Sup Forums please. I tried everything. I'm tired of the red pill. I don't care if I become normie scum. I don't want to be here anymore. I tried. I tried blocking this site. I'm addicted. Addicted to all those HAPPENINGS and MEMES. I have become bitter and angry.
Newfags 21 and under, GET OUT. GET OUT NOW
How do I leave this place?
Other urls found in this thread:
post your letterboxd
No one leaves just get /comfy/
Who /oldfag/ here
Do not fear it user, armor yourself in it. The dissonance you feel will end when you embrace the truth and know it for what it is. You are blessed to have such knowledge. Know it, believe it.
You have fallen down the rabbit hole without a rope.
Been here over 11 years
>You are blessed to have such knowledge.
Unironically this. OP, you are one step ahead of 90% of the population by having even a vague grasp of what is going on in the world. Celebrate it. Keep exploring and exanding your knowledge.
visit the gym, get hobby, read books, etc
educate yourself, theres so much free stuff online
there is a rope, but it doesn't lead to where you want to go
This. Listen to Hitler OP, accept the truth and a feeling of calm will wash over you.
I was just a naive 17 year old looking for porn recommendations and offensive memes. I came across this board and little by little I grew to hate everyone. I see through the bullshit of people and even my own. I keep myself away from degeneracy that used to make me happy. My life has improved, I am successful and make money, but at what cost? My gay brother is dead to me. I fucked up some nigger who wanted to hit on my little sister and I absolutely despise roasties and see through them like nothing. Everyday I come here waiting for the next "happening" and waste valuable free time. It is helpful, but very addictive. I hold on to my guns and have an emergency kit just in case. Three years. I've been here THREE YEARS. It has helped me, but it's like you chop off a piece of my skin with every red pill. Give me my bluepill life back.
You can leave this place but you can never go bluepill ever again. You can talk like a normie but you will always know you're lying.
Just like neo can never go back after taking the redpill.
Got any words of wisdom? Concerns or revelations you've learned over the time?
It doesnt matter anyways, you would just be escaping into a corrupt depressing and unrewarding world that would punish your ass draconianly for minor shit because nogs are redtards and women want to fuck them. The real red pill is that everyone realizes all this red pill shit. They realize it as if it was a jack hammer on their brain every day, they just have different ways of coping with it. The main factor which separates these coping methods is the degree to which and way that a person is adjusted to society (their ambition and position and upbringing etc.).
The world has gone totally insane and as if that wasnt enough the cherry on top is that we are guinea pigs who are being replaced by 3rd worlders and have nothing to comfort us but our own women rubbing it all in our faces, like evil inhuman demons who feel nothing.
The world is truly evil.. we are truly in hell. Anybody with an ounce of compassion would nuke this failed experiment into oblivion.
And to think that people in the future will never know any of this. They will never know the tyranny we went through.
>t. soyboy
Bait thread.
>be user
>lead a normal blissfully ignorant bluepill life
>end up on Sup Forums to troll le ebil not-zs
>get called a newfag
>get told to lurk more
>warned not to actually lurk more or you will regret it
>lurk more
>Sup Forums was right about everything
>unable to see the world the same way again
>realize that everything you had been told was good was evil and everything you had been told was evil was good
>can't stomach the redpill any longer
>make threads about your pain and suffering as your last desperate outcry for sanity
>total blackpill eclipse achieved
>commit 4D sudoku
>everything is now dark
>begin to investigate this new dark world of void and nothingness
>is this hell?
>suddenly a light appears in the distance
>run towards the light eager to escape the crushing darkness that surrounds all
>you see the light for what it really is
>it is a computer screen
>it's open to Sup Forums and the monitor and PC appears to have no on/off buttons
>try to click out of the dreaded tab to no avail
>resolve to check the catalog
>see a thread titled "Sup Forums ruined my life please help me leave this place"
>reply with the one solitary truth you have garnered over an eternity of agony
>"Don't forget you're here forever"
Find a church group, seriously. If you think it's gay I don't honestly care. You're not gonna find people like you in the real world if you don't go to a church. It's the only thing that keeps me sane some days.
OK, I will sincerely help you. What you need to do is remind yourself that reality is not unlike the plot of a movie or a comic book. Once you start to believe it, it makes everything make more sense, even if it's nonsense, ironically.
NEXT, take up a hobby and promise yourself to act as though you don't know shit during that time and never allow the world to steal that joy from you. Lastly, pray to Jesus Christ to help you stop worrying. He says not to worry, but you can prepare your mind and soul for hard times. Stay strong, user.
I'm actually writing a book about this place. Slowly. On why it takes the shape it does, what it means for the world, why people are drawn here and what it represents.
I would say this...
This place is nature incarnate and focused on the internet, it is a hellish soup of minds flowing like primordial memetic liquid. Each poster, a life story. Each post, a life of conscious or unconscious reasoning said words are merely the latest emerging tip of.
If you are here, be here to grow your strength, become as articulate as is possible, learn to let slide that which would drag you down, like the slippery skin of a frog, and become master of all that is memetic, that is ideological.
This is the underworld, and we, each of us, have come here instinctively, because something about the regular world disturbs us deeply. It is missing something deep and cthonic - it's coated in sugar and sickly sweet, people gorge themselves on these lies and grow fat and diseased. Our souls rebel and escape here; in this underwater world we ironically can breathe free in, but nevertheless live in cold darkness doing so.
Your future, if you stay here, is one of only two.
Or amphibiousness.
I've been struggling to this leave this place, too. So I've begun to compile a long list of Sup Forums concepts and talking points to do research on in the future.
Since most of the time I spend here is hunting for happenings, I've been developing a Sup Forums happening monitor program in Python using the BASC-py4chan library that alerts the user every time a new thread is posted with the word 'happening' in the subject and/or the thread body, as well as downloads that thread once it is archived. I will probably share it when I'm finished. Who's interested?
user needs to know that he is not a bad person, but most people in the world are bad. Look at Hitler. Stare at him, then remind yourself that he was truly good and the evil world smeared him as it has smeared many a good man. You need to break the brainwashing that you are a bad person.
>I've been developing a Sup Forums happening monitor program in Python using the BASC-py4chan library that alerts the user every time a new thread is posted with the word 'happening' in the subject and/or the thread body
This sounds decent in theory, but shitposters would take advantage of it by posting shitty threads with the word happening in them despite there being no happening.
Being "redpilled" just means you've taken in facts and statistics; what conclusion you draw from those facts is up to you. It doesn't need to turn you into some kind of bitter asshole who hates other races and isolates himself from all human interaction.
>thinks he found truth
>hasn’t found the way and the light
Become a Priest, preferably Catholic. Enter some Holy Orders
>Being Catholic
I can’t user, I love Jesus.
So you are only in the beginning
My good friend is at the 21-23 point and his sister is at the 24-26 point. My friend is starting to annoy the fuck out of me as I head off to law school and a hopeful career and I want to fuck the sister but shes essentially a loser who works at an amusement park...
But we're just about to start hurricane gita. It's about to hit Fiji
So we are individual tadpoles swimming in a swamp of mind fuck. Some will become frogs and some will an hero.
Sounds about right. I will also say this that Sup Forums does attract some smart, inciteful, and self aware people. This place isnt for the weak minded or faint of heart. I also think this place does genuinely scare the establishment when pol focuses on something
>tfw when level 6
There is so much more to explore...
Once you take the redpill, there is no way back. The only way out is to advance the redpill to it's final stages.
>pic highly related
just get a job and a dog
With that in mind, I will probably keep it to myself and a select group of people.
The Road to Our King never ends!
Like he said OP, just let it run it's course.
This works too:
Sieg! HEIL!
Confirmed antichrists.
Follow Rev. 18:4 and Acts 16:30-31 before it's too late, idolators.
user, I don't see what any of those verses have to do with me however Matthew 16:13-20 would like to have a chat with you.
>this channel
happening network!!!
Always current happenings in podcasty format ..
Good Gestalts
Check it out new and oldfags