Why are catgirls in anime usually potrayed as extremely slutty?

Why are catgirls in anime usually potrayed as extremely slutty?

because they're fetish objects

Because they are

because they're in heat.

Cats are fucking sluts. You should see the looks mine gives me.

Cats are teases, not sluts. Which is exactly how they are in anime, too.

because the catgirl's feline biological imperative to be bred over and over again while in heat overrides their human reasoning

I prefer my doggirls slutty and submissive.

Wrong question. The right one is, why do ALL animal-ish characters have a heightened sex drive?

They use "bitch" for "slut" because they're calling the woman a dog in heat. Orcs are rape machines because of the association with pigs. Catgirls are all sultry seductresses.

The answer? Not being an Eleven myself I can only speculate, but I'm pretty sure it's a Buddhist thing. They've got this whole deal where people in the grip of base desires can fall down the reincarnation ladder into the animal realm, thus associating all the common animals with unrestrained physical urges.

Hot pussy
Feline in heat
Cum litter

Cats that are not yet spayed are super slutty. They howl loudly in effort to get some, and arch their butt a foot up in the air if you so much as poke them. Of course, they only act like this in heat, but they go into heat frequently.

Hanekawa = GOD

My wife is not slutty


Because they are slutty

its the ears

isn't that what q-tips are for?

how do you spay catgirls?

There aren't enough catgirl doujins

cats are very lewd and they also go into heat
