Strike/Brave/World Witches Series

Gonna dump a translation for chapter 3 of the Brave Witches prequel manga in a few.

Reminder that Marseille is the best Witch there is.

Daily reminder to ignore Eagle when his Autistic ass shows up

Whoever shoots down the most Neuroi wins.
And the wager is our next ration of chocolate.

Hehe... Sounds interesting.
But don't come crying to me when you lose.

This'll be like taking candy from a baby!

Would you happen to be Ensign Kanno Naoe?

Never heard of 'em.


You must be Ensign Kanno.
A Witch from earlier told me you'd say that.

...I'll bet it was that damn Flying Officer.

Who're you?

Debbie Seymour. I'm a cameraman.


I'm with the Liberian magazines.
I'm here to cover the situation in Orussia.

It'll be getting cold here soon, so good luck with that.

Much appreciated as always user. You gonna dump on the helma thread too right? Been waiting for this.

And as always, I urge anyone who isn't by now to join us at the /c/ thread as well



That's the person who was looking for you earlier, Kanno.

The one you were talking about before we took off?
Are you sure?
I've never met her before in my life.

You saved me the other day at the port.

Ah, you're that reporter.

I wanted to show my gratitude.
Thank you for helping me.

Probably some time tomorrow.

So that's what this is about, huh?

And, while I'm here, I was hoping for an interview.

Suit yourself.
But just so you know, most of the unit's not here yet.

So I've heard.

Even so, you've already shot down a Neuroi, haven't you?

News travels fast.

It's my job, afterall.
So, did it feel any different fighting the Neuroi out here?

I dunno...
Neuroi are Neuroi.

Well, how do you feel about the significance of the 502nd's formation?

I haven't really thought about it. Go ask Commander Rall.

Then, have you gotten close with any of the other Witches at the base?

[next to Kanno]Ha...

Y'know... I'm a Witch.
I didn't come all the way to Orussia to mess around.

None... huh?
[beside Debbie's head]Aren't you lonely?

Can't ya just put down I like fighting alone?
Ah, no,

I mean, I have thought it'd be nice to fly with someone, someday.
But that's it.

I see.

I'll be in Petersburg a while longer, maybe you'll let me do a follow-up sometime.

Pick a more private place next time.

Thanks for keeping me busy.

Is it over?


What're you still doing here?

I was hiding until she was done.
I get a little nervous around strangers.

You seem alright around me.

I don't know why, but I'm fine around you and Krupinski.

Is that supposed to be a compliment?
It's not like you're talking to some kinda roadside Jizo.


...Forget it.

Anyway, is it really that fun to interview us?

The war in Orussia is just plain and miserable.
[side of bubble]I don't get it.

If I were her I'd have left first chance I got.

Excuse me.

Come in.
I was getting tired of staring at all this paperwork anyway.

[By Debbie's head]Hahaha
A desk job is a Witch's natural enemy, isn't it?

Every Neuroi means another dollar for the top brass,
And another set of papers for me to drown in.
It's really quite effective.

Do you have time to chat? I'd do anything to get away from this stuff.

Yes, and I brought a little thank you gift with me.

That's the ticket. Take a seat.

What do you think of Orussia?

It's my first time here, but it's quieter than I expected.
Though it seems that's what Ensign Kanno likes about it.

It's only really been quiet recently. Afterall, this place used to be quite the battlefield.

And I wouldn't be surprised to see it turn into one again.

And here I thought Britannia's 501st were the ones with all the flashy battles.

By fighting in both Orussia and Britannia, we can breakup the threat of the Neuroi.

So is that why headquarters created a joint fighter wing here?

I'm afraid that's classified.

There's a lot of Neuroi in Orussia,
We're running dangerously low on materials,
And the only supply line we have left is through Karelia.

I doubt even the Neuroi are idiotic enough not to take advantage of this situation.

Having the Neuroi at your neck is quite a different feeling, huh.
Back in Liberion all we have are those who half-heartedly support the war...
And those who have opposed it from the start.

Not to mention the disinterested.

Peace is a wonderful thing.

I doubt Europe would appreciate that kind of Liberion.

But at the same time, Europe can't survive without Liberion's support.

So to garner their support we'll sell as much of the Witches' lives as we can.
I want them decorating the covers of magazines and appearing on billboards.
People from Fuso and Orussia would give off a more mysterious atmosphere.

I see, so that's why you approved of my interviews.

...Pictures are much easier to understand, afterall.

Oh, by the way,

Does the 502nd have a nickname?

What's that?

I've heard some rumors about the 501st.
Apparently, in Britannia they're called the "Strike Witches".

"Strike Witches", huh? That's not half bad.

So you don't have one?

I guess...

We'll just need to think up one before you head back.

Alright! I'm heading out first!

Why do you get to go first, Kanno?

'Cause I'm the one that had to give the application to the Commander!
So just give up!

Wouldn't it be better to go in pairs?

About that...

I think I should go first.
Afterall, Suomus and Orussia are pretty close, Fuso is really far away.

Yeah, and I'm from that far away place, so?

I came from the closer place!

What the hell are you on about!?

Well, while you two are busy deciding, why don't I just...
[side of bubble]OUCH!
Ah, alright! We'll settle it another way!!

Aw yeah!

Just hurry up and go.
I'll go take a nap or something.

What're ya talkin' about? You gotta make sure to record every Neuroi I shoot down!
I'll make sure you get a good view from down here!

I don't wanna!

Speaking of...

It'd be a good opportunity to catch a glimpse of some sexy behind on takeoff.

I'm about to gouge your eyes out!

I gotta make sure to kick that bastard again when I get back.

Now then... Pull yourself together, let's look for some Neuroi.

I'm at an altitude of 4000 meters. On patrol. Heading south towards Moscow.



I've been flying for awhile now and I haven't even seen a damn scout.
I guess it's nice that they seem to be under control and all, but...


This is Kanno! I've spotted a Neuroi over Orlino, engaging!

Jackpot! It's even got attached craft!

You're all mine!


You got a lotta nerve! I'll take you all down!

You found some Neuroi, right? We heard it on the radio!

Just leave it to me!

You screwed up three whole times?

I got three kills! Three kills!! I SHOT DOWN THREE NEUROI!!

That's great! Just what I expected!
I'd love to hear all about it, so why don't we head over to the sauna and...

[next to Kanno]Are you an idiot.
I ain't goin'!

By the way, it looks like you've been hit.

Must've been some debris...

It's not a big deal. I'm still raring and ready to fly.

I'm glad to hear you're not hurt, but aren't we all out of spare parts?

There's gotta be at least a few left.

I'll be back!

She seems relaxed.

She's a pretty well-known ace in Suomus, afterall.

She was telling me how shy she was, but I don't really see it.

That's unexpected.


Page 10 here we come!


You've already broken it?
Sorry, but we'll have to go talk to the Commander about this.

Yeah, I know, but can't you just keep this repair a secret?

We'll get found out the second we use any of the spare parts.

Look, you know us Witches get to eat some pretty good food, right?

I can give you guys some of my fruit later,
[next to Kanno]C'mon!
So, how's about it?

...Leave it to us.

Let's get started!


[above Kanno]Phew...

Witch incoming! Witch incoming!
All hands prepare to receive...

Looks like Nipa-kun is coming back.

Seems like it, but...

She's flying pretty wobbly.

Still, it doesn't look too bad.


She crashed!?

Hey! Are you alright!?

Nipa-kun! Are you hurt!?


Ahaha... I crashed.

What're you doing.

My Striker got damaged by a Neuroi counterattack.
But I was able to fool them and get back here.

Good going.

Are you OK? Do you need a hand?

I'm fine!

I'll try to hurry up before the thread falls off of page 10.

That damage... It looks about the same as mine.

How many did you shoot down?


Are you sure you didn't make some kinda mistake!?

They were only small-types, but I definitely shot down four!
How many did you get again, Kanno?

Buzz off!!

Well then, I'm next.

Make sure to watch. I know you girls are counting on me.

We're counting on Commander Rall, not on you...

[next to Kanno]What the hell is she saying...

I wonder if they can fix this.

The maintenance crew seems pretty busy.

You know, I broke my Striker back home a lot too.
They'd always prohibit me from sortieing and make me sweep up the hangar.

Aren't you supposed to be an ace!?
That's hilarious! Better hope that doesn't start happening here too!

Cut it out!

I suggest switching to legacy captcha. Much faster.

How'd your repairs get finished so much faster than mine?

That's cause they started on mine first.

Still, they were really fast.

I gave them the oranges from my lunch.

But aren't we betting the chocolate?
Wouldn't it have been a better idea to give them your dessert?

This is a matter of a Witch's appetite.
I'm not gonna sweat the details.

...I wanna grill some mochi.

What's that?

You take some mochigome and put it in the usu then you hit it and... It's kinda hard to

It's a type of food we have in Fuso.

It sounds weird. You really eat that?

Usually just around the New Year.

Speaking of the New Year, it's almost time for Saturnalia. I can't wait!

If you said something like that in Fuso you'd get tons of complaints like,
"What's the point of a festival during a war?"

Don't say stuff like that! Are people from Fuso always that serious?

Finding faults with something isn't the same as being serious.

Jizo, mochi... Fuso is a pretty strange place isn't it?

If ya ask me, I think it's weird that people in Europe always complain about not having

enough meat on their plates.

Ahaha, I guess that's just the local color.

...You know,
Back in Suomus, all us Witches were around the same age,
So I was a little anxious about coming here.

I got so nervous.

Y'know, you're pretty weird.

You fly pretty well, there's no reason ya gotta be nervous.
It doesn't matter if you're alone or not when you're in the sky.

[on bubble]Ahaha
That's why you're so easy to talk to.