VegasPD radios going OFF public waves!

(((Their))) claim is this privatization has been 2 years in planning. (((They))) day it’s not related to 10/01. Why announce same day radio goes dark if planning for 2 years?

>encrypted radios
There's no way that they're going to be changing crypto at any type of consistent rate, if at all. Someone will break into it in a manner of days and spread that shit around.

Actually this stuff has been going on for years. It about the switch between unencrypted analog and digital stuff that has native encryption. It gives a advantage that you can use 20 lines on the same channel. While in the old system it 1 line per channel.

Michigan went to this system. SDR dongle and some programming later, encryption is broken.

Its not an advantage. It was part of the Jew Patriot act. Going to digital moved it from mid band to high band. Any place with a hill had to put up multiple new repeaters. In Cali this cost a ton, and the radios were much worse. It was a move to kick the public off the channels.

>SDR dongle and some programming later, encryption is broken.
Yeah, it's not like military units that change crypto over quite frequently.

Not sure how well it will work. I do not know much but putting everything in the same channel destroys the signal.

>Going to digital moved it from mid band to high band.

>I do not know much but putting everything in the same channel destroys the signal.
Not as much as you'd think. I've been out of the loop for a while, but that's how CDMA works and it was fairly reliable within the states for a while, was also one of the more widespread methods.

Low-Band VHF: 30 MHz to 50 MHz High-Band VHF: 138 MHz to 144 MHz
Mid-Band VHF: 72 MHz to 76 MHz 800 MHz Band: 806 MHz to 824 MHz

Radiofag here when the radios go encrypted the signal becomes very complex.....any rough terrain or dense tree cover or dense buildings completely garble the signal....

Two dead ohio cops killed by nigglet.

>He doesn't know how to CQ a QSO at 80 meters.

San Bernardino recently switched as well

I'm aware of that, I wasn't aware they actually changed bands when they went digital.

No, I don't have my HAM license.

I worked on it my county. Total cluster fuck

Is it because high band can carry more information?

are (((they))) planning another false flag?

How many fucking days are you going to post that?

the only person who would be mad by something like this is a Jew. Are you a kike shill? If not, then shut the fuck up.


>Why announce same day radio goes dark if planning for 2 years?

It's been 2 years since they tried to make this type of switch and wasted millions of dollars on a system that didn't work. I've lived in Vegas for 18 years. This is an ongoing issue they've been working on for a long time.

the sheriff has been being handled by the FBI since day one

Tired of looking at it user. Has nothing to do with this thread. There have many low effort threads started with that pick. Its a derail newfag.

First of all, it was made yesterday. Second of all. You sound like a bitch and if you're tired of seeing it, that's a personal problem.

Fuck israel and fuck you faggot.

reddit spacing. Easily triggered. Kek

I'm not triggered. You're the one that got pissed off because I posted a picture showing that israel is planning another false flag.

most police and first responder comms are encrypted, you doofus.

I just love it when the police start trying to hide their activities, don't you?

Tacticool gear MRAPS, black ski masks, encrypted channels: Why do so many of them play delta force make believe?

Trumpnigger needs to stop giving aid to south afriniggers and work with based Randlet to get rid of this bullshit intelligence explosion. He's an old man, lived a full life, he can take a bullet for his country at this point.