>(((they))) have complete control of your children for 12 of the most important years of their life
>they tell they best and the brightest (the ones that can actually change anything) that college is the only hope for their future
>the best and the brightest go to college only to come out crushed by debt with a worthless major after 4 more years of their indoctrination.
>even the few who choose to study something worthwhile have to go through 2 years of their indoctrination
>schools that try to skip the gen ed liberal bullshit and teach only classes related to their fields of study are labeled "diploma mills" by them
>those who chose not to go to college but instead learned a trade are labeled as uneducated and ignorant while they mock the value of hardwork
>those who choose to do neither are forced to fight for low wage jobs and will always be kept at the bottom of society
What other options do we have
How do we change this?
(((they))) have complete control of your children for 12 of the most important years of their life
>How do we change this?
Termination with extreme prejudice.
The only thing that will work is a multi-generational solution. Take your kids completely out of the public indoctrination system. Homeschool them, or better yet work with other families to form a schooling co-op. K-12 education material honestly is not all that complicated to understand.
Once the kids are adults, help them plan a career path that qualifies them without going to a 4-year SJW summer camp. With the internet and unlimited educational resources, this is possible. Only send them to college if they absolutely need the qualification, like if they're planning on becoming a nuclear scientist.
Then, have them repeat the process with their kids. This will starve the public education system of the numbers they need to maintain their monopoly.
What types of jobs would be available for them
>(((they))) are teaching your kids things!
>we have no argument against these things besides crudely put together MS paint "redpills"
>are we the idiots?
>no, it's the shills!
I agree. A real holocaust incoming.
Ever notice how liberal kids come out of colleges. Especially non stem majors?
>K-12 education material honestly is not all that complicated to understand
Honestly the hardest part is teaching them algebra and trig, both piss easy subjects.
Wait trig was a high school class?
>ever notice how people exposed to a plethora of ideas and backgrounds grow more tolerant and accepting of that difference?
No shit, sherlock.
if you aced the fuck out of algebra, yeah, you had the option of taking it for college credit where I went to highschool.
It's not a diverse background if everyone is a liberal. My only conservative professors were econ ones
>b-b-b-but my professors weren't conservative!!!
That's your problem, faggot. I had everything from libertarians to religious conservatives to communists.
I took geometry, math 111 and AP statistics in high school
When did you go to school and what did you study
>thinks people indoctrinated in marxist ideology are more tolerant.
geometry and 2 years of algebra for me, I never took AP classes. I was always a piss poor student because I just never gave a shit, and once I started torrenting textbooks I was all but done thinking about paying for school.
Biochemistry, Southwest school. graduated 2 years ago. Now completing a post-bac in the midwest. Same thing.
>thinks spewing memes about Le cultural marxism XD is an argument
Kys, kekistan faggot.
>How do we change this?
Cherry pick STEM classes and walk away with incomplete degree
Family business
Specializations that don't have barriers to entry
WTF is math 111? In my school it was algebra, then geometry, then trig, then depending on your level of advancement either pre-calc, or calc 1.
>Kys, kekistan faggot.
This must be that tolerant liberal education at work. Your $100k in student debt was totally worth it.
I have 0 debt because I'm not a retard.
>hurr durr you called me an idiot, you must be liberal
Nope. Centrist. Not only a liberal would think you're a faggot, pede.
>I have 0 debt because I'm not a retard.
Bullshit. You are a lying faggot liberal. Go larp someplace else.
>form a schooling co-op
Communist detected
>welcome to the (((System)))
>get state proficiency scholarship because I'm not an idiot
>get full tuition free in state
>get part time job that pays enough to afford food and hobbies
>not spend like a retard
Lol, are you 12?
Homeschool them. Oh wait I can't do that because they would take my child away from me and put me in prison in this country. But sex Ed for seven year olds is the price we pay to live in a civilized society I guess.
how do we start a Sup Forums homeschooling network
I'm an old enginigger that could easily tutor young kids through all high school math and science and don't have any kids of my own, I'd happily help a family in need if I knew they were /ourguys/.
>get full tuition free in state
Bullshit. In state tuition to a state school is lower than those from out of state would pay, but it's not free.
AIMS scholarship, loser. Tuition 100% free for the students who got top 10% for the year I got it. 100% per semester, waved. I'm sorry you weren't smart enough.
AIMS scholarships are for poor-fags. Most of us who aren't raised by single moms on welfare in trailer parks wouldn't be eligible for that shit.
>just lies to try salvage his dignity
No income barrier, faggot.
Homeschool your kids. Start or buy a business. When kids grow up help them go into business with you. If they insist on getting a practical degree which leads to an actual job, let them. Just take the time to explain to them the bullshit they will face and detox their minds when they are home.
Also, encourage trades. I have a good trade, make $50/hour. I also did taxes for a couple years, in Canada tradespeople routinely make $120k/yr
>The AIMS Education Need-Based Scholarship has been established to assist students from low-income families. The scholarship program is designed to help bridge the financial gap that often prevents students from pursuing their dreams of higher education. This scholarship is awarded based on financial need and is only offered to incoming AIMS students who are pursuing a career in the healthcare field. Current students are not eligible to apply for this program.
Wrong AIMS, retard. Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards
No its the price you pay for electing Merkel
nobody here has children
You don't happen to really like pizza do you?
I could pick algebra 2 or math 111 (college algebra)
Actually I know an electrician/instrumentation tech. He used to make $300k/year as an employee. (Canada). He is very good at his job and started a business. Now he’s doing well over a million. Education really isn’t everything.
PS. Uncle was a carpenter. Started a business in an unrelated industry. Sold it for $40million. A lot more than his lawyer and dentist bros make!
>assumes random user knows exactly which thing his acronym is referring to
>never clarifies
>calls other people retarded
Dude's been arguing with me about whether or not I got a full ride for 6 posts now. Not my job to explain it out in full. You can kys, too.
Homeschool, bitches. I was homeschooled, and therefore red pilling was fairly easy as I didn't have 12 years of brainwashing to deal with. We're doing the same for our 3 kids as well.
You can use iTunes university and have access to literally thousands of free college courses and materials.
So a program that is only available to high school students from Arizona is supposed to somehow make you smarter than the rest of us who didn't have the foresight to be born and go to high school in Arizona. Maybe next time use your tiny brain and think before moralizing and telling the rest of us to just do what you did.
>gee I sure would like to help the white race
Sup Forums is 18+
Not what I said at all, retard. You tried to pick a fight and got shut down. You're a retard for not finding scholarships in your area. There are plenty for everyone. I got another $1,000 for being left-handed and getting a 33 on the ACT. Literally one page with a doctor's confirmation I'm left handed and an easy 1k spending money. Another for volunteering 40 hours at a local soup kitchen. $500. Easy.
Ever heard of (((David Coleman)))?
He runs the College Board. The College Board runs the SATs and the APs. (((Coleman))) is also the ((("architect"))) of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The AP classes, which revolve entirely around the AP test, are progressively gaining more presence in the high school course listings. The SATs are the largest college-entry tests available. Common Core is accepted by the majority of states. One (((man))) is responsible for all of this.
Uh, no. It's a voluntary association of people. Public school zionists, on the other hand, would have public school become mandatory.
There really is no excuse for schools to behave the way they do anymore
And you know the textbook setup is a total scam
That is what you said by claiming only retards walk out of university with debt, with your only proof being you had free tuition due to being a student in Arizona. My state didn't have such a program dumb ass.
Same here man. Stereotypes about homeschooling are false, and you end up well-adjusted to society. How you would get that by learning the "gender unicorn" is beyond me.
I hope you kill yourself someday in a schizophrenic rage.
Yes. Only retards walk out with an unmanageable amount of debt. 30k? Sure, fair enough. Easily mitigated by budgeting and scholarship pursuits. 100k? That's your fault for being a retard.
Also fyi: most states have something similar. The state I'm in now has one as well but I didn't qualify because post-grad.
Start your own business.
>Only retards walk out with an unmanageable amount of debt.
Did you mean "Only disobedient goyim?" Off yourself, kike. I wouldn't bend over for the Jew if they offered me a million dollar (((College))) discount.
You sound like a bitter loser who bombed his SAT.
Didn't take the (((SAT))). Took the ACT. Got a 31. And YOU, my friend, sound like a Jew determined to undermine anything I say against your (((People))) and their (((Scheming))).
Use more meme brackets, faggot.
ITT conspiracy mutts
I know, but iTunes university offers tons of free college courses. You don't "have" to buy the text books. You're not actually getting graded.
I mentioned it because I use the hell out of it. I have multiple degrees, but I think learning something new or building on what I already know. ITunes U is perfect for homeschooling parents who might not know enough on the subject they're teaching.
I don't know if android has a version or not.
It's because you studied Biochemistry. It's stated in the OP that he's talking about Liberal Arts, faggot. As in the subjects where politics actually come into play. It doesn't really matter if you've got a Marxist professor when you're learning about Biochemistry, unless they're a Lysenkoist or something. But it sure as hell matters when you're learning History.
Except when you come out of College you do have a lot of debt but you get a six figure job that can pay off the debt in a couple years. So the interest on student loans only adds up to like 8% of the loan
You're really quite a dumb motherfucker, aren't you? Maybe instead of trying to slash me directly, you should blow it out your greasy fucking kike asshole. Nothing you have said in response to me is anything but hook-nosed slander made to discredit me. I implore you, try any bit harder to put me down.
Nope. I took multiple liberal arts classes. They're called "electives." It's this strange concept where they let you take classes not in your major to give you an exposure to other disciplines. Crazy, I know. I got to learn about economics, yoga (this one was mostly for the asses), religion, and political sciences.
>REEEE the post
Lol, kys.
6 figure job for engineers and computer science majors maybe. But definitely not liberal arts majors who are lucky to get 35k a year.
I've worked in a college History department. I'd say: 30% of professors in that field are openly Marxist. 30% are closeted Marxists. 30% are heavily influenced by Marxism. The remaining 10% are Libertarians or moderate Democrats.
Read almost any actual academic history from the last 40 years and you'll see Postmodern Marxism all through it.
...except it doesn't work that way. It takes over a decade for most people to pay theirs off, and that's IF their degree actually translates to a high-paying job. People with liberal arts degrees are screwed.
You're really just a stupid cunt, aren't you? Regardless, it was fun talking with you, Schlomo, but I have a theatre to attend.
Never take more in loans than that majors starting salary
this is so retarded and a convenient way to shift the blame from your own shortcomings.
both my parents went to commie schools/college with classes such as Marxism, Civil Defense, Self-governing Economics, etc. which were supposed to brainwash people in socialist ways, yet neither of them ended up *indoctrinated*, believing that socialism was the way to go. in fact 50 years of socialist propaganda resulted in 80% of people drinking the nationalism kool-aid and destroying the system.
the problem with most 1st world countries is that you kick your kids out at the earliest possible opportunity (like brits and scandinavians and their boarding schools for kids under 16) and then act surprised they were taken by shit they learned elsewhere. no amount of *indoctrination* by colleges or schools can overcome decent parenthood and family values instilled at an early age. if you want your kids to reject the idea that white people are the worst or w/e you're supposed to teach them that yourself.
My cousins in Canada got great jobs on Wallstreet a couple months after graduation. You just have to network
Except the "Best and the brightest" don't go for Liberal arts.
cut of federal funding for college. Put reasonable caps on how much someone
>the problem with most 1st world countries is that you kick your kids out at the earliest possible opportunity (like brits and scandinavians and their boarding schools for kids under 16)
Why would anyone want to stay with their parents passed that age.
Or just stop gaurenteeing the loans.
Look at the aggregate data on college graduates. I'm not talking about the "best and brightest" who would probably succeed with or without a college degree. The bulk of university graduates have mountains of debt that they can't pay off anytime soon. Business/sociology/communications/marketing degrees aren't good enough.
sorry you're right. best to immediately send your kids to vibrant urban centers where they can learn all about living in the CURRENT YEAR. not like having your closest family living in the same community (same neighborhood, town, city - doesn't have to be living in the same fucking house) fosters some sort of kinship between your family and your community
but hey, you can party all you want and drink every day and have casual sex whenever you want and bitch on Sup Forums how evil marxists are ruining kids with their school indoctrination
I have a degree in business and got a job straight out of school making $75,000. I basically drank, fucked, smoked weed and partied through out college too. I made some great friends and some great connections and here I am today. Zero debt too because my parents paid for my education.
>I'm not talking the best and the bridghest who would probably succeed with or without a college degree
You can't do that unless you're one of the luckest 10% of entrepeneurs
>Business/sociology/communications/marketing degrees aren't good enough.
What do you mean? Business is the best degree you can get. It's the one you get if you ever want to be on the board of directors.
Please stay in bumfuckistan.
>sorry you're right. best to immediately send your kids to vibrant urban centers where they can learn all about living in the CURRENT YEAR. not like having your closest family living in the same community (same neighborhood, town, city - doesn't have to be living in the same fucking house) fosters some sort of kinship between your family and your community
Yeah sure living in your moms basement at 30 is totally redpilled, and living in the same neighborhood where your mom will know every tiny thing you do is totally a redpilled lifestyle sure
>but hey, you can party all you want and drink every day and have casual sex whenever you want
Actually you can't. Only the top 5% of guys (Chads) have a chance to do any of that. Most likely you won't be invited to any of that stuff and you'll be forced to spend that time actually studying and learning stuff
>smoked weed
Alright I like your post but that's pretty degenerate bro. Also what school did you go to where you got connections?
If that's degenerate you should see what the guys I work with do for "fun". Lots of coke, lots of wife swapping, and things that I won't even write on here. I went to a private university in the south, I made the connections in my fraternity.
Coke isn't degenerate though since it's used to enhance your mental state to be more productive. That is if they are using it before work
> I went to a private university in the south, I made the connections in my fraternity.
I'm going to university in a couple months for business. What idea would you suggest to make connections? Like go to parties or just search for rich people?
Most college students barely attend or are zoned out in lectures. Only when they reach the upper division do things change and not for the better
Their end goal will be AP classes only for equivalency and not credit at most state universities.
Honest answer:
Do well in SMALLER classes. Teachers recognize good students in those environments
Frat / Social club = friends and connections
Week 1 of school = socialize with everyone. Fill your phone with #'s even if you never call them again. Just meet people. Everyone is doing the friend scramble, you should, too.
Classes aren't the only thing you do at university.
Lol. The lack of family ties is probably the worst thing about modern society... of course a monkey like you only knows how to throw shit onto the next wall so
How do you socialize with everyone? I try that in high-school and people are like "fuck off" im like "why won't you give me your number?" and their like "because your weird!" and i don't know what im doing wrong.
Except family is as strong as ever. I don't know anyone who doesn't have a strong connection with their family. And since parents don't have as much children they focus more energy on the children they have.
1. Homeschool K-12
2. If your kids go to college, have them CLEP test out of shitlib brainwashing classes like history, government, etc.
3. STEM degrees are good. Trade schools are also good.
4. If you have daughters, they don't necessarily need to go to college. Marry them off young to a guy that followed steps 1-3
They are literally the most important thing at a College or University. That is what you pay for, tuition (tutelage) from someone knowledgeable about a subject. That should be the number 1 thing you should be concerned about at school. Everything else is secondary.
What do you bring to the table? I'm tall, good looking and my parents are wealthy. So I fit in in my frat easily. Also don't bother with social clubs or whatever, they're full of losers. And don't just socialize with everyone you'll look stupid. You should be able to look at someone and know if they're a winner.
Leave your door open when you're in there for week 1. If someone says hi then cool. Say hi to people on your floor when you're going in/out. Don't just go "hey give me your number"... Go "hey I'm [name], I live in 204, what's up?" Carry conversation as normal. At the end, "alright i gotta run, can i grab your number real quick, btw?"
Also for the love of god drop the "degeneracy" crap...
Social skills and experiences are important too, autist. You can do both.
>family is stronger than ever
Then why does the birth rate continue to fall?
>how do we change this?
come on op, you know there is only one way.
(((they))) are deeply rooted into every position of power within our society.
only solution is a revolution.
Also ignore this faggot. LARPing or a scrub.
Legit question - Catholic school any better? Talking one with Latin Mass not with gay shit like women priests or rainbow flags.
You're simple minded. You can pass all your classes with perfect grades, if you made no connections in college you're fucked 9/10 times. You can't just go somewhere and show them your degree and get hired. Who are you? What can you do for this company? Who co-signed you? Who are your parents?
A business degree is NOT good enough. I know this because it's my degree. I can't count the number of people I know of who went to school for business and are underemployed.
Not only is it not good enough, but it's unnecessary. In the old days you would learn business by...actually doing business. University was for the more abstract arts and sciences. Top business leaders often do have business degrees, but they're also from top-tier schools. Hence the uselessness of the business degrees from other schools.
>muh social skills
There are far better and cheaper ways to interact with people. If you want social interaction a college with tons of people of your cohort, (who I might add you have been interacting with for the last 12 Years) is about as artificial of a situation as you can get.