Black people will take over the entire world, in the next 50 years we will conquer europe and the middle east without fighting, only with our birth rate. Islam will be hijacked by blacks and all the white and arab countries will be populated by blacks and mulattos. This is the future of the human kind.
Are you ready for the BLACK Caliphate?
The meek shall inherit the earth.
Unfortunately 1300 years of inbreeding wont help you.
you've been saying that for.centuries?
How sad that you cant win a real war: have to pretend to be dying.children.
Are you ready for the domination of the Black race? whites and arabs have enslaved us for centuries, Allah is making us grow in number and will let us conquer your lands
>Blacks will take over the world
This is already happening, get over it. We are the future of the human kind.
no stupid nigger cus before you reach 50% people will get crazy and exterminate you
its teh exact opposite that what you expect, your birth rate will lead you to extermination,believe me, believe the white man nigger
>This is already happening
Lol nope. Sweetie, it's a simple fact that nigger countries are only kept afloat by white generosity, if whites stop being generous then nigger countries will all starve.
>if whites stop being generous then nigger countries will all starve.
if you do this many more black brothers emigrate to North Africa and Europe, this will make it easier for us to conquer the new territories.
Um sweetie, if you do that then there will just be more blacks drowning in the med. Also try getting into Italy with the current political climate.
>its teh exact opposite that what you expect, your birth rate will lead you to extermination,believe me, believe the white man nigger
Implying that the white cucks would be able to do such a cruel thing, the arabs don't have problems with us because they know that we are the future of Islam. Many arabs give their daughters as brides to black africans.
LOL these niggers are only breeding out the fat feminist and cucks who were not even ready to fight for us anyway so your just making it easier by breeding out all the retards and there will only be people like me left this will probably happen around when niggers are at the 50-60%... you know how to fuck and breed but you cant have lost every war to us./// not even english
I wonder if the black population in america will readily convert to islam if push comes to shove.
Aren't most of them christians?
as a muslim arab man, I recognize the black superiority and I bow to you, I sincerely hope that you blacks conquer the world. Wh*toids and arabs are physically and morally inferior to the black race, a world populated by mulattos is a better place for everyone.
I have been seeing alot of negro muslims lately.
You can never be the future of humanity.
You are not human.
You do not see This?
I do not know but we will be tolerant of christian minorities and we will not kill any black people
Thanks arab brother
All the Arabs I met hated black people even if they were also Muslim.
most arabs are stupid and violent inbreds, blacks are an upgrade to the middle east.
Africans going full muslim would be great, race war becomes Holy war, Deus vult!
OK. I knew some Algerians and they hated black Africans. Although not as bad as the Chinese. They really hate black people.
While I cringe for those posters who wait with masturbatory breath for Civil War II (The Wrath Of Kangs), if the muslims ever did achieve an active majority in western cultures and started pushing muslim rule/law on whites, I'm pretty sure it would kick off.
Its also worth remembering the only reason the muslims/blacks are winning is because specifically there hasn't been enough inflammatory shots fired. If a shooting war ever started I cant see sideways handguns and suicide vests managing to carry the day. Especially when they start experimenting with each others cultures and try and put bomb vests on niggers.
You may get your silent invasions. But eventually like everyone always does, you will push too far and a cornered animal will strike back. And while blacks and muslims may think they have cornered the modern market on violence and intimidation, that is merely because they have very short memories and don't heed the stories of their forefathers. The white man idolized and then industrialized death and destruction on a scale unimaginable to those who have not seen it first hand. While whites may have convinced ourselves as a people that we are now above such atrocities, the fact that our young are shooting up schools proves that the beast merely sleeps.
If the race war ever happens, take comfort in the hundreds of whites you manage to behead and whose bodies are paraded in the streets, for when the white man comes for you it will be by the millions, and nobody will see your body.
unironically accurate
Insects have high fertility rates, and nobody worries about them taking over the world either
Who will provide your food? Africa is a net negative calorie continent. With millions of acres of air able land.
None of this will happen. You cavemen are literally not even the same species. Once the politeness wears thin we will exterminate you like the failed line of evolution you are.
One day you will wonder why your women are no longer having children. Then you understand the difference between science and voodoo.
>there are blacks that actually believe this
pic related is the future of humankind
say it with me nigger, he's
Plans are being made for mass sterilization of Africans. Nothing of value will be lost
Do you remember what has been said?
"All men lose their value before Allah."
This applies to you, who thinks he is above others, but has been subject to enslaving by literal fucktards.
Why would a black man go to the middle east?
Remember the word, remember who I am.
I am sage, the word that has been ignored and displaced. The word that has, in its ignorance, brought falsehood to an end.
I become Sage, the Death of Thread, The Hidden of Posts.
You don't have the weapons, you don't have the know-how, you barely even understand tacitcs, you don't know the history of war, even the basic shit, you don't have the technology.
But by all means, give it a go and speed up the ignition of white blood-fury in the west.
When this powder keg goes off, this meek world will be set ablaze.
No african in the history of the continent has ever know war as fierce or bloody or cruel or sick as European war.
You are children.
>Black people will take over the entire world
That would take coordination, long term planning, strategic thinking... can you see where I'm going with this ?
>Emigration (with our say so) is your only weapon.
Retarded children. Seriously, lacks ability to plan 2 steps ahead.
How do you expect blacks to be punctual with 5 daily prayers?
Niggers can’t even get together for a kids birthday party without starting a drunken brawl with their fellow boot lips. Good luck spook
Allah loves big black cock in his ass.
You are right, with Jews at the helm, but not for long
you forgot
> and it will be a shithole
> going back a thousand years
the niggers will die when we stop feeding them
>Many arabs give their daughters as brides to black africans.
Sure Jamal.
>most arabs are stupid and violent
Then illiterate African refugees will defenitly be an upgrade
Maybe Arabs will get cucked too. With turks it's already starting.
A turkish father was beaten up and glassed with a bottle because he told an African not to piss on the childrens playground. His wife and children watched.
The demographic boom in africa is fast like fire, countries like ethiopia increased their population in 30 millions in a decade.
Right now your birth rates will make you enormous, but it doesn't change one simple fact, you're dumb. Eventually you will make a move against white people, and you will awaken a sleeping giant, and you will regret it immediately. Whites have tactics, intelligence, and a ruthlessness in war that only one group of people in history have emulated, that would be the empire of Japan, and who did the Empire strive to be identical to? That's right, the whites. African wars tend to be idiotically chaotic and unorganized, those wars only affect their shitty region, but white wars brought on a level of destruction that is still feared among every human, world wars. Keep in mind that was us fighting each other, now imagine if we combine and attack you, it will be a massive slaughter. You may out number us, even 20 to 1, but that still good odds when it comes to ooga booga's vs the white warrior. You're physical strength won't matter, not in a shooting war. If by some miracle, we were losing, we would just nuke the shit out of you, after all, we created the bomb, but it won't come to that. I know you don't fully understand a true whites power, probably because you're surrounded by cucks, but you push the real white man into a corner, and you will unleash a hell you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams.