Is this what the ethnostate will look like?
White America
kkk here. if you think we're giving up the South, you're out of your fucking mind.
Nope, we go from sea to shining sea. We can cut through to Aberdeen WA or take the southern counties of Oregon.
bullshit, we deport the fucking niggers and spics! we ain't giving up a single square inch of territory!
I know yall say that but it’s filled with niggers and Mexicans now.
It’s like rhodesians saying they don’t give up.
You lost the South a long time ago
>Chicago in the ethnostate
>single square inch
I would be willing to give up more than an inch in order to actually have an ethnostate
youve given up the entire continent. wake up, gringo.
WE are one country now. Lincoln was right. End slavery and send them back.
and your point....?
gas. lots and lots of gas.
Look at the map you dumb nigger
No. Those areas are being flooded with Somalians on purpose
I'd take either one. I just don't want to pay for these fuckheads, see them, smell them, have my kids have to read at their level and so forth. Although I don't see why (a) it has to be contiguous, or (b) why it has to be only incumbent 90% white counties. In this type of situation many less-white counties can be included. I don't see why we have to give up Chicago and Milwaukee, those were entirely built by slavs and irish people.
I don't see why we should give up any territory at all when we were here 35,000 years ago, long before anyone else, including the featherheads.
Look, the rustbelt with a nice slice of shale oil. And hockey and corn. Great map of dead, irrelevant America - ain't that ironic. Kill yourself. Have you been to Iowa? Nothing less dangerous than a room full of christian white people, much less a state. Look at history, stupid
>no Yuru camping
fucking burgers
That's what white america is now, like it or not.
The point is you can talk tough all you want but the South will never be the same. No one is saying you have to "give it up" but it will never be anything resembling a white ethnostate. The Jew will continue to brainwash your kids and there's nothing you can do about it. Racemixing will abound.
As a lifetime cook county resident I say cook should be walled off and become a safari hunting zone
slav pls
You've got to take some losses at least in the short term mate, don't be a brainlet.
Look how the kikes are doing their conquering, piecemeal.
Just enough to be outrageous but not enough to call people to action
>No warm water ports
The absolute state of White America. Also what is to be done about the "Native question"?
Let me keep it simpler: the point is Rhodesia no longer exists.
Texan here. Absolutely this. We're 25% white at best.
your fuckin delusional bud not going to happen
too autistic
>Implying the white turbo cucks from Vermont will be okay with this
I'm not willing to potentially die over something my ancestors couldn't be bothered to protect.
Acquire Resources
>united states
>united ethnostates of america
It will just be a base of operations for what you're talking about to go into effect. We first need to isolate ourselves from these mongrels and gain political power and then deport/concentration camp them out of the non ethnostate states.
we could make concentration camp cities and force them to die out like the jews are doing to us. They would be our palestinians but they'd always have a free 1 way ticket out of our united ethnostates of america
>redrawing borders
>prior to gaining any political power
Seriously why do we have to be so autistic.
Just pick a fucking state. One state, that already exists, and that ticks as many boxes as possible.
Then it will become the best state in the USA and leeches will be drawn by the smell of welfare.
We have to take the area over like the spics are doing to us! I get local government letters that have english and spanish interleaved 1 line after another. With already 90% white people in this zone, we can get ethnostate interleaved in the government letters faster than anywhere else. Then we white la raza that shit to the rest of the country like they're trying to do to us.
No, like this.
You better stop hiring spics, I saw a 3ft 9 in Mexican with a 6ft white girl today, she was 8/10. The nigger density in this country is the Souths fault it should be up to you to fix it, but your boys mostly dress act and live like niggers. What gives?
If we're doing it right, there won't be welfare, only employment assistance.
Ideally there won't be anywhere for the leeches to go at all. Tear down the sprawling urban centers and replace them with corporate neighborhoods that specifically accommodate the workers (and their families) in an industry.
Anyone who wants to just "live" somewhere will have to be self-sufficient enough to afford their own land.
Have fun coordinating that between like a hundred different local governments.
It'll be hard enough in one state, winning over the important cities and counties.
Washington and Oregon must not be lost, if the European races in America are to have a chance we cannot retreat to the frozen waste.
Shit tier map, why the fuck are you just giving up half of Pennsylvania, northern Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and the Great Lakes region?
Fucking fight for what is yours or just go get killed by a nigger now
>no Azns
>no J00z
>best state
It’s like trying to run a country with all Meds and no Nordics....
>It’s like trying to run a country with all Meds and no Nordics....
My plan:
Although it would be ideal for us to have ports on both oceans, I think the Atlantic is essential because
>Opens up trade and immigration with Europe
>If ever there is to be a reconquista of Old Europe, this would be the easiest coast to launch it from
I also think that it is essential that we don't create a white ethnostate right on top of a supervolcano if we can avoid it. If Yellowstone errupts and we only have the North West, our people and project would essentially be wiped out. By having the North East and the Rust Belt we're able to at least have a safe refuge if that fucker blows up, and enough safe distance to ensure minimal casualties.
The lands deemed essential are fertile for farming, have plenty of wild game, good fishing, and enough room to be able to settle whites who immigrate from the rest of the US and Europe. The ideal (orange) territory would be nice and would give us access to both seas and even more land and resources, and we are justified in having them because they are mostly white anyway, and spics and niggers probably don't give a shit about them anyway.
Green zones are bargaining chips, if we can have them, great, if not then we can compromise them for the ideal territory.
Niggers and Spics can have the Southern regions of the US. Sorry Dixie lads, but I've been down South and it's pretty far gone, this is about ensuring the survival of our race, not about Southern pride (I can relate to your pride and cause, but we have to be realistic here, what we give up in the short term we make up for in long-term gains, and believe me, the South WILL rise again, it just might have to be a reconquista after niggers have reverted back to the stone-age as they always do)
Texas I'd imagine would declare it's independence if the US was every fractured, and they'd do their own thing, worst case scenario we'll have to take white Texan refugees if the spics get too much influence.
>also inB4 "Bong!", I live in CT I just study here
That's not the most strategically sound approach at this point. It's so bad right now we need to regroup and gather power.