They have a network that responds to alerts of ICE activity. It would be a shame if many false alerts were sent and they were spread too thin.
Teams of white cucks protecting illegals from ICE
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like we need a squad of whites that are willing to help ice.
I never believed "white genocide" is a thing. More like "white suicide". So many of us are liberal cucks and just don't care about protecting our countries.
Or show up and pretend to help the illegals - advise them to surrender immediately and they'll probably be released shortly.
First glance it looked like she wasn't wearing pants. Freaked.
Sounds felonious.
I love how you guys need to hide behind the internet to do your activism
Quit being betas and get off the couch fat virgins
Also, this thread is rule breaking
shut up faggot
Eat a dick you fucking nigger.
1 866 dhs 2 ice :D
I report illegals at least once a week spic.
Let me guess, you're the land whale with purple hair and tribal piercings that thinks shouting simple rhyming phrases over and over again is activism. Can't wait for the civil war to start
The problem with the white suicide narrative is that in suicide, you don't have to off yourself if the stupid catlady neighbor is depressed.
nearly everyone on earth utilizes the internet for all sorts of operations, but yeah, i guess im a coward.
Not false alerts to ice, but to the cuck network
ie - "I saw 2 ice vans pull up to a taco joint 10 min ago. These immigrants need your help, Get down here quick!"
fuck daca fuck illegasl and double fuck liberals.
The website btw
ive made 5 families disappear and helped a mudslime get arrested last week by the sheriffs
You're doing the lord's work
Another website
I wonder about setting up some honeypot sites under the guise of something like this.
What do you mean?
people reach out for immigration help and or to help and are then reported to authorities.
>honeypot sites
like a remote area of the desert. Surpriiiise!
this is a felony lol. turn them in.