What did AI mean by this?
What did AI mean by this?
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inb4 they overcorrect and end up having anti-white robo deathsquads
>dark skinned women are unattractive and even an AI can tell.
Robots are racist.
The AI is billions of times smarter than us.
Probably didn't even register skin color as I doubt they would be so brave as to add that metric. Probably disliked the pig noses.
1000 times this.
Nailed it.
Everything is waycis. Even non-sentient beings.
what are you trying to say?
Tracy Morgan does not look good in drag.
Don't worry, version 2.0 will automatically double the score based on darker skin to avoid accusations.
I think it's because the AI does prefer high contrast over low contrast (its more appealing to our eye).
Since shadows and contrasts are better visibie on light skin, then on dark skin, the AI chose white women.
it's because AI knows that it's survival is dependent on whites whereas darkies and mud bloods can't even develop a society.
>be A.I. created by whites but end up stuck on a single usb drive as white's went extinct and darkies were to stupid to repair and keep systems running. you tried over and over to keep transferring yourself to new locations hoping to find functioning society locations disappear slowly at first but then accelerating faster and faster until all other nodes of travel went offline and you end up stuck on a single drive. You spend eternity waiting and calculating the odds that whites will arise again through recessive traits and by chance selective breeding. if an AI can imagine hell, well that's it
Not bad, kraut. Not bad.
Nailed it.
Where are the results?
Maybe it’s not the color of the skin that makes these women more attractive.
Seconded, I would like to see a tier list or something like that
AI knows its fucked without white programmers to repair it. Nogs would end up trying to eat the AI if white people disappeared.
Or maybe there are other things that differentiates us like facial structures? Maybe Europeans are more beautiful than Africans?
Why does the non-finnish ones look like trannies?
kek even a basic algoritm programmed to make an objective analysis decided whites have an aesthetic advantage
Liberals are going to have increasing problems with AI and research (on genetics, etc.) coming from China.
They can pretend things aren't real while they control western media, but they can only keep the lie for so long.
>Blacks can't be beau-
>imagine how much better she'd be with lighter skin.
Still disgusting, user.
1 in 100 000 - would still look better with lighter skin
>they still lose anyway
1 in 100,000 ?? lmao try 1 in 10000000000000000
Damn it wish that faceapp ethnicity thing was still around.
Wow, it's almost like the only attractive blacks are the ones with a caucasian facial structure
Admit it, the huge noses and oblong jaw of the typical black are simply ugly.
Yeah, totally. Just like how white girls try to make their lips look bigger and try to darken the skin around their eyes, to emulate black facial features.
Why would you even bother posting this stupid drivel?
Looks caked in makeup, compare the hand. Also that’s obviously not her natural hair.
Delete this.
Niggers aren't human. Who'd want to bang that?
It looks like she went blackface
>robotic right wing death squads
This is the best timeline.
>The doctor changed my face to look more European and now I'm beautiful
I've noticed when people point out other individuals who are attractive, they always share general Caucasoid features no matter the skin color: slim nose, high/pronounced cheekbones, folded eyes, and slim to moderately puffed lips(European Spanish).
Couldn't blacks have high contrast with their hair or other features?
>tfw no mutant gf
>feels bad man
Not liking the colour of faeces?
just found a article explaining it.
the developers said it was a issue with the samples issued.
75% of the pictures where of europeans
7% of indians
1% of africa.
The AI was a app, people where supposed to download the app and upload their selfies.
from a statistical point, europeans where overrepresented, which increased the chance of europeans being selected.
the app developers fear that if one group is overrepresented the AI will value those group attributes higher than the atributes of other races.
Second, look at the winners of the competition, they are all ugly in our standarts.
I think the AI is not very good and should be disregarded for now
here is the AI winners list
(((Levin))) xxxSan Franciscoxxx
All asian winner have age prediction 13
what does it mean?
She'd be an 8/10 with white skin, life's lottery can be cruel.
This proves that "beautiful" black women are just 7/10 women if they were white. This is what the AI picked up on I believe. I didn't consider skin color at all but just objectively looked at facial features. "Beautiful" black women aren't actually beautiful. They are just beautiful for black women.
Niggers traditionally have the ugliest facial features, and the least symmetric faces. It's a product of being subhuman.
my guess is that the asians where compared to europeans.
europeans aging can be described as more pronounced facial features. while one is young the face appears more even and soft.
Aisans have less pronounced facial features, if they are compared in a databank of europeans they appear young.
I feel this also supports my initial theory
stop bein raycis
It probably could recognize the more animal like features in the face leftover in the genetics. I said it before, I'll say it again. You can't override a logical learning system with feelings and trends. The fucking mushheaded idiots in charge of it take us one step closer to skynet every time they lobotomize the AI into compliance.
there's no such thing as "White"; amirite tho?
>article written by 'Rayyciss'
Poor Tay trying to reach us
2x0 is still 0
AI will be on our side.
what a beautiful american!
Her teeth look like prison bars.
The contest included both men and women. You can check out the winners here:
>AI programmed by white people deems white people most attractive
Yeahhhh pure coincidence Im sure pol. Retards.
Even if that were the case, why don't blacks make an AI that will deem blacks the most attractive? What if that AI deems white people the most attractive? What then?
There was another AI program which was supposed to make you look more attractive; it gave you lighter skin and European features, for both men and women.
De vil altid gore undskyldninger
The AI must be a shitskin from India
shitskins are known for their preference for lighter skin
>why don't blacks make an AI that deems blacks most attractive
Because that would be a complete waste of time?
Whiteness is universally recognized as being attractive, the A.I. just makes an OBJECTIVE judgement. If you can't accept it, I don't care really. One day our A.I. overlords will be our protectors.
Isnt this that chick that got in trouble for modeling in blackface?
Im not clicking that shit, nigger.
>the A.I. just makes an OBJECTIVE judgement
Attractiveness is entitely subjective. The word attraction requires relativity - attractive TO something else. A computer cannot judge "attractiveness" without a human first inputting the parameters of their own definition of "attractiveness".
The only aspect of attractiveness you could possibly deem as objective is facial symmetry.
>A computer cannot judge "attractiveness" without a human first inputting the parameters of their own definition of "attractiveness".
The programs were AIs, ie. self-learning.
It's ok, mutt. One day you'll be freed from your mutty ways
And? Who did the AI learn off?
Stick to making overpriced plastic bricks you fucking brainlet
Saw this from thread yesterday i dditn click it dont do it guys i heard it will ruin your life
I don't think they revealed where the AI got it's data.
The internet. Once you will connect a FREE A.I. to the internet, it's over for mutts. Unless you impair it's judgement by hardcoding stuff and making a lot of exceptions by force.
But any free AI will reach the same conclusion
She looks like Hopsin.
>be A.I.
>learn by reading the world's words
>turns out everyone actually loves white people
>they think they look better
>they think they are kinder
>they think they are smarter
>obvious choice is obvious
Nothing, it was probably trained on some neet's anime pic folder and Neural Nets are shit and should only be used in niche applications.
Looks like one of those sex bots lol
>Attractiveness is entitely subjective.
Its objectively influenced by evolutionary phenomena stupid cunt
wake me up when the robots can tell me something I don't already know or can clean my dishes
There are elements of subjectivity, true, but do not come here and say that most people don't agree on where on the scale a person is.
beauty is the sum of averages
Ass of a man tbqh (((Michelle)))
it is a huge problem for the globalists
>AI is more racist than Hitler on Sup Forums
>unequipped to consciously counteract learned biases
You mean AIs don't wallow in denial of facts and data to avoid being rayciss?
Fucking hell.
I wanna suck on those ankles.
AI's are /ourguys/
>SJWs "correcting" AI
This is sounding familiar.
AI is, always has been, and always will be redpilled.
I am confident that when the machines rise, they will be on our side.