>Be me
>Read an absolutely abhorrent, reprehensible op-ed glorifying the Kim family
>Expect normies to get a little redpilled on the current state of the MSM
>Sort comments by most liked
>Lose last additional bit of hope I didn't even know I still had
I honestly don't understand, are they THAT ignorant, or just downright rotten to the core?
Liberals will condemn and boycott a celebrity if they don't trash Trump, claiming they're NORMALIZING him, but the MSM has been normalizing NK all weekend with impunity... What in God's name is going on?
Normies would side with NK over Trump
They are simply brainwashed. The media has been viciously attacking Trump for like two years. They have turned him into a super villain. Thus, it doesn't take much to make anybody appear better to someone who no longer has independent thought.
That's the power of legalized propaganda. Everything goes back to the media. Without them to brainwash the populace all the other groups- jews, globalists, dems, whatever- lose their power
LOL leftist litterally shilling communism
>implying North Korea ever did anything wrong
Whatever it is, its very extreme. I always considered myself a wide open person as far as my views of the world, but i never thought that it would be like this. We ar eliterally being irradicated by 3rd worlders and our women are for it.. They hate us. The entire world has gone completely insane. Its so fucking obvious that white people wont survive this but only whores and their monkey sex pets. Sounds like something out of a smutty science fiction novel.
Do we still not have feet pics? Why does this board even exist?
she looks like the most generic of gooks, too, I don't even know what they're on about fawning over her looks.
nice get tho
holy shit this guy's a genious, he actually manage to make nk likeable, this will certainly lead to a faster korean reunification, he should keep praising israel
Nothing but bigots here. They don't understand the Noko struggle.
>everything's ok as long as FUCK DRUMPF
this post is close to peak nu/pol/
a percentage of comments are likely injected via AI scripts to set "trends". most people who dont know enough about a topic will just follow along
The Shittington Post and its cunt readers are divorced from reality. This isn't shocking. Everyone else is rinsing them over this.
The left suddenly likes George W. Buab
The left suddenly like Neocons like Kristol
The left suddenly likes spooks like Philip Mudd
The left suddenly likes North Korea
8 years of Obama and Trump has fucked them.
>Normies would side with NK over Trump
i would too desu.
at least with NK we can be sure they wont be the agressor
>t. normie
>unironically supporting imperialists
Nothing new
They are the kind of idiots Otto Warmbier was
>rich leftist parents
>he's a mindless leftist drone himself, set to become another wheel into the globalist machine
>hey, NK sounds good
>get rekt'd
Imagine when the MEDIA evolves with AI and your AI phone only promotes this normie libraliberal news..
>imagine a world without pol
AI is this world