.
You probably weren't supposed to say 'pardon' at your job because it is a bit more of a country/southern phrase that wealthier urbanites don't use. p.s. I'm drowning in debt and I've never been invited to any of these amazing hollywood blood rituals
Yeah I can totally understand her problem, it was just funny using the religious discrimination on a Jew. She wouldn’t of had anyone out to fix her oven no matter what the occasion though. I’ve been told I’m ruining Christmas once before.
Goddamn you took a long time to say a fucking horse load of shit.
Retard faggot.
Maybe that's what makes him good at his job
A natural born swindler
Something big is about to happen.
(thanks for the headsup faggot)