/RedpillCash/ general

All you have to do is write "It's okay to be white" "my borders my choice" or some repill repository website. Shitlibs wont rip up money especially larger bills

All you have to do is get a sharpie or stamp and write on the back of a bill, put it in a vending machine or something similar if you want to stay anonymous.

"donald trump lives here" on the white house on the back of 20s. some shitlib already got fired or something for refusing to accept legal currency

there is no phase 2.
/op's innsurrection

aaaand go

Phase 2 is to write anti white propaganda on currecy, like "fuck white prople" so that normies are more sympathetic towards the information the first saw, which was attacking no one


Contrary to popular belief, you don't actually OWN the notes. Defacing bank notes of any denomination is a federal offense, and carry severe penalties.

I'm a little upset that they aren't putting Tubman on the $20 anymore. So many things we could have done to them.

“Here officer, take this freshly defaced bill that I just defaced. Did I mention that I’m the one who defaced this note?”

>faggy bullshit

get a life

this I’m bummed I don’t get to draw dicks on her

this is a degenerate idea
I already get annoyed when I see lipstick or some shit on my money

It’s already covered in hooker spit and blow.

1. Theres a disincentive to tear them up.
2. Everyone uses money
3. People will be annoyed like
, but still will see our message

who the fuck would know or care

>sell weed to a nigger for 20$
>he slides you a tubby
>”bitch you still owe me 6 dollars”

I was going to write "nigger mammy" or "aunt Jemima" on them.

defaced notes get taken out of circulation quickly

1. You're an idiot
2. Your an idiot
D. Your and idiot

Your handwriting is crap. Are you aspergers?

You shit on illegals for breaking the law, and trash niggers 24/7 for their affinity to commit crimes. You wouldn't break any laws, would you user? That would make you a hypocrite, wouldn't it? And hypocrites are just common liars, aren't they?

Permanent vandalism is not part of the operation

I wrote “remember holodomor” on a bunch of ones a while back.

"Check out the faggots on Sup Forums.org/pol/"