What is Sup Forumss opinion on modern dating/sex culture?
What is Sup Forumss opinion on modern dating/sex culture?
for the love of god wear a condom.
Tinder is only fun abroad
More white people?
They don't make poles long enough not to touch it with.
women love foreign cock
Sure love reducing people to mere products as I browse the dating equilavent of fucking Costco.
Tinder, for example, is where women (and men) go to slut it up with next to zero repercussions. If you're into that shit it's great. If not I'd imagine it's pretty depressing. Every "date" I've been on has been pretty shallow, the women borderline neurotic (the new progressive version of being a fucking whore is being "ethically non-monogamous"). The people on there just aren't quality people and they seem to be spreading.
Can't speak to other dating sites etc but that's my limited experience.
Vegas sluts
Everything you westerners did with sex is disgusting
Using Condoms is disgusting
Purposely Destroying the female eggs is disgusting
Sex outside marriage is disgusting
You will be replaced by non degenerate people like Ahmad Al Aladin from Syria
Don't marry a woman who
>has had more than one sexual partner before you
>demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant
>has or has had an std
>says she won't give birth without pain medication (can be used after baby is born)
>colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise
>used anti aging creams before she met you
>uses excessive amounts of makeup
>uses sex as a weapon
>doesn't want at least three children
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
>can't give birth without a C section because she has non existent hips
>has borderline personality disorder and/or bipolar disorder
>used or uses "party" drugs
>has breast implants
>is addicted to social media
>has a tattoo
>has excessive piercings
>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself
people can do what they want but I'm not interested
I spy with my little eye a virgin
I mean sure Sup Forums might just be for shitposting now but 80% of it would vanish instantly if amer*cans were banned
Remove the meme flag cuck
I fucking hate that word “smash”. It’s not a fucking potato you fucking nigger. That’s right up there with “woke”, “cray” and “swag” on the roll my eyes at retarded nigger speak lingo.
Half of these are petty. You don’t value marriage enough.
Women who meet this criteria= zero
I spy with my two eyes a roastie. Use both your eyes retard
This list is Sup Forums approved. Go the fuck back to reddirt
a cyclical path of destruction and sorrow, all it leads to is ruined homes and unwanted children. the one time i've dated ended up did not turn out well due to this absolute filthy garbage being instilled in the minds of the youth. now its just ignoring women, to see if this insanity will die down.
I went on a date with a woman on Tinder and she said she's a christian within the first 5 minutes of meeting her.
What are the chances that she's saving herself for marriage?
Unsophisticated and boring. Like everything else in this failed state.
>>has a tattoo
This alone is impossible
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
Thats stupid lots of based cutie3.14s
save yourself for marriage
It's an affront to God and all things wholesome that keeps civilization alive and thriving. There needs to be a process in which fathers give their daughters unto worthy suitors, nowadays fathers are just failures who let their daughters sleep around and ride the cock carousel that's supposed to be relegated to working women of the night and the women of savages in which there's no need for civilizational tenets.
That’s why he is a virgin. Or maybe he just wants to fuck kids.
She's on Tinder, so 0%.
This is a classic technique of Beta Game: create a set of standards so high that the ideal woman who meets them couldn't possibly exist. This allows the Beta to look at the women around him and immediately disqualify them, as if they had even expressed the slightest interest in him, thus taking self reflection on his own qualities as a potential partner out of the equation. Ultimately, this allows the Beta to rationalize his debilitating fear of rejection and the resulting inability to approach any women at all.
Enjoy your bottle blonde whore
I know that feel user.
he had a point you know... separate from a woman cuz of a request when shes already pregnant. Thats a underage point of view, so probably, a virgin.
this is entirely correct
more than zero*
Yeah this. If my wife wants to do meth when pregnant who am I to complain? He body her choice
It's cancer.
I thought premarital sex is a pretty big sin for Christians.
degenerate cunt detected
>colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise
there's literally no girl on this planet who meets this requirement
damn my gf is short, time to dump her
That's the opposite of a beta. A beta is a pathetic faggot that practically grovels at women's feet.
>ew men with no standards are pathetic!
>oh no a man with standards! We must put an end to this!
but if she makes good money you can let some of this stuff slide.
Fitness of the human species shouldn't be given free reign in the chaos of the social-environmental gene pool, I'm not convinced people efficiently organize their sexual desires into a translatable effort into a better human race for tomorrow. In a more advanced and evolved society an A.I. determines and assigns relationship compatibility between human beings
well, the A.I. doesn't just consider relationship compatibility, obviously other factors like predicting the effects of combining particular genetic structures in the human species, if this is a good, or bad decision, and other factors
Aaaand since when did that stop anyone from fucking?
The only way to keep women under control is through the threat of violence and constant societal pressure. Incidentally, those are the only two things that keep anyone in check, its just that women for some goddamned reason feel they should be exempt from it, and we indulge them because we're retards.
Sup Forums is not all one person, user
>tfw live in degenerate sex culture and still no pussy
The lack of such.
With that kind of standards, surely you're a 6'4 millionaire who plays the piano and speaks 5 languages ?
I know that feel too well
With how diseased it is that's probably a good thing.
as the days go by, im losing hope that i'll find a girl who is both qt and not a degenerate. it seems that the good looking ones have been compromised. and by that i dont mean that they simply dye their hair, but that they sleep around, do drugs, and have no real interests that theyre passsionate about. it feels bad man
Nailed it, every girl I’ve fucked off of there has brought up “open relationships” which i guess just means that you fuck a ton of dudes but then one sad bastard actually has to let you stay over and go to breakfast after? Not sure i understand the concept.
I fucked a muslim girl off of tinder last week and she asked if id have a threesome with her because she feels comfortable with me and wants to also be with another woman for the first time. Its a true pit of degeneracy that knows no cultural bounds.
That list never says the woman needs to be beautiful
I live in Chicago for fuck sake and this is the average result. That and fat blacks
I don't think very many of you understand how courtship even works. You all conflate the outliers of western society with western society as a whole. The truth is this: promiscuity is actually decreasing as a trend and most people who use Tinder use it as validation more than an actual hookup app.
That's not to say that it isn't used that way, but the frequency of hookups orchestrated via Tinder is grossly overstated by all the far right neocons who shout degeneracy at literally anything that isn't from the 1950's. Keep in mind that the actual number of sexual partners someone in the US has in their ENTIRE LIVES is between 5 and 9 and it hasn't gone up a whole lot since the advent of Tinder.
>born in the country with the most whores per capita
>don't get any
People who get laid love it. People who don't call it degeneracy.
how do you get herpes on your elbow? that bitch must be pretty nasty
It implies she must be smart and tall, along with a self-discipline that you'll only ever find in people who lead comfortable and sheltered lives - usually rich and beautiful
Or she's a muslim, they're unironically the most likely to fit all of your meme requirements
>tfw my gf is none of these
Nigger I use anti-aging creams.
The keyword is ANTI, not REVERSE.
I've only matched a few girls on Tinder, be an honest guy, and they usually unmatch me.
I do only like to hit above my weight.
>the actual number of sexual partners someone in the US has in their ENTIRE LIVES is between 5 and 9
phew, she only slept with NINE people? oh thank god, was worried for a bit there, goldbergstein
Dude, I hate to burst your bubble but that 5 to 9 number is a fucking JOKE. You should accept the fact that if a girl has been single for the majority of her 20s will have AT LEAST 12+ by the time they’re 27 - women are fucking more than ever before, and by nature (contrary to a bullshit narrative) are far far more obsessed with sex than men on average.
Ive literally never met a chick who didnt claim her notch count was less than 10, which by the law of 3s we know is actually closer to 30
Also bear in mind most chicks "dont count" blow jobs
If you wouldn't date this you're a bigot, user
Wrong, National Socialist State Enforced Dating Regime Now
How do you fix dating society?
>its criminal to have a set of standards for women
>anything else is a "rationalization of the fear of rejection"
>ignore women who are show any signs of low value
God, why are there so many stupid faggots like you. The point of marriage is to find quality mate for what is hopefully a lifetime duration.
Not some post wall disgusting cum dumpster whore. Also sex is not as variable or as important to all men. Self validating ones self through women is the ultimate mode of cuckdom imaginable, especially when women are vastly inferior in all modes.
>the beta male knows no shame for his great thirst always guides him to unimaginable ruin
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
That literally means she can be below average height.
>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself
That means she could be less intelligent than you
Why fucking lie?
Price yourself out of the market to spare yourself the embarrassment, very much a woman tactic. I'm willing to guess you're a roastie coming to spoil the market. Or you're just farming (you's), either way you're a bitch.
As I was stating before, a National Socialist A.I. computer will designate and assign citizens to engage in relationships and procreate, with a preference towards building the Hapa Master Race, Hail Victory !
No man would be this upset by this list
wtf I love tinder now. HAve fun with the threesome, ask her to wear the hijab ;-)
Result of an entire generation not being taught decency or self-respect, having no real willpower or say besides petty manipulation. Boomers destroyed the world.
I mean this is insane. Below average is still too high of a standard...
Look at all the triggered faggots. "But mugh dick".
A woman who does not have a father in her life, has a tatoo, is on depression medication or has any history of clubbing is absolutely kill.
There is way to much fucking trash out there not to filter heavily for it.
Also cohabitation is not recommended. Anyone man that is not retarded should be able to assess a potential partner's domestic living condition, rather then eating the bullet of cohabitation.
>pic related
Don't be any of those stupid faggots
Leave it to a frog to misunderstand basic, fucking English. On the other hand you're lying, or made yourself a fat strawman.
Kys you degenerate manwhore
Good job brushing off all the implications surrounding your lists in terms of what it would require in education and standards of living
Or again, are you trying to tell us you're going to shahada for Fatima ? You're already missing the tip of your dick after all, and I'm pretty sure there's some neckbeard on you just waiting to blossom like a poppy flower in Afghanistan
Lol just be the dude who only fucks her and does none of these other things how retarded can you be?
Good post
Leave it to a 56% mutt hiding behind a meme flag, barging in from r*ddit, to further shit this place up with asinine comments and a complete misunderstanding of basic human interactions
>having self control means you’re high class
>being below average is too high of a standard
No wonder France is such a posed shithole
>if I use buzzwords I win
Jesus Christ
My standards
>less than four sexual partners
>not overweight
Even with only these 2 standards I've eliminated 80% of women
should be abolished
At that point of tech development, the Chinese would probably have already refined genetic manipulation to the point that compatibility testing would be needlessly redundant. People could just be born as perfectly interchangeable as one another. All would have savant IQs, Olympian physical characteristics, and the ability to climb a social ladder as easily as any psychopath/sociopath without the baggage associated with the condition.