Apologize. Now.
Apologize. Now
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For what?
I'm really sorry
make me
are you a time traveler?
I’m sorry my ancestors didn’t completely cleanse your putrid genes from the planet.
What do you mean?
for their lack of disease resistance?
for invading and killing some? these are the same people scalping each other, throwing niggers in volcanoes, fuck off pussy
ps. indians came from ASIA
What happened to them was the shittiest thing that could happen to any race.
you apologize, squatter. we wuz here 10,000 years before you.
Sorry we failed you on the extinction event, Here's some firewater sit down and lurk moar.
Some of your women are QT before alcoholism takes it's ugly toll though.
For my love of native american culture and women, you mean? Cowboys trolling Mexicans has nothing to do with plains Indians or South Americans desu
What the fuck are you apologizing for? The only way that you, individually, might have a reason to apologize is if you personally did something. The only way that you could have done something to the Native Americans during the push Westward in the 1800's is if you are either the oldest living person in history or a time traveler.
I'm sorry, but your women are so hot
Im sorry you couldn't even invent the fucking wheel Tonto.
was there something wrong with the beads?
We give Native American tribes across the country millions of dollars a year for them to piss it away on drugs, cars too fast for them to handle, and alcohol. In today's modern society, they get afforded every freedom that everyone else gets, plus a bunch of other benefits, and they still manage to blow it.
The past is in the past, all I know is it must be nice getting to be a fuck up on a free ride.
This mate, i'm sorry that my ancestors didn't wipe out the abbos
I apologize for ancestors' weakness in not wiping you out completely. Your condition now is a pitiful one.
Trudeau did it for us, so we don't have to.
You first
why are we giving money to squatters who tried to steal our land?
How can you people hate immigrants AND the native people and still claim yourselves Americans?
Sorry you can’t handle your booze
We know you're trying to b8 faggot, get a life, saged.
>tells me to get a life
>is on Sup Forums
I'm sorry
I'm sorry we didn't wipe you off the face of the earth so we wouldn't have to suffer your people's existence even a moment longer
Sorry you decided to roll over and accept your fate as drunkards and addicts wallowing in victimhood instead of becoming some kind of Native Taliban and fighting a guerrilla war.
I'm sorry my ancestors didn't kill all of your ancestors. They were weak-willed and liberal, and they failed to finish the job.
For what? Having immunity to smallpox?
If the white man treated the Indian kindly and let them live on their own and never bothered them, guess what would have happened? The exact same thing. The Indians would have still died out because they had no immunity to European disease. And that disease ravished the continent long before Custer and Sheridan took to their horses to rid the plains of the Red Scourge. The Indians were fucked the moment Columbus showed up, no matter what his intentions were
>The exact same thing.
learn some history
they put up a hell of a fight, over 200 years
they didn't call them savages for nothing
a lot of union soldiers were killed
this "my ancestors didn't understand that they were selling their land" shit is shit
my grandfather didn't understand that he was selling his 1932 Cord convertible to buy a newer car. gib me grandfather's car back
Sorry u can't resist the firewater. Sorry your kids grow up on reservations a fate worse than hell
I believe he was talking about north american natives.
Most s. american died of disease or were fucked by spanish men and made mongrels.
See Chile for said mongrels. I met some of your whites on a cruise very delightful people, but not your average chilean.
Not enough "free blankets" available at the time.
You should apologize for using fahrenheit you amerimutt
I'm sorry OP is a moron. Very sorry, moron.
Dad its time to get of pol and go take your meds.